Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, October 11, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
What a wonderful start we have had to fall this year! So many beautiful smiles and memories made with the promise of more to come! The Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success and our homecoming was a blast! Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer on our Roundtown portion of the parade! It's an evening we will be talking about for years to come! Thank you to everyone who sent in candy so our part of the parade could be the sweetest! There is a link to my next video message below so please check it out.
I wanted to share some sad news for our Roundtown Community. Many of you had the opportunity to work with Mr. Chad Riddle, who was with our Roundtown Family for two years teaching grades K-1. Mr. Riddle currently serves as a principal at Dallastown School District. Many of you know his wife, Caitlin, was battling cancer and her journey ended earlier this week. Her obituary can be found by clicking here. Please join me in wishing Mr. Riddle and his family peace during this time.
Have a great 3-day weekend! After last weekend's NASCAR trip, I'm looking forward to something a little less exciting (and quiet!). It's time to break out the fire pit and enjoy some cool evenings on the deck with friends.
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
October Students of The Month
Congratulations to our October Roundtown Students of the Month!
Each month, Roundtown will honor and recognize two students at our monthly school board meeting. Students honored must consistently demonstrate aspects of our core values including: Character, Perseverance, Accountable, Community, and Excellence. Congratulations to our Students, Malachai and Annaliese!
This past week....
Our Central York Homecoming Spirit Week was a blast and the kids had fun participating in their spirit days. Thanks to all who participated in the homecoming parade and for everyone who donated candy! What a night of celebrating our Panther Pride!
Our Scholastic Fall Book Fair was a huge success and many thanks to our PTO for organizing and for all the volunteers who came out to make this year's fair a success! Read on Roundtown!
Thanks to everyone who came out for our first evening PTO Meeting of the year on Tuesday. We nearly doubled our typical meeting attendance and so glad to have so many parents attend!
Coming next week…
A reminder there is no school for students on Monday, October 14 in honor of Columbus Day.
From our Roundtown Librarian, Mrs. Dusich....
Students in Mr. Houseal's, Mrs. Mummert's, Mrs. Speelman's, Miss Brose's, Mrs. Colletti's, and Mr. Matthews' classes should have their library books in school for return on Tuesday, October 15.
Mrs. Fabie and I will host a student recognition assembly on Wednesday, October 16 where we will hand out school-wide badges to students for different types of service to our school.
Kindergarten will celebrate its "ORANGE" Day on Wednesday and everyone is invited to wear orange!
The second graders in Mrs. Cole's, Mr. Houseal's, Mrs. Peckmann's, and Mrs. Kelly's classes will start their swimming instruction on Thursday, October 17.
All third graders will take their first field trip of the year to The Byrnes Health Center on October 17.
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Safety and Technology Resources for Families
Maintaining school attendance is important to support the learning and socioemotional growth of our learners. Central York strives to make our school environment a place where everyone can be safe and healthy to do their learning. We will do our best to listen and partner with you so our learners can have a successful year. Below you will find our attendance protocol for your review. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns. We are here to support the needs of our learners!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
10/14 - NO SCHOOL
10/16 - Kindergarten's "ORANGE" Day-wear something orange
10/16 - Student Recognition Assembly
10/17 - Swimming Begins for Cole/Houseal/Peckmann/Kelly
10/17 - Grade 3 Field Trip to Byrnes Health Center 9:00AM-12:00PM