January Newsletter
Newsletter - January 2025
Building a Foundation for Success!
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year from the DMS Administrative Team!
(L-R) Mr. Hunter Reinke-Assistant Principal and 8th Grade Level Principal; Mr. Brandon Larson-Assistant Principal and Activities Director and 6th Grade Level Principal; Mrs. Amy Herrick-Head Principal and 7th Grade Level Principal; Mr. Jacob Kienzle-6-8 Dean of Students
This Month's Newsletter Features the Following:
Memo From Mrs. Herrick:
What's Happening at Disco! Discovery Middle School Honor Band traveled to Concordia College
End of Semester One and Important Dates
Semester 2 Student Success Check and Special Edition
End of Semester and Semester 1 Progress Reports
Exception to Attendance Petitions
Ringing in the New Year with LOTS of Lost and Found Items
Preparing Our 8th Graders for the Transition to High School
Next Early Out Day
Citizenship Test
Discovery Important Goals: DIGS
24-25 Early-Out Schedule
24-25 DMS Daily Period Schedule
What's Happening at Disco! Discovery Peer Mentoring Program
Building a Foundation For Success: FPS Code of Character, Conduct and Support (CCCS)
Building a Foundation for Success: Evidence Based Reporting (EBR) and Standards Based Instruction (SBI)
Building a Foundation for Success: FPS Philosophies
Community Friends Pre-School Program
Gifted Services Paperwork Update
DMS PTA Monthly Update: Happy New Year!
Athletics and Activities Corner with Mr. Larson
Counseling Corner
- High School Registration
- Registration for future 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
- High School tours
January Mental Health Series
Nursing Nuggets with Nurse MeganSRO Corner with Officer Noll: Guidelines for Success: Winter Conditions to Be Aware Of
Reinke's Realm: Understanding and Addressing Skipping Class In Middle School
Kienzle's Corner: Understanding the Threat And Intimidation Policy
What's Happening in the Library
Frozen Eagles Ski & Snowboard Club
Upcoming Events
January Letter Day Calendar
Liz's Closet
What's Happening at Disco!
Discovery Middle School Honor Band traveled to Concordia College
The Discovery Middle School Honor Band traveled to Concordia College on December 5th to work with Dr. Haberman and the Education 392 students. They learned new skills to perform their band music better, listened to college and faculty perform on their instruments, and ate at the Anderson dining service.
Memo from Mrs. Herrick
I hope that you had a wonderful winter break and a happy start to 2025. As we ring in the new year, we also prepare for the end of semester 1. We are excited to finish up semester 1 and move on to semester 2! We have some special events coming up in our building, including the musical, "Legally Blonde, Jr." as well as our Culture Night in February. This Tuesday, marks a special event also open to the public that addresses the critical conversation of suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention Night at Discovery, Tuesday, January 14th, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
The PTA is hosting a suicide prevention night on Tuesday, January 14 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. This important event is open to everyone, and families are encouraged to attend.
It will be an evening of conversation, discussion, and resources on suicide prevention. Suicide is the leading cause of death in North Dakota for people ages 10-24, according to the ND Department of Public Instruction.
This event will feature the co-founders of the 4-6-3 Foundation, whose mission is to reduce stigma, build hope, end suicide along with community and school resources available to you. You’ll hear about having hard conversations, how to recognize warning signs, and how you can support those in need. Panelists will also include Mrs. Bridget McMinn (6th grade counselor) and Mrs. Beth Zimmerman (Student Wellness and Family Facilitator) as well as Mrs. Amy Herrick (Building Principal).
Everyone at Discovery is invited to attend this important evening. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to attend. The event is free and open to the public.
Semester 1 for the 2024-25 School Year ends on January 16th.
Semester 2 Student Success Check:
A special edition of the DMS family newsletter will go out at the start of second semester. It will include a second semester student success checklist for parents/guardians, as well as a student second semester checklist that our students will get in their advisory classes. Thank you for all you do to support your student to "build a foundation for success" at Discovery Middle School.
