EJMS Jaguar Weekly Feb. 10 - 14
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
I hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed Super Bowl Sunday! We have Random Acts of Kindness Week coming up this week and look forward to spreading some kindness to all of our Jaguars and increasing awareness of small ways we can all help make our community a better place.
This week is also Youth Services Center appreciation week. Although we celebrated her last week as well with the counselors, we hope that you will take a moment and share your appreciation for all that Mrs. Byers does to help support our students and families!
Appropriate Use of Technology
We created a Public Service Announcement that students have watched on the school news. Please review this video and have a conversation with your child about the importance of not using personal or school devices to record other students or staff while at school.
Upcoming Dates (SBDM Meetings at 4:30 PM in the EJMS library):
YSC Appreciation Week and Random Acts of Kindness Week - February 10-14
Monday, February 10th - SBDM Meeting
Tuesday, February 11th - 6th grade iReady Goal Getter Breakfast (invitation only)
Wednesday, February 12th - 7th grade iReady Goal Getter Breakfast (invitation only)
Thursday, February 13th - 8th grade iReady Goal Getter Breakfast (invitation only)
Saturday, February 15th - SRO Appreciation Day
Monday, February 17th - No School (Presidentโs Day)
Around EJMS Last Week
We loved having Devine Karama back at East to start off the week last week.
Devine talked about leadership and accountability saying "Your life is a book, and every day you wake up you are writing a new chapter. Don't give the pen and paper to anyone else."
In the afternoon, Devine met with grade level groups of guys. He challenged all of us to be more aware of our words and actions - and never say "just joking," because it almost never is.
NTI Reminders
As you know, NTI (non-traditional instruction days) allow students to keep working if we are out of school and not make up the day at the end of the school year. If an NTI day is called, students must complete one day of NTI work. Your childโs teacher will be available by email from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM to answer questions.
Since we have now had a number of NTI days, students should have completed work for each class each of those days. If this has been done digitally (through Google Classroom), then students will turn in that work through online submission. If students have worked with their paper packets that went home this fall, then each of the completed papers needs to be brought back to school on the day when we return. These will be turned into homeroom teachers and/or arts and specific content teachers as evidence of the work completed.
Remember, NTI work is the same as homework. If it is not completed, it carries the same consequence as not doing homework. Please remember that for us to receive full credit (all 10 days) for NTI, all students must complete the work from EACH NTI day for EACH CLASS this includes one assignment for EACH Arts class and turn it in that same day online or the paper copy the day we return to school.
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Title I Parent News
Families- We wanted to share some reminders about our Title I School-Wide program.
Title I is one of the largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education. Title I funding allows us to provide resources to students. These supplemental resources help ensure that:
โข All children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education,
โข Support and resources are provided to achieve proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.
At East Jessamine Middle, we use our Title I funding to pay for technology devices and software, additional classroom teachers, resources for family events, iReady diagnostics and instructional program, and professional development.
Please reach out if you have any further questions about our Title I program.
EJMS Culture Fair March 21
Kindness Week - Spirit Week
Whatโs Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Feb. 10 - Peace, Love, and Kindness: wear tie dye
๐ซ SBDM meeting
๐ผ 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (Ensemble, Beetlejuice, Barbara, Adam, Lydia)
Tues. Feb. 11 - Work out Problems with Kindness - wear workout gear
๐ซ 8:15 6th grade iReady Goal Getter breakfast (by invitation only)
๐ผ 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (full cast)
๐ 5:45 Girls Volleyball vs. Murphy (home game)
๐ฅ 6:00 Digital Defenders @ Rosenwald-Dunbar Elementary
๐จ6:15 Girls Soccer Ice Cream Party and Fundraiser @ Bruster's
Wed. Feb. 12 - Kindness T-shirt: wear your kindness t-shirt
๐ซ 8:15 7th grade iReady Goal Getter breakfast (by invitation only)
๐ 4:15 - 5:15 Junior Beta regular meeting (all club members welcome)
Thurs. Feb. 13 - We Don't Hide from Kindness: wear camo
๐ซ 8:15 8th grade iReady Goal Getter breakfast (by invitation only)
๐ผ 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (Ensemble, Sky, Beetlejuice, Lydia)
๐ 5:45 Girls Volleyball vs. Boyle (home game)
Fri. Feb. 14 - Dream of Kindness: wear pajamas
Upcoming and Ongoing
- Feb. 17 - Presidents' Day No School
Yearbook Info
EJMS Athletics and Activities
EJMS is looking for head coaches for Golf and Cross Country for the 25-26 school Year. Please apply at https://jessamine.schoolspring.com/
EJMS is hiring a head football coach for the 25-26 school year. Follow the QR code or go to https://jessamine.schoolspring.com/ to apply
In our Community
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto