Riley Elementary -Newsletter-
September Newsletter
Important Dates
September 2nd- No School
September 9th- First Day for Pre-School
September 13th- Homecoming Parade (Meet @ 4:30 PM- Parade begins 4:59 PM)
September 24th- Picture Day
October 8th- Parent Teacher Conferences (4:30 PM-7:30 PM)
October 9th- Parent Teacher Conferences (4:30 PM-7:30 PM)
October 9th- Scholastic Book Fair Starts
October 11th- No School
October 31st- Halloween
November 1st- No School
November 21st- Early Release
November 22nd- Early Release
November 28th- No School Thanksgiving
November 29th- No School Thanksgiving
December 10th- Holiday Music Concert
December 11th- Holiday Music Concert
December 23rd- Christmas Break Begins
January 6th- School Resumes
Letter from the Principal
Dear Riley Family,
Thank you to everyone who attended our open house. It was wonderful to see so many families and students in attendance. Welcoming the students back into the building last week was a joy, with high energy and wide smiles all around. This enthusiasm sets a positive tone for the year ahead.
As we start the new school year, we have been reviewing our PRIDE expectations, establishing building norms, building community, reconnecting, and developing our social contracts. The students have been very receptive, and we are excited to see them embrace Riley PRIDE, have a greater voice in their classrooms, and contribute to our vibrant school community.
Based on feedback from last year's parent survey, we have set specific goals to enhance our school community. This year, we are focusing on:
- Improving communication with parents about student academic progress
- Increasing updates on student celebrations and achievements
- Providing students with more opportunities for choice and voice
We are committed to making strides in these areas and hope you will notice our efforts. We look forward to strengthening our school-to-home connection and greatly value your ongoing support and partnership in creating a nurturing and successful learning environment for our students.
As we progress through the year, we are excited to collaborate with you to achieve new milestones and celebrate our students' successes. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Mr. Tisdale
Principal, Riley Elementary
Homecoming Parade Info
Homecoming Parade starts at 4:59, meet to line up for the parade at 4:30
Riley Elementary school will be participating in the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 13th! This event is a fantastic way for our students to demonstrate their school spirit and connect with our community.
Event Details:
- Date: Friday, September 13th
- Parade Start Time: 4:59 PM
- Line up begins at: 4:30 PM
- Meeting Location: SE corner of E. Lincoln and Clinton Ave (north of downtown)
- Route: We will walk from our meeting point to the east side of the courthouse.
Important Information:
Student Participation: All students are encouraged to join the parade. Please ensure your child is dressed comfortably and appropriately for the weather, and showing their school spirit by dressing in school colors or Riley/Redwing gear.
Pre-K to 1st Grade Students: For their safety, students in Pre-K through 1st grade must walk with a parent, grandparent, or older sibling.
Meeting Time: Please begin to arrive SE corner of E. Lincoln and Clinton Ave (north of downtown) by 4:30 PM so we can begin walking promptly at 4:59 PM.
Weather Considerations: The parade will go ahead rain or shine. Please check the weather forecast and dress your child accordingly.
We look forward to a wonderful evening of celebration and school spirit. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the school office or Dana Nickols our PTO President by phone at 517-896-9975 or email her at sjpsrileypto@gmail.com.
Spirit Week
Spirit Week - September 9th through the 16th
We will have a fun filled theme week to celebrate school spirit the week of the 9th. Come show off your Redwing PRIDE and have some fun!
The spirit days will be as follows:
9/9 Monday: Mismatch or Goofy Sock Day
9/10 Tuesday: Comfy Cozy Day
9/11 Wednesday: Favorite Color Day
9/12 Thursday: Hat Day
9/13 Friday: Redwing Day
Picture Day
Picture Day is September 24th!
Hello Riley Elementary parents!
School portraits are scheduled for
Tuesday September 24th
If you have not already submitted an order please use the link below to order your school portrait package.
Each student will receive 1 complimentary 5x7 class composite. If you would like an additional one or a larger size please include it with your order.
This is a link to take advantage of our special Prepaid Package pricing (BEST VALUE). Please submit your order on or before your child's scheduled picture day. All orders will be processed and the picture packages will be delivered back to the school about 3 weeks after picture day. If you choose not to take advantage of this special prepaid package pricing you will receive information when the prepaid packages are delivered to the school with an opportunity to submit a reorder.
There will be no order forms sent home. If you would rather not submit an online order please call the studio 989-227-8441 and we will take your order over the phone.
NOTE: The school picture that you will see on the ordering site is a sample picture not of your child.
Simply search for your student by name. You can type either their first or last name and you will see student names pop up. If you have multiple students please submit separate orders for each child. If you do not see your students name, choose "New Person" and add their information then click the "prepay for photos button"
You DO NOT need to send the printed receipt to school. We will already have a record of your payment!
Click this link or copy this web address below and paste into the address bar
We are looking forward to photographing your children!! If you have any questions please call the studio 989-227-8441 or email Andrew@Canfieldjenkins.com
Safe Routes to School Survey
Riley Safe Routes to School Survey
Please take a moment to complete the survey that applies to you:
Student Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/rileystudent
Parent Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/rileyparent
Riley Elementary school is participating in the "Safe Routes to School" program and wants to learn your thoughts about students walking and biking to school. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey per school your student(s) attend.
Your feedback is important. However, your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any question(s). By participating, you indicate your consent to participate in the survey. There are no known risks associated with your participation and it may contribute to a better understanding of issues concerning motorized and nonmotorized transportation to schools. Your student will also fill out a survey at school. You can request a copy of this for review. If you have concerns about this, please contact your student's school.
Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your student's name will be associated with any results.
Thank you for participating in this survey.
Hearing and Vison Screening
Hearing and Vison Screening - November 6th and 7th
CKH Corner
Capturing Kids Hearts at Riley
I am excited to share with you that we are in our third year of implementation "Capturing Kids' Hearts." This initiative is designed to enhance our students' social and emotional well-being while fostering a positive and respectful learning environment.
What is "Capturing Kids' Hearts"?
"Capturing Kids' Hearts" is a comprehensive approach aimed at building strong, positive relationships between teachers and students. The core idea is that when students feel valued, respected, and connected, they are more likely to engage in their learning and exhibit positive behavior.
Key Components of the Process:
Building Connections: The program emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful connections between teachers and students. Through various activities and strategies, teachers work to understand each student's unique needs and interests, helping them feel a sense of belonging.
Setting Expectations: Clear and consistent expectations are established for behavior and academic performance. Students are actively involved in creating these expectations, which helps them take ownership of their actions and understand the impact on their peers and the classroom environment.
Fostering a Positive Environment: The program focuses on creating a safe and supportive classroom atmosphere. Teachers use proactive techniques to address and prevent behavioral issues, ensuring that students feel comfortable and motivated to participate.
Encouraging Reflection: Regular opportunities for students to reflect on their behavior and interactions help them develop self-awareness and empathy. This reflection process is guided by teachers and is an integral part of fostering personal growth.
This month our focus as a building is Empathy. Students will engage in class conversation about what empathy means and how they might show empathy at home and int he classroom.
Pick Up/Drop Off Procedure
8:55 A.M.- Students May Arrive
9:10 A.M.- School Day Begins
4:07 P.M. - Dismissal
Morning Drop Off:
Parents may drop students off at 8:55 A.M. using the West Parking Lot entering the lot using the Lowell Rd. entrance (See map below).
Please do not use the bus loop at any time, it is for buses only.
Students may NOT be dropped off in the parking lot, they MUST use the drop off line.
Please pull as far forward as you can when picking up and dropping off.
After School Pick up:
The procedures are the same as the morning. School dismisses at 4:07 P.M. daily. We are unable to provide after school care.
If your child will not be riding the bus or is going home with a friend, you must send a note to the school or call the school by 3:30 P.M. unless we have a written note from a parent or a phone call, we will always send students home in their normal manner.
If your child is going to an alternate drop off from their normal bus ride, BOTH parents (the child who is going someplace different, and the parent of the child that is accepting them on that day), MUST send in a note. The bus garage will not drop students off at the alternate spot without notes from both parents.
sign-in / sign-out your child whenever he/she is late or leaving early.
check in and receive a visitor pass for your visit to the classroom, when speaking with the teacher and/or bringing something to a classroom.
Name Tags for pick up will be available during our open house. If you are unable to make the open house we will send the name tags home on Monday the 26th in students homework folders. PLEASE PLACE YOUR CHILDS' NAME TAGS ON THE PASSENGER SIDE VISOR (as depicted) so it is visible to the adults helping in the pick up line.
Name tag placed right side up.
Name tag placed on the passenger side visor.
Procedures For Administering Student Medication
Procedures For Administering Student Medication
To ensure the safety and well-being of your child, please follow these steps:
- Obtain a Medication Permission Form:
- You must have your child's healthcare provider complete and sign the Medication Permission Form. This form provides necessary details about the medication, dosage, administration times, and any special instructions.
- Parent/Guardian Signature:
- After the healthcare provider completes the form, you, as the parent or guardian, must also sign it. This signature indicates that you consent to the school administering the medication as prescribed.
- Submit the Completed Form:
- Return the signed Medication Permission Form to the school’s secretary in the main office. You may do this in person or via email/fax.
Medication Delivery:
- Please deliver the medication to the school in its original pharmacy container, clearly labeled with your child’s name, medication name, dosage, and administration times. Hand the medication directly to the school personnel.
- The medication must be delivered by an adult not the child.
This process is the same for both prescription medication and over the counter medication.
Food Service
We Encourage You to Fill Out the Education Benefit Form! Why?
School lunches this year are free for everyone but we still need you to fill out a Education Benefit Form (formally called free and reduced application). WHY?
While we participating in Michigan School Meals which provides free meals to all students, we still need to track which students qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
Education Benefit Form help our school district qualify for more grants that will benefit all students academically.
Over 30 Million students participate in the National School Lunch Program every school day. Over 50% received Free Meals!
We know this is a lot of information to process. For your convenience, feel free to print
*** New Simplified Application ***
Strictly Confidential!
St. Johns Public Schools Free and Reduced-price meal are strictly confidential!
Family finance is a very personal matter and your application is handled with confidentiality and respect.
Students receiving meal benefits are not identified in the service line.
All students use the same service line and the computer screen does not indicate which students are free and reduced-price.