End of the Semester and Semester 1 Progress Reports
The end of semester one marks the end of the assessment period for our Disovery students and all school students in FPS MS. As you know, all of Middle School has fully implemented Evidence Based Reporting during the 2023-24 school year. For the basics of what and why the change to Standards Based Instruction (SBI) and EBR (Evidence Based Reporting) please see this one-pager, specific to middle school as well as the FPS Secondary Instructional Website.
Something to note that is new and consistent for 6-8 at all MS is that on the progress reports students and families will see a 1-4 scale for the skills for each essential learning outcome for each course.
When will Semester 1 Progress Reports be availible?
All semester one scores are due to be finalized by the teachers on Tuesday, January 21st.
All progress reports for the district will be uploaded afterwards, it is a large batch and it takes some time.The district will then send notification to building principals that the progress reports are ready to release to parents/guardians/students.
I will send out notification to our DMS parents/guardians and students via blackboard when the Semester 1 progress reports are ready to view.
Exception to Attendance Petitions
Petitions for request to enroll your child outside of your assigned attendance area must be completed prior to January 31st and a decision will be recieved by February 15th. If the petition is recieved after January 31st, families will recieve a decision by August 1st. If you have any questions about this, please contact Mrs. Amy Herrick, principal at Discovery at herrica@fargo.k12.nd.us
Ringing in the New Year with A Lot of Lost and Found Items
Discovery families, our lost and found by the PE wing and by student services is plum full of items such as clothing, water bottles, shoes, boots, etc. If your child has been missing an item for awhile now, please have them check the lost and found before the end of the first semester. At the start of second semester, the items will be bagged up and donated to our local shelters.
Preparing Our 8th Graders for the Transition to High School
Team Talks
When: Quarterly at Discovery
What: Admin, counselor, SRO do quarterly touch-points meetings with each team during advisory time. The topics always include: Guidelines for Success, Social/Emotional Learning, and Portrait of an ND Graduate. These talks also are tailored to the specific teams in the areas of celebration and areas of opportunity. In early December, the high school principals come to Discovery to address our 8th graders during an all grade team talk in the gym.
Who: 8th Grade Level Principal
Davies Counselor Visit to Discovery
When: First Week of January (usually on that Thursday)
What: The Davies/South counselors will go through the classes students have to take, program of studies, graduation requirements. Students are given a freshman registration card and Program of Studies book. The Davies/South counselors will do follow-ups with any students who have registration conflicts.
Questions: Please call the 8th grade counselor if you have any questions.
Davies Course Fair
When: January 13th, 4:00-8:00 p.m
What: There will be an introductory program by Mr. Cody for families in the auditorium. This will be followed by an open house with athletics/activities informational booths in the gyms.
Questions: Please call the Davies Main Office.
8th grade Discovery Student Counselor Conferences
When: Begin Mid-January-beginning of March
What: These conferences are scheduled with each student’s counselor and are to review their academic progress in middle school as well as to register for high school classes.
Questions: Please call your student’s counselor if you have additional questions.
NDA+ Testing
When: January 28
What: North Dakota Academic Progression of Learning and Understanding of Students is a connected system of assessments that includes state-provided interim assessments of reading and math. The administration and counselors from Discovery, and Davies will review the test scores along with the proficiency level in each skill area of the core courses to determine the student’s academic needs for their 9th grade year.
High School 8th Grade Tours
When: TBD
What: Students will visit their respective high schools during the course of a school day. They will have question/answer time with current high school students about what to expect in their freshman year and tour the building while classes are in session to get a better understanding of what high school life will be like.
Questions: Please contact the 8th grade level principal.
US Citizenship Test
When: All year long
What: Students in 8th grade American History prepare for and take a US citizenship test that is a graduation requirement. The goal is to have the majority of our 8th graders passing this test by the end of the school year so they don’t need to worry about it when they get to high school. Students are able to retake the test to get a passing score.
Questions: Please contact the 8th grade American History teachers
8th Grade Celebration
When: Last day of school with students
What: This is a celebration of the 8th grade students’ time as learners at Discovery Middle School. Students and immediate family members gather in the gym to hear speakers and a send-off message from administration as they transition to high school. This will correspond with an all-school clap-out, where the rest of the Discovery student body and staff clap the 8th grade students out of the building as they leave for the summer. Information will be sent at the beginning of May with details to our 8th grade families.
Questions: Please contact the 8th grade level principal.
Discovery/Davies Student Update
When: Early May
What: Assistant principals from Davies meet with the 8th grade principal to talk through student course placement for Math and English as well as any students who have 504’s/IEPs, or other academic or behavior plans. Discovery and the Davies counselors meet to talk through any additional student information that would be helpful in the transition to 9th grade.
Questions: Please contact 8th grade level principal.
Next Early Out Day is February 14th, 2025
For the 2024-25 school year, Fargo Public Schools (FPS) will implement four “early release” school days for students. On these days, students will be dismissed two hours early at each building. The early dismissal will allow our teaching staff to gather in an extended Professional Learning Community (PLC). Principals will send out specific building schedules.
During these early release days, our teachers will be focusing on analyzing student data, setting goals for student learning, and reviewing and planning research-based instructional strategies for students who need support and those who need enrichment. Teachers will collaborate with grade or content-level peers to review, reflect, and learn from each other in meeting students' needs.
We understand that early release days may cause some inconvenience for parents and guardians, but this is an important step towards improving our teaching practices and ultimately benefiting our students' learning outcomes. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
Citizenship Test as a Requirement for Graduation
The North Dakota state legislature has passed HB 1087, requiring all students to demonstrate proficiency in civics as a requirement for high school graduation. The law states:
“a student may take the test, in whole or in part, at any time after enrolling in grade seven and may repeat the test, or any portion thereof, as often as necessary to demonstrate proficiency.”
Every middle school in the district will be offering that test to students in grade eight this year. The information on the civics test is closely related to the material covered in eighth grade social studies. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency (70% or above) will have the opportunity to take the test again at the high school. There is no penalty for taking the test multiple times and there is never a fee to take the test.
The questions for the civics test are taken from the federal government’s Naturalization Test.
If you have questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact one of our 8th grade history teachers. Jeremy Nesvold 8-1 (nesvolj@fargo.k12.nd.us), Hans Anderson 8-2 (andersh@fargo.k12.nd.us), Kyle Stegman 8-3 (stegmak@fargo.k12.nd.us).
Discovery students will be taking this test in early January 2025.
Discovery Important Goals
This year, each FPS building was tasked with coming up with 2-3 Important Goals that are directly tied to the FPS Strategic Plan. The FPS Strategic Plan has 6 areas of focus, DMS chose to focus on areas 1. Tiered Instruction and 2. Positive School Culture and Safety.
Please see the FPS Strategic Plan Website for more information about the strategic plan and the stratgic plan scorecard. Each month there will be relevant updates on the progress of DMS DIGS as well as updates on other portions of the strategic plan as it applies to DMS.
24-25 Discovery Important Goals (DIGS)
Strategic Indicator 1: Tiered Instruction
Strategic Indicator 1 and 2: Tiered Instruction and Positive School Culture and Safety
Strategic Indicator 2: Positive School Culture and Safety
2024-25 Discovery Early Out Schedule
Discovery Daily Period Schedule
Discovery Daily Period Schedule
Discovery Peer Mentor Program
Eighth grade students in Mrs. Kerr’s peer mentor program are paired with learners within various resource classes. These amazing mentors work alongside their mentees and assist them in completing daily tasks, academics, and various social activities and games. They provide ongoing support and build relationships with this special group of students that can continue throughout their school journey and beyond.
FPS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support
The FPS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support is the District's guidelines to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of students, parents, and staff, helping everyone work together to support student success and maintain a positive school culture. Fargo Public Schools has introduced important updates to the Code to enhance the clarity and support in its shared goals.
Read about the updates to the Code of Character, Conduct, and Support in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Educational Justice Tristan Love.
Building a Foundation for Success: Standards Based Instruction and Evidence Based Reporting
Learn more about Standards Based Instruction and Evidence Based Reporting on the FPS Secondary Instructional and Grading Practices Website.
FPS Philosophies
These FPS Philosophies uphold our organizational truths and demonstrate Fargo Public Schools’ commitment to inclusive practices in education and the academic freedom of educators to utilize their expertise and professionalism to reach each student.
Fargo Public Schools 2023-2024 Annual Report
The Fargo Public Schools 2023-24 Annual Report is a summary of the District’s efforts to carry out its mission of “educating and empowering all students to succeed” during the 2023-24 school year. Read the report for an in-depth examination of the District’s students, staff, schools, departments, and programs and a celebration of their achievements. And view key statistics regarding staffing, budget, demographics, and assessment data. Thank you for supporting Fargo Public Schools and allowing the District to serve its students and families and provide an exceptional educational experience. Access the full document at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/AnnualReport.
Community Friends Preschool Program
Fargo Public Schools' Early Childhood Special Education program is seeking Community Friends to join its preschool classrooms. Community Friends are typically developing peers who will join the ECSE classrooms alongside the students with developmental delays or disabilities. Students must be 4 years old by July 31 and pass a developmental screening to be eligible for the program. The program is free of charge for families, but parents must provide transportation. The ECSE sessions are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Click here to apply for the ECSE Community Friends program.
Gifted Services Paperwork Update
Families of students in middle school gifted services may find their child’s fall individualized learning plan (ILP) or spring progress report in PowerSchool’s document storage area. ILPs are uploaded into PowerSchool document storage after semester 1 in January, while spring progress reports are uploaded after the end of the school year. Both ILP’s and progress reports from the 2023-24 school year are now available.
Due to the volume of students in middle school gifted services, it is not possible to fill each ILP or progress report with the kind of personalized information families would have seen at the elementary level. Please direct specific questions about your child’s progress to their classroom teacher.
Fargo Public Schools maintains close communication with local and national weather agencies, local government, and neighboring school districts in order to make decisions regarding inclement weather and other emergency situations that are in the best interest of the safety of our students, staff and parents. The decision to hold classes is based on the general weather conditions which exist for the majority of Fargo students.
Each weather event is looked at individually with multiple sources of information consulted before making the final decision on whether or not to hold school due to inclement weather. The decision to keep schools open or to close them results for weighing factors including excessive snow, temperature or wind chill numbers, wind speeds, road conditions, and the safety of bussing students.
The decision to close school will be made and communicated in as timely of a manner as possible. Closing our schools has a tremendous impact on our parents and community. We strive to make the decision if needed with enough time for parents to make arrangements for supervision of their children. However, at times, a decision the morning of a school day may need to be made to see what weather materializes overnight; if a decision is made in the morning, the decision will be made by 6:00 a.m.
Parents, please keep the following in mind:
If school is in session, and a parent decides that a student should remain at home due to weather conditions, that decision will be respected by the school. Parents should use their own judgment in determining if the weather is suitable for their children to make the journey to school. It is always up to parents to make the final decision about whether or not to send their student to school if they believe weather conditions present a safety issue. The absence for the day would be considered an excused absence.
If school is called off, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School cancellation information will also be broadcasted via local media, and will be posted across our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
If weather or a situation develops during the day, and it is determined that an early dismissal is in the best interest of the students, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School closure information will also be broadcasted via local media, and the information will be posted on our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
Discovery PTA
Happy New Year!
