RYSS - NESTEM Weekly Update
Week of August 12 - 16, 2024

Message From the Principal
(Para traducción al español, haga clic en el botón "Translation"" arriba).
I am honored to join this learning community and look forward to the work we will all do together to give our shared children a successful and memorable school year.
As we enter this new school year, I want to stress the importance of daily attendance. We stand our best chance of academic success when we can work with your children every day. Research show that attendance really does matter and impacts student academic success. I thank you in advance for your help with this.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions, concerns, or ideas on how to best serve our shared children. Being a part of this "community-model" school means we are all in this together. Everybody counts and everybody matters, inside and outside of our school.
Finally, we had a great first day of school today! I look forward to many more and to getting to know all of my kids better as we move forward.
Let's make this a great school year!
Auden Sarabia, Principal
First Day of School Information Packets
Your child is coming home with a packet of information that we need to have parents complete. The packets can be returned to school and turned in to their Advocacy teacher. The following documents need to be returned to school:
- Tejano Center for Community Concerns Registration Form for School Year 2024-2025
- 2024-2025 Technology Loan Agreement
- Release Designation Form
- Student Residency Questionnaire Information Form
- VIP Authorization
- Student Media Consent and Release Form
- Socioeconomic Information Form
- