The Pulse of the Pride

June 17, 2024 - Last Newsletter of 23-24
Lyme School Friends,
We had a great last week of school with great weather. Both the lower school and middle school field days were fantastic. We also had a wonderful graduation ceremony last Thursday night where we said goodbye to our 8th graders.
What a great year overall! Congratulations to everyone on a successful 2023-2024 school year.
Today our staff is at school finishing up grades and comments. We are also conducting meetings about next year. Things have been going well!
In this newsletter, you will find pictures of our end of year celebrations. We will be back in touch with you in August as we get closer to next year!
Have an excellent summer!
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
News, Dates, Information, & Announcements
Important Dates
June 19th - Report Cards Emailed Home
August 28th - First day of School
Lost & Found
Report Cards for the Spring Term
You will receive your child's report card for the third trimester on June 19th. Thank you for your patience as we have gotten ALMA up and running this year.
Planning for 2024-2025
These are details for next school year:
- The 24-25 school calendar was approved and is attached below.
- Staff have already begun work on any schedule tweaks as well as student placement for split classes. These lists will be finalized and released when ALMA opens in August.
- Our 3rd grade teachers for next year will be Ms. Gautreau and Mrs. Thayer while Ms. Gannon will remain the 2nd grade teacher.
- Ms. Chandler will be moving to the elementary K-5 Spanish position for next year.
- We have hired a new Kindergarten teacher as well as a middle school Spanish teacher for next year and will share more details about them in a future newsletter.
- The 5 middle school advisories got together last Thursday to begin the process of forming their small community within the community.
ALMA - Final Updates
If you are having trouble, please reach out to Amanda Perry or John D'Entremont.
So far, you should have:
- Gotten yourself logged in.
- Received an emergency alert.
- Double checked your contact information.
- Completed ALMA Start Registration for this year.
- Been given instructions to opt in to the Directory. [To opt in to the directory, you can click on the link for “my info” or get there through your profile icon in the top-right corner. You can toggle your visibility in the directory.]
- Received preliminary information about the standards based report cards.
- Received a first trimester report card via email on December 4th.
- Received a second trimester report card via email on March 20th.
- Report Cards for third trimester emailed home June 19th.
- Registration for the 24-25 school year some time over the summer.
If for some reason you are still not into ALMA, please reach out to Ms. Perry so she can troubleshoot that with you.
Lyme School Apparel Store
The Lyme School Apparel Store has a variety of apparel and accessories all customizable with a variety of school logos. The Lyme School PTO earns 12% of all sales. Thank you for supporting our school and go Lions! #LYMESCHOOLROCKS
Neuroth's Library and Media News
Summer Reading information is now available. In the slides there is information for K-8, including lists of recommended titles from various organizations. It was great to see some of you at the CFL Summer Reading Program kick-off party yesterday!
A few more final projects to share:
The first graders spent the past few months in the classroom researching birds and why they are important. Students worked collaboratively on a podcast episode during classroom time and during library. Listen here!
In the second grade classrooms, students planned and planted a pollinator garden in one of the raised garden beds on the playground. Students shared their final projects in a Buncee board, where you can hear what students learned about pollinators and their importance.
Family-related Converse Free Library upcoming programing, from Ms. Judy’s newsletter:
MANY Summer Reading Program Dates
Thursday, June 27, 2-3 p.m. Whales & Seals with the UNH Marine Docents (ideal for children entering grades K-3). From the promotional materials: We will address the following questions: How do marine mammals stay warm? How big are they? How do they eat? We will explore these questions with hands-on activities such as "blubber gloves," "feeding frenzy," and "measuring a whale."
Stories and Photos from Around the Lyme School Community
7th Grade Bell Ringing
7th Grade Bell Ringing to Close the 2023-2024 School year
Congratulations to the 7th graders on the bell ringing. Welcome to 8th grade!
Art Wrap-Up
Art Wrap-Up by Ms. G.
The Monster Stuffy Project
I think it started in 2017, when the 8th grade students surprised the Kindergarten students with the first Monster Stuffies. It is one of those projects that does not happen every year, but I love it when it all comes together. It all starts in the Fall, when the 8th graders go to the kindergarten room to read a story, Jeremy Draws a Monster, and then they pair up and draw monsters together. The big kids take those drawings and spend weeks (months) secretly sewing together these creatures, testing their sewing machine skills and learning how to sew buttons and tails (and very worried about how this gift of a monster will be received). Monster stuffies finally finished, the 8th graders surprised the K kids last Friday. It is such a magical way to honor both the time spent in this special place and the time that awaits.
Best wishes to our graduates (and thank you always for your Lyme School Spirit), and K kids...take good care of those monsters!
Bonus: Graduating senior Rosie and her "kindergarten" (now 5th grade) buddy Nellie at the Alumni Breakfast last week WITH a very well cared for Monster Stuffy.
Middle School Olympiad
Middle School Olympiad
On the last day, the 6th and 7th graders competed with each other in a battle of the brains representing various countries of the world. Here are the closing exercises!
Last Day of School Photos
Last Day of School Photos
Check out our last day of school photos...
Graduation Photos
8th Grade Graduation Photos
It was a lovely ceremony celebrating our 8th graders. Congratulations to the class of 2024!
Field Day Photos
Miscellaneous Photos
● Fairness ● Acceptance of Others ● Integrity ● Responsibility
● Perseverance ● Individuality ● Compassion ● Courage
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
Elise Foxall, Academic Director
Geoff Tomlinson, Student Services Director