C.A.N. Connection
Resources for Serving Students with Complex Needs
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year!
Hello! My name is Jamie Canales and I am the new girl in the Special Student Populations Component. I am SO excited to support Complex Access Needs throughout Region 17. I previously worked in Amarillo ISD supporting the Centralized Programs from ECSE to High School Adapted Curriculum. Before that I was an Education Specialist in the Special Education Component at Region 16 ESC and I started my education career as a special education teacher who taught kiddos with significant cognitive disabilities. I hope each of you have had a Summer FULL of family, friends, fun, & rest! Please let me know if I can help in any way!
TX CAN Monthly Checklist
Helpful Articles & Resources
Student At-A-Glance
A quick reference sheet detailing student likes, dislikes, reinforcers, IEP goals, and more.
Teaching Routines and Procedures
Tips & Strategies to Survive & Thrive in Special Education
Chatty Alternatives: Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
A Year of Core Vocabulary Words - School Addition
If you’re looking for resources on core vocabulary, you are in the right place! Welcome to our first School Year of Core Words posting. You are amazing. You hold so much power. Connection is a two-way street. Thank you for joining us in helping to make this world easier to understand for our students with Complex Communication Needs.
Core word teaching strategies
Strategies for teaching core words can include: planning core words based on activities or communication functions, teaching using the core word of the week, or using the Descriptive Teaching Model.
Teach & Bloom: Instructional Strategies and Resources
Specially Designed Instruction
This guide includes resources that help teachers understand, develop, implement, and evaluate the specially designed instruction (SDI) students with disabilities need to access and progress in the general curriculum.
Academic Rigor for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
How academic rigor is connected to the concept of least dangerous assumption
Together Tribe: Meaningful Inclusion
Making Relationships a Priority
It is certainly true that no teacher can create friendships between students, but it is equally true that every educator can create conditions in the classroom that will give students opportunities to strengthen social relationships, learn about and from each other, and get and give support. These opportunities may then lead to the development of friendships.
Paraprofessionals: Independence Coaches
A systematic review of paraprofessional-delivered educational practices to improve outcomes for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Upcoming Sessions:
Exceptional Learner PLC
This Professional Learning Community is for teachers and other staff who serve students with complex access needs and/or students with significant cognitive disabilities. Attendees will gain resources, strategies, and training in Complex Access Needs (CAN) topics. Attendees have the opportunity to collaborate and network with other CAN teachers from around Region 17.
What Students with Down Syndrome Want Educators to Know
This session will cover key topics including the characteristics of Down Syndrome and their impact on learning, strategies for creating and maintaining inclusive classrooms, methods for fostering communication and social skills, and techniques for implementing positive behavior supports. Participants will delve into practical strategies and insights for cultivating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. We will address the unique challenges and strengths of students with Down Syndrome, equipping educators with tools to enhance their educational experiences.
How Do I Grade This?? Effective Practices from IEP Progress Monitoring to Report Cards
Grading can often be a conundrum for teachers, administrators, and parents. Grades should accurately reflect the student’s relative mastery of the grade level curriculum. This session will explore effective progress monitoring for IEP goals and grading practices that communicate student achievement and provide educators valuable information for instructional planning. We will discuss applying appropriate and equitable grading practices while ensuring the student’s specially designed instruction is implemented.
Building a Foundation: Supporting Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Supporting students with significant cognitive disabilities can be an immensely rewarding experience, but it often involves navigating complex adaptations and modifications. This session will explore five key areas essential for success:
- Alignment to State Standards
- Effective Teams
- Classroom Climate
- Differentiated Instruction
- Social Communication
Participants will learn how to utilize instructional materials and teaching practices to create learning environments that support student access and achievement. This hands-on, make-and-take session is ideal for both experienced and new teachers, providing practical strategies to enhance their teaching practices.
Jamie Canales
Instructional Support
Complex Access Needs
Email: jcanales@esc17.net
Phone: 806-792-5737
Website: www.esc17.net
Location: 1111 W Loop 289 Acc Rd, Lubbock, TX 79416