The PTA is looking forward to lots of great events, activities, and support in the New Year.
Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings. You’ll hear first-hand what’s happening at school, within PTA, and you’ll have a voice in what PTA does. Each meeting offers an update on PTA business, an update from the admin team, and a special guest speaker.
Last month, we heard from the Dean of Students, Mr. Kienzle, about the new code of conduct, restorative practices, and much more! It was insightful and information not shared anywhere else! We also approved funding for library reading programs and talked about upcoming PTA events.
Please plan to join us at our next meeting!
January 13 (Monday) | 6:30 p.m. | Main Office Conference Room or Teams
You can join virtually via our Facebook Group or website.
Meetings are a great opportunity to meet teachers and staff at the school as well as fellow parents. This month you’ll get to hear about activities at Discovery from Mr. Larson.
Membership Drive
We want YOU to join PTA! This month, anyone who becomes a new member will be entered into a drawing for a Target gift card. We’ve set a goal of 100 members, and we are so close but we need your help to achieve our goal.
Membership is $15 and helps us support things like teacher startup funds, grants, the 8th grade celebration, programming and events, and much more. Plus, members can vote during our meetings and help determine how PTA funds are used.
Becoming a member doesn’t obligate you to volunteering or attending meetings, although both are rewarding ways to show your support for PTA and Discovery.
Help us achieve our goal and sign up today. You can join via Square or SchoolPay. Here’s how:
Square (you don’t need a Square account to pay this way - use the QR Code)
SchoolPay (within PowerSchool)
PTA membership is in the same place you pay for lunches. You’ll need to click on the “Nonprofit Groups” tab on the left side.
Be sure to join before the end of January 31 to be entered for the prize drawing.
Plan to Attend These Upcoming Events
Suicide Prevention Night | January 14 | 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. | Discovery Auditorium
The PTA is proud to host Suicide Prevention Night on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Mark your calendar and make plans for your family to join us for an important evening of conversation, discussion, and resources on suicide prevention. Suicide is the leading cause of death in North Dakota for people ages 10-24, according to the ND Department of Public Instruction.
This event will feature Elizabeth and Todd Medd, co-founders of the 4-6-3 Foundation, whose mission is to reduce stigma, build hope, end suicide. This night will be a time for important discussion on suicide prevention with a panel discussion and more.
As parents, caregivers, friends, family members, and trusted adults, it’s up to us to do all we can for our kids when it comes to having hard conversations, recognizing warning signs, but also realizing there may not be warning signs, learning about the resources available, and supporting those in need.
Everyone at Discovery is invited to attend this important evening. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to attend. The event is free and open to the public. All are welcome.
Cultural Night | February 20 | 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. | Discovery Middle School
The PTA is again sponsoring Cultural Night at Discovery! Join us for this family friendly event to celebrate diversity within our community and learn about cultures around the world through delicious foods, live performances, and a lot of fun! Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 20, 2025. For more information on how to participate, please contact:
Katie Lebak-kittylouise@hotmail.com
Andrea Canning-okrepublican@yahoo.com
If you would like to participate by sharing your culture or volunteering at the event, please email us!
This event is free and open to the public! All are welcome.
Spring Fling | Date and time yet to be determined
Our first Spring Fling last year was a great success and we’re planning for another great night for our students. Keep your eye out for the date and time of this fun night!
Join our Facebook Group
This is your best source for all the information you need to know about PTA. Meetings will be listed there as events and we’ll post signup links for volunteer activities too. You can join the private group by searching “Discovery Middle School PTA-Fargo” or click this link: https://bit.ly/4cpH4Tm.
Get in Touch!
You can email the executive team at DiscoveryPTAPresident@gmail.com with any questions, ideas, or just to say HI! We look forward to getting to know you.
We hope you enjoyed your winter break! Go Eagles!
