TIEP & Diploma Pathways
Parent Education Network
FND PEN is hosting a webinar with Central Florida Autism Community on Thursday January 20th, 2022 at 8.30pm on Zoom (Register in advance) about "The Nuts and Bolts of Diploma Pathways".
Let's talk about Transition!
There has been a few changes that impacts Transition, which now has to begin at age 12 or in 7th grade.
In Florida we have only 1 diploma option.....the Standard diploma but there are different pathways to get there.
During this workshop we will discuss the following topics:
- Secondary Transition & Transition IEPs
- Accommodations VS Modifications
- Age of Majority
- Elimination of the Special Diploma
- Graduation Pathways - Overview
- CTE Graduation Pathway
- Diploma Designations
- Deferral
Soren Richardson - Soren@fndfl.org
February 17: Positive Behavior Intervention Support
March 17: Procedural Safeguards
Past webinars:
September 29, 2021: FND Overview
October 20, 2021: IEP that works/SMART Goals
December 16, 2021: Transition to Kindergarten
Parent Education Network
Collectively the PEN Team has over 60 years of experience with all aspects of disability from medical diagnosis, early intervention to school eligibility - IDEA/IEP, inclusion in school & community setting, navigating Transition and Post Secondary options to living independently, and much much more … our goal is to share our experience, strength and hope through informal storytelling of raising our children with a wide range of disabilities & family dynamics.
PEN serves 12 counties from Southeast FL into parts of Central FL, Please call 800-825-5736 if you would like to talk to a Parent trainer.
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