PLE Updates
October 24, 2024

October 24, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
2nd quarter is underway and we have hit the ground running. 5th grade had an amazing field trip to the Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield, Candy Wars is wrapping up, and tomorrow is our Annual Fall Festival hosted by our amazing Pine Lane Educational Alliance. Tomorrow, we are also celebrating excellence in character at our 2nd Pawsitive Bear Assembly that will be focusing on Leadership.
We do have a couple of upcoming events for you to be aware. Next week Sierra Middle School will be holding a virtual informational night to share SMS Expansion Information Night. To be fully informed on what this might look like should the bond measure 5A pass, I would strongly encourage you to attend this meeting. Here is the information for that meeting:
Wednesday, Oct. 30 @ 6:15 pm
Use this link to join virtually - Google meet link
Call in by dialing 1-424-379-1354 with PIN: 632 056 047#
We are also seeking to support families in needs this year by raising money through Friday Spirit Day’s. Tomorrow is hat day and each subsequent Friday we will have a fun theme. Please send your child with $2 to participate in those efforts. We are so grateful for your support of our Crew.
Have an amazing weekend and we look forward to seeing many of you at Fall Festival!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- October 25th - Fall Spirit Day Hat Day $2 to participate
- October 25th - PLEA Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat
- October 25th - Pawsitive Bear Assembly North: 2:40 - 3:15
- October 25th - Pawsitive Bear Assembly South: 3:15 - 3:45
- October 30th - SMS Expansion & Moving 6th Grade to SMS Info Night 6:15 - 7pm
- October 31st - Fall Class Parties
- November 1st - Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
- November 7th - 4th Grade History Colorado Field Trip (deadline to register October 24th)
- November 11th - 2nd & 5th Grade Veterans Day Program
- November 13th - 3rd Grade & Littrell Colorado Symphony Field Trip (deadline to register October 30th)
- November 14th - Picture Retake Day
Bus Cancelations
- October 28th - Bus 151
- November 4th - Bus 146 & 186
- November 11th - Bus 145 & 183
- November 18th - Bus 141
- November 25th - Thanksgiving Break
Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat
Pine Lane Elementary's Annual Fall Festival hosted by PLEA & StuCO
Join us Friday October 25th, for our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat! This is a family event and students must be accompanied by an adult. All festivities will begin at 5:30pm.
- Trunk-or-Treating (wear your costumes!)
- Spooktacular Hallway
- Dance Party
- Drink Refreshments - Apple Cider & Hot Chocolate
- Fall Photo Station
This is a family event and students must be accompanied by an adult.
When you arrive at Pine Lane:
- Enter the South Campus Main Entrance
- Check out StuCO's Boo-tique Bake Sale , Maggott Monet and Boo-fet in the south cafeteria
- Pre-Order Meal Deal - check in to pick up your tickets
- NOTE cash is needed to purchase bake sale goods, cotton candy, and the meal deal (if you did not pre-order)
- Head down the hallway through the Spooktacular Hallway to head outside for a Photo Opportunity and trunk or treat.
- As you finish trunk or treating visit the north campus gym where there will be music and hot chocolate, and apple cider.
StuCO - Boo-tique Sale and Boo-Fet
Meal Deal - Hot Dog, Chips, a drink and Glow Cotton Candy
- $6.00
- Pre-purchase Meals by Thursday October 26th by scanning the QR Code or using the link below, or pay at the door with cash.
- StuCO Fall Festival Meal Deal
Bake Sale
- Items will be $1-$2
- Pay at door with cash
Come for Baked Goods and stay for Maggott Monet!
All proceeds will help to fund StuCo for the school year!
Questions email plnstuco@gmail.com
Candy Wars
Thank you for your support with bringing in candy to support of Trunk or Treat we have received over 900lbs of candy
Our winners will be announced tomorrow, but it is definitely a close race.
Open Enrollment begins November 1st
The first round of 2025-2026 Open Enrollment begins Friday, November 1st at 8am and closes Monday, December 2nd at 4pm.
If you have a student at PLE through prior Open Enrollment or a Special District Program and have other siblings that would like to also attend Pine Lane, you would need to apply for 2025-2026 Open Enrollment
If you have a 6th grade student but do not live within the Chaparral Feeder boundaries, you would need to apply for Open Enrollment to Sierra Middle School in order for them to attend Sierra and Chaparral High School.
If you have questions about whether your student needs to Open Enroll, email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org or call 303-387-8325.
Apple Awards
Nominations Accepted through November 11th
Do you have a staff member that has impacted you or your students journey at PLE?
If so nominate and employee today here!
Nominations will be accepted through November 11th.
PLE Fall Spirit Fridays
Friday October 25th - Hat Day
Bring in $2.00 to participate as noted on the dates below:
as of today we have raised $671.00!
- Friday October 25th - Hat Day
- Friday November 1st - Crazy Hair Day
- Friday November 8th - Western Day
- Friday November 15th - Hat Day
- Friday November 22th - Pajama Day
These funds will be used to purchase turkeys for our families that have signed up for a Thanksgiving Food Box.
Veterans Day Performances 2nd & 5th Grade
Visitors are Welcome and Encouraged!
Our 2nd and 5th Grades will be hosting a concert to celebrate our Veterans. If you will be joining us please let us know by filling out the links below. This expedites the check in process in our offices. Please use the links below to register if you plan on attending.
Let’s Honor our Veterans in the Pine Lane Community
Pine Lane Families - Make a poster commemorating the Veteran(s) of your family (or friends) so we can line our hallways for our Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 11, 2024.
Posters must be delivered to the Pine Lane Front Office by 4:00 pm Thursday, November 7th.
Here are some ideas to include on your posters:
- Veterans Name; Military Branch; Unit; Tours; Years served.
- If you don’t know any family members or friends who are veterans, please feel free to contribute by making a poster to honor or thank those Veterans who will be visiting our school on Veterans Day.
Picture Retake Day - November 14th
Any student that has started with us after Aug. 7th, will get their photo taken.
- Order today on mylifetouch.com using Picture ID: EVTPXV4HF
- Complete details and ordering details is available here: PLE Picture Day Information
Families that want there student picture retaken will need to bring in your photos that you had previously ordered but want them replaced.
Original Works Art Fundraiser
Coming Soon!
Dear Parents,
Mrs. Hinrichs (South Art Teacher) & Ms. Pizzano (North Art Teacher) are excited to announce that we have partnered with Original Works this Fall, the original art-based fundraising company!
Students have created artwork during their art class for this exciting fundraiser where you can have your student’s art reproduced onto a variety of keepsake products such as Mugs, Notecards, Keychains, Magnets and list goes on!
Ordering will be done online and will take place end of October/mid November.
These products make great holiday gifts for family members as well as wonderful keepsakes for your students.
Orders will arrive at school before winter break.
And the best part of this fundraiser is our art programs earn a profit from every order placed!
Complete details on how to order will be sent home soon!
We Thank you for supporting this unique and creative program!
PLE Holiday Opportunities
If your family has a need this season please complete all forms by the dates below:
Complete holiday details available here: PLE 2024 Holiday Opportunities
- November 1st - The Christmas Store at Parker Adventist
- November 15th - Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
Note that information filled out in the forms is shared with our Mental Health Team, and for the Family Adoption you will be contacted by a social worker that has worked closely with PLE the last few years.
Love and Logic Parenting Class
PLEA Updates
Spirit Night - McTeachers Night
- Wednesday November 13th
- 5:00pm - 7:00pm
- 9160 Crown Crest BLVD
- Parker CO
Field Trips
Before and After School
****NEW**** 2nd Session begins November 6th
Hosted by Stephen and Ashley Mooney a Pine Lane Family Member
Day of the Week: Wednesday's
Dates: November 6th - December 18th
Cost: 99.00
Any grade is welcome!
Register using the QR code below.
Questions???? Contact Stephen Mooney: mooney.stephen@gmail.com
DCSD Community Updates
One Book One District
Oceans of Possibilities Community Day - Saturday, Oct. 26th, 9 am-1 pm
Key Details:
Flyer of agenda to share with your community
We will showcase as much student artwork as possible—please encourage families to come and view their child’s creations. At noon, students will receive their certificates, and winners will be awarded prizes.
Translated Flyers
Please share these with your community and help spread the word!
Thank you in advance for your support and participation in OBOD!
Are you getting yours?
Parent Crew!
We are working on updating the contact information in our messaging system. If you are not receiving emails, texts or calls from us or if you are receiving messages where you do not want them to go.....email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org. We can double check your settings and preferences to ensure you are receiving the messages you want where you want them.
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277