Athletics and Activities Corner with Mr. Larson
7th & 8th Grade Boys' Basketball
- Season Starts January 6th
- See the Informational Flyer for more details
6th grade basketball
- Starts end of February
Legally Blonde Jr. Musical
- Performances will be Jan. 30, 31, and Feb 1.
- Contact Lori Koenig (Lead Director) if you have questions: Koenigl@fargo.k12.nd.us
Boys' Swimming and Diving
- Begins on December 2
- All Discovery students will participate on the Davies team.
- Contact Coach Johnson if you have questions: johnsoj9@fargo.k12.nd.us
6th Grade Band
- Concert on 12/10 @ 5:30 & 7 pm
7th Grade Band
- Concert on 12/12 @ 6 pm
8th Grade Band
- Concert on 12/12 @ 7:30 pm
Soaring String Orchestra/Con Brio Choir
- Concert on 12/17 @ 5:30 pm
Stay tuned for more updates and as always, thank you for supporting Discovery’s activities and our amazing students!
Thank you,
Brandon Larson, CAA
Assistant Principal | Activities Coordinator
Counseling Corner
High School Registration
Attention to all parents and guardians of 8th grade students! Registration for high school is here. Davies counselors will visit Discovery on January 9th, 2025 to share information about high school and selecting courses. Each 8th grade student will be given a registration form to review and complete with their parents/guardians. This registration form is due to Student Services by January 17th, 2025. Discovery counselors will start meeting with the 8th grade students, individually, after January 17th, 2024. This individual meeting will be to register for high school courses, answer questions, and share information about what to expect in high school. Parents/guardians will be emailed a copy of the courses that their students have registered for.
Davies will be hosting a very informative course fair on the evening January 13th, 2025 from 4:00-8:00pm. Please reach out to your Discovery counselor with any questions and make sure to complete your student’s registration form with them.
Please reach out to your Discovery counselor with any questions and make sure you complete your student’s registration form as a family!
Mrs. Ferderer – 7th grade, 446-3318
Mr. Napton – 8th grade, 446-3314
Mr. Snowden –Lead Counselor, 446-3313
Mrs. McMinn – 6th Grade Counselor, 446-3312
Registration for future 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders
After the start of the new semester, the Discovery counselors will start visiting with our current 6th and 7th graders about registration for the 2025-2026 school year. In January, Mr. Snowden, who will be the 6th grade counselor for 2025-2026 school year will also start transition visits with our future 6th graders. More information regarding registration will be shared with families once we return from winter break.
High School Tours
During the second semester Discovery 8th grade students will have the opportunity to tour the high school that they will attend in 9th grade. Dates and times of tour are TBD. More information will be sent out to families once plans are finalized.
January Mental Health Series
Fargo Public Schools is excited to introduce the Mental Health Series Platform from ParentGuidance.org, a powerful new resource designed to support family mental health and well-being. Experts agree that adult involvement is important in a child's success. When caregivers have helpful tools, it benefits children, strengthens families, and contributes to a thriving community.
Nursing Nuggets
The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. Public Health is encouraging everyone to follow a few simple rules to reduce the chance of contracting serious respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19, influenza, and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). Coughing, sneezing, and unclean hands can spread the germs that cause these illnesses.
Follow these simple steps to stop the spread of germs – and teach your children to practice good hygiene:
1. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the used tissue into a wastebasket.
2. If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve.
3. After coughing or sneezing, always clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
4. Stay home when you are sick.
5. Do not share eating utensils, drinking glasses, towels, or other personal items.
Stay healthy by following these tips:
1. Clean your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick, when possible.
4. Get vaccinated. Vaccines can prevent serious illnesses, including some respiratory illnesses like influenza (flu), pneumonia, measles, and pertussis (whooping cough).
5. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s health, check with your family physician or pediatrician.
