Anaheim Hills Elementary News
Parking Lot Drop Off/Pickup
We need your help to ensure our students and families are safe during our drop off and pick up times.
TK and K parents:
- Park in a marked parking spaces if you plan on exiting your car. You will be asked to move otherwise. Exiting your car in a drop off zone is holding up traffic and creating a safety hazard for other drivers and students.
- Do not wait on the sidewalk near the kinder or TK Gate. The pathway needs to be clear for students to walk and enter safely. Move along quickly after dropping off your students.
Please cooperate, be courteous, and keep the safety of all children in mind. They are our highest priority. Parents of 1st -6th graders, please limit student drop off and pickup to the drop off zones marked with a yellow curb.
- Always park in designated spaces.
- Do not park or stop in front of the office until after the bus departure.
- Do not park and exit your car along the drop off zone (sidewalk) or any other illegally parked area.
All students may enter campus starting at 7:45.
Drop Off Zone
K-6 entrance
All students in K-6th may enter. Do not stand and block the walkway or gate. Please walk away from the gate after walk up drop off.
TK Entrance
TK parents may stop in the marked yellow zone to drop off students.
TK Entrance
Stay behind the BUS ONLY sign. (Curb Marked in Red).
TK Drop off only (Curb marked in Yellow).
No Stopping - No Parking
Keep moving to exit the lot or park your car in a designated parking space. This area will be a designated drop off once the bus has exited.
1st-6th grade students may enter through this gate. This is not a drop off zone. Drop students off in the yellow marked areas of western side of the parking lot.
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