October 7- October 11
Principal Message
Federal Impact Aid Survey
It is time to participate in our annual Federal Impact Aid Survey! Federal Impact Aid supports funding for local school districts with concentrations of children who have parents/guardians in the uniformed services or parents/guardians employed on eligible Federal Properties. Last year, your cooperation with completing and returning this form supported Calvert County Public Schools with receiving Federal Impact Aid funds.
Please follow the directions below to complete your form online. The direct link to access Home Access Center (HAC) to complete your form is Login (calvertnet.k12.md.us).
If you have technical difficulty, you can complete and return a paper survey with your child. A blank form is posted on our website at Impact Aid Program Survey - Calvert County Public School District (calvertnet.k12.md.us). This link is found by navigating to the parent tab/forms & applications.
Kindly submit your completed form(s) no later than October 31, 2024. It is important that all CCPS parents/guardians complete and sign this form for each child; even if you are not active military or a civilian working on federal property on September 30, 2024.
All information collected is confidential and used only for the stated purpose. The Impact Aid grant application provides only collective information on the numbers and locations of our federally connected students.
How do I get started?
- Log in to your HAC account using this link: https://ccpses4hac.calvertnet.k12.md.us/
- Navigate to the Registration Section.
- Click on Update Enrollment (Note: This tab is only available to Guardians 1 or 2 marked as living with.)
- Click Start to the right of the “Impact Aid Program Survey” form.
Save the Date- Wear Orange
Unity Day is Wednesday, 10/16/24. Unity Day is an annual event that occurs during National Bullying Prevention Month in October that promotes joining together to build community through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying
Any questions on the information, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Congratulations to our Leaders of the PAC for the Month of September
2nd Grade
Dates to Remember
- October 11- Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:30 Horsman Farm
- October 14- 2-hour late arrival for students- Parent Conferences
- October 14- PTO Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
- October 16- Wear orange for Unity Day
- October 18- Schools Closed for Students
- October 28- November 1- Red Ribbon Spirit Week
- November 1- 2-hour early dismissal
PTO Membership Form
PTO Meeting, October 14, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Yearbook Contest
Feedback Needed
CCPS Title I is asking for your feedback on the 2024-2025 District Level Family Engagement Plan. Please click on the link below to access the District Level Family Engagement Plan and feedback. If you need additional assistance, please contact Kara Scarda, Title I Teacher Specialist
at scardak@calvertnet.k12.md.us or call her at 443-550-8015.
Field of Flags
In honor of Veteran's day, we are partnering with DAV's Field of Flags. Our students will plant flags on the field between the buildings on Friday, November 8th.
Please consider donating to an organization that is committed to providing life changing services to our veterans in need, as well as their families. Every donation counts!
Click here to learn more and donate:
Patuxent-Appeal Elementary - Fundraising For Disabled American Veterans (dav.org)
PAC Family Handbook
Please review the PAC Family Handbook and complete the brief survey indicating you have read the handbook.
Important Information
- School hours are 9:25 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. Kiss and Go line will close at 9:20 a.m. Morning openings begin promptly at 9:25 a.m. Students are expected to be in class and ready to go by 9:25 a.m.
- Dismissal begins promptly at 4:05 p.m. We ask if you are arriving early to sign your child out before the end of the school day, you must arrive prior to 3:50 p.m. In order to minimize disruptions during the end of the school day, students will not be called for an early dismissal after 3:50 p.m.
- If your student is being picked up early, please send in a note or an email to PACAttendance@calvertnet.k12.md.us letting the office know about the early departure. If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up a student, written permission is required.
Parent Resources
Heart F.E.L.T.
We are happy to tell you that Patuxent-Appeal Elementary School is a part of a program called:
Heart F.E.L.T. (Feeding Empty Little Tummies)
This program is offered through some of our local churches. Your child is eligible to receive a small bag of food for the weekend every Friday. The food is provided to you at NO cost. Contents will include small meals/supplemental items and snacks for the weekend.
If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to contact a member of the Behavioral Health Team, Mrs. Repass at 443-550-9721 or Mrs. McDermott at 443-550-9682.