Remember that your child needs to stay home if:
1. They have a fever of 100.4° or higher
2. Vomiting or Diarrhea within the past 24 hours
3. A body rash with itching and/or fever.
4. If they have head lice.
5. If they have an eye infection.
6. They have been in the hospital or emergency room.
Your child may return to school when:
1. They are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication (Tylenol, Motrin, Advil).
2. Free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
3. Free from rash, itching, or fever.
4. For head lice, they can return after it has been treated with appropriate treatment.
5. Eye infections: free from draining and/or have been evaluated by a doctor if necessary.
6. Released by the medical provider and OK’d to return to school.
SRO Corner with Andrea Noll
The Fargo Public Schools uses electronic surveillance systems in order to help ensure that school premises and individuals on school premises are safe and secure. Any person entering a school facility, on school property, at a school function, or riding a school bus is subject to being videotaped. Safety and security is my number one priority at Discovery Middle School and I use the camera system daily. Discovery has nearly 70 cameras throughout our building that can be accessed by the administration and myself.
Reinke's Realm - ND A+ Interim Assessment: Winter Assessment Information
Dear Discovery Families,
The ND A+ Interim is an assessment administered at multiple checkpoints throughout the year to measure student growth and progress toward end-of-year proficiency goals. It is aligned with the ND A+ Summative assessment, using common features and tools to predict summative performance based on interim results. This system meets the new interim assessment law (NDCC 15.1-21-17.1) and is provided to school districts at no cost.
The NDA + Winter Assessment is scheduled as follows:
- Date: Tuesday, January 28
- Location: All classrooms
- Subjects: Math and ELA
- Time: 8:45 AM - 10:42 AM
Schedule Adjustments
- The first two hours of the day will be dedicated to the ND A+ Interim Assessment.
- All classes will operate on a shortened schedule of 30-minute periods instead of the regular 44 minutes.
This assessment is a tool for tracking in-year growth and ensuring alignment with ND state standards. Thank you for supporting students as they prepare for this important test! Go Eagles!
Kienzle's Corner
Dear Discovery Families,
Happy New Year! I hope this January Newsletter finds you and your family refreshed and ready to embrace the opportunities of 2025. As we get ready to step into the second semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on our shared commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment for all our students. Your partnership is invaluable as we work together to ensure their success and well-being.
This month, I would like to highlight our school’s Guidelines for Success which can be found on page 15 of the Fargo Public Schools Code of Character Conduct and Support. These guidelines serve as the foundation of our Code of Character, Conduct, and Support, and they are essential principles that we encourage all students to embody daily at Discovery:
Be Respectful – Treat others with kindness, listen actively, and value diverse perspectives.
Be Responsible – Take ownership of your actions, complete tasks on time, and contribute positively to your school community.
Be Safe – Make choices that protect your well-being and the well-being of others, whether in the classroom, hallways, or online.
Have a Growth Mindset – Embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and recognize that effort and perseverance lead to success.
I encourage you to use these Guidelines for Success as conversation starters with your child. Here are a few questions you might consider asking when you are together:
- How do you show respect to your teachers and classmates?
- What are some ways you can take more responsibility for your learning and actions?
- How can you make safer choices at school and online?
- What is one challenge you faced this school year, and how can you approach it with a growth mindset in the second semester?
By reinforcing these values at home, we can help our students develop the skills and habits they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Finally, please take a moment to review the FPS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support with your child. This document outlines our shared expectations for behavior and the supports available to help students succeed. You can access it on the Discovery website or request a printed copy.
As we navigate the second semester, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or ideas. Together, we can make this new year and second semester a meaningful and successful one for all our students.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Wishing you and your family a wonderful start to 2025!
What's Happening In the Library
E for Everyone Books/Babysitter Bags for Checkout
6th graders learned read-aloud techniques and the importance of reading aloud to children, making it a great activity to do with younger siblings or while babysitting. E for Everyone books and babysitter bags (5 books per bag) are available for checkout in the Discovery Library!
Christina Soontornvat Newbery Author Visit - A Huge Success!
