Pierce MS Weekly News
January 13th - January 17th
Congratulations to the Pierce 7th grade Boys Basketball Team - Conference Champions
With cold weather approaching we ask that students put their coats and backpacks in their lockers, they are not allowed to be carried throughout the building or to classes. Also, please make sure blankets stay at home they are not allowed at school. Dress warm to stay warm.
Yellow Team
Congratulations to our Pierce Athletes!!!
Boys 7th grade basketball - Next Wednesday you will have your end of season celebration, right after school in Mr. Birkmeyer's room. Have your ride here by 3:30 to pick you up from door 5.
Pierce Pto
The Science Club
The Science Club will meet in Mrs. Hunter's Room (rm. 112, silver team) Monday, January 13th @2:30-3:30pm. Please make sure you arrange for your ride to pick you up promptly at 3:30pm.
Drama Club & Stage Crew
Drama Club and Stage Crew your next meeting is
Friday December 17th until 3:45 PM
Student Council
Stand Club
National Junior Honor Society
Student/Parent Resources
Parent/Guardian Pickup
Parents: Reminder that anytime you come to pick up your student or have someone else pick up your student they MUST be in your Skyward Emergency contact list and also when the student is picked up you MUST provide a valid ID so we can release your child to you. Without these verifications we cannot release your child to you or anyone else. If you need help on adding someone to your Skyward account please contact our Guidance office.
Absences / Tardies
Parents if your child is absent from school please make sure to call them off thru our Call Off line
219-650-5308 ext. 6799 otherwise it will be counted as an unexcused absence. Also any Dr. notes or any documentation that would excuse an absence can be dropped off at our main office with our receptionist. If your child is late to school they will only be excused if they have a Dr. note or any supporting documentation that applies to the student .