Mrs. Lee's Weekly Buzz
What we learned this week!
Language Arts: This week students started a new unit about nature. The big book for the week was a narrative non-fiction called "Nature Spy. Six new amazing words were introduced and discussed for the week, nature, spy, discover, pattern, acorn and pod. Students took a nature walk to identify nature words and use their senses to observe the changes in the seasons. The essential question of the week was "What can we learn about nature if we take a closer look?" While investigating nature students learned about the characters, plot and setting of a story. Students used felt board manipulatives to sequence and show understanding of parts of a story. Students also learned about Proper Nouns and how to identify them by making a paper proper noun pizza.
Phonics: Students learned all about the shape, sound, and use of the uppercase and lowercase letters Q and R. Students worked with these letters throughout the week as they practice manipulating and listening for their sounds throughout our weekly reading.
Sight Words: This week, students will reviewed sight words have and is. Student also practiced reading, writing, and identifying these words in their weekly writing and reading activities.
Mathematics: Students continued to work through their mean teens up through number 20! They worked on their one to one correspondence, ten frames, building numbers, and recognizing number patterns. Students made mean teen number crowns to show their understanding.
Social Studies: In preparation for the Nation presidential elections students read three books about the elections, discussed the voting process, and created a ballot box to cast their our own votes. Students voted on their favorite book from the week. Then students counted the ballots and graphed their results.
Coloring A Bully Poster!
We Love Proper Noun's!
Chase Practices the letter Q!
Nature Spies!!!
Nature Unit
The Election!
What is an Election?
Congratulations Shelby Lunch Bunch Award!!
Last Hugs
We will miss Mrs. Schwartz!
- Please send your child into school daily with a HEALTHY, quick snack.
- All paper work is due to Ms. Lauren at the front desk.
- Take your Daily Communication Folder home daily. As the year goes on, there will be more papers and assignments being sent home.
- Our school day begins promptly at 8:25 am