Christina was impressed with the positive vibe of our students as well as their excellent behavior and thoughtful questions. 6th graders read All Thirteen and The Last Mapmaker in preparation for her visit. Literacy was in the forefront, for sure…a reason for celebration!
Charge and Shut Down PLD Each Night
- Please help your student remember to charge their device every night, so it is ready to use during the day. Bringing the charging cord to school is a good idea as well.
- In addition, ask your student to shut the device down each night. This is especially important as we move back and forth from school to home.
Please ensure your child has earbuds or headphones in school, as
many audio options are available and utilized for learning.
Discovery Frozen Eagles ski and snowboard club will be back again this year for some winter fun. For further information checkout our website: https://sites.google.com/view/discoveryfrozeneagles/home or email questions to discoverysnowboardskiclub@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
January 2
- Classes Resume
January 6
- 7th & 8th Boys Basketball begins
January 17
- Staff PD - no students
January 20
- Martin Luther King Day - no school
Please see below for the January Letter Day Calendar or check out our Discovery website.
Our bell schedules and calendars are always posted on our Discovery website.
Family support is so important for your child’s success at Discovery. If parents or other family members need accommodations to participate and attend any school function at Discovery, please contact the school office two to three business days prior to the event. Every effort will be made to meet your needs.
Communicating with parents and families is always our goal at Discovery Middle School.
You may subscribe to Discovery’ Newsletter and Daily Announcements on our website by going to “Content E-Alerts” on Discovery’s website. Parents/guardians can sign up to receive alerts about new Daily Announcements, Newsletters, etc., for each school your students attend. E-Alerts are sent to users who have subscribed to a homepage or website section of interest. You will receive an email notification that content has been modified.
You may also want to add our school calendar to your personal calendar. This will help you stay informed about all the activities that are happening at Discovery.
Our school supply list, our student handbook, a link to PowerSchool, PTA information, and several other useful links are also available on our website.
Yearbook orders will be taken online .The cost is $25.00. To ensure that your child will receive a yearbook at the end of the year, it must be ordered and paid for in advance. The deadline for ordering a yearbook is Friday, April 4, 2025.
Liz’s Closet
A Discreet, Free Resource for Discovery Students in Need
What: Discovery strives as a team to meet the needs of all students as part of our mission to build a foundation for success. Liz’s Closet, a free resource at Discovery, aligns with this mission by providing students in need with items such as clothing, hygiene products, non-perishable food items, etc.
At Discovery, we hope to provide developmentally appropriate support to students in need by offering a means to obtain basic food and hygiene products in a discreet manner. Students utilizing Liz’s Closet will have access to reusable bags, so items are less visible as students are leaving the building.
Where: Liz’s Closet will be located in Student Services. The room being used as “Liz’s Closet” will be accessible through a trusted adult in the building (teachers, counselors, administrators, paraprofessionals, designated staff).
Who: Any student in need of these items is welcome to take what he/she needs with the help of a trusted adult.
How: Although students are welcome to directly ask a trusted adult at Discovery to use Liz’s Closet, to maintain privacy as best as possible, a student can simply draw a star on a sheet of paper and bring it to a trusted adult. The adult will then instruct the student as to when he/she can go to Student Services to collect what is needed. If this adult does not have a time that works for him/her, the adult will notify the appropriate counselor or Student Services staff member to be expecting this student sometime within the school day. Once in Student Services, the student will be escorted to the closet and can take what is needed.
If you know of anyone who may need to utilize this resource, please do not hesitate to contact a Discovery counselor or administrator. Additionally, if you would like to donate shelf-stable food, school supplies, or hygiene products to Liz’s Closet, please contact Taylor Ferderer (school counselor) at 446-3318.
Discovery Middle School
Brandon Larson, Assistant Principal/Activities Coordinator
Hunter Reinke, Assistant Principal
Jacob Kienzle, Dean of Students
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/discovery
Location: 1717 40th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-3300