Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Well!
News, Updates & Reminders: 2/24
Good Morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday & Welcome Back on Monday. I hope everyone enjoyed your February break. We return to our regular full-week schedule this coming week, so no more half days on Friday. The March calendar and menus are posted below. A paper copy of these calendars were sent home before break as well.
>>>Picture of the Week: Check back next week.
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. - 2/27 -
Tues. - 2/28 - Loop Race Planning Mtg. 6:00pm (Virtual)
Wed. - 3/1 -
Thurs. 3/2 - Read Across America Day!
Fri. 3/3 -
* Thursday we celebrate Read Across America Day at Emma Miller. We will have several visitors coming to our school to read in our classrooms.
* The Loop Race planning has begun and we are in need of many volunteers. Please consider joining our virtual meetings every other Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.The information to join is below. Thank you for your consideration.
Loop Race Planning Meeting Information:
Tuesday, Feb. 28th at 6:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jip-fprp-gon
Or dial: (US) +1 724-257-1214 PIN: 849 415 991#
* Ski Club Families - Unfortunately, we are unable to make-up the missed ski days this year. We will be refunding all families for the two ski days that were missed. Refunds will be sent within the next two weeks.
* School Choice 23-24 - We have not yet determined our school choice openings for the next school year, but if someone you know is interested in attending E.L.M. next year, then we are now taking names for our waitlist. There is no guarantee of acceptance, but we will notify interested families when or if any seats become available. Please feel free to share my email or they can call 413-743-1992. Thank you.
Planning Ahead:
* Penny-A-Thon 2023 is coming the week of April 3-7th! Start collecting those pennies! All proceeds from this fundraiser go directly to PTG and all that they do for our kiddos.
* MCAS 2023: Below are the tentative MCAS testing dates for all students in grades 3-6. All of these dates are on Tuesday & Wednesday. We appreciate everyone making an effort to avoid absences during these dates. Thank you.
ELA - May 2nd - 3rd
Math - May 16th - 17th
STE (Gr. 5 Only) - May 23rd - 24th
Health & Safety Updates:
* It looks like the Norovirus is now making it rounds these days. The symptoms of this virus include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and stomach cramping. As a friendly reminder, our policy is that students cannot return to school for 24 hours after experiencing any vomiting. Please contact Nurse Kate if you have any questions. Here is a link with more information about the virus. https://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/index.html
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Tierney
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ELM-PTG-573067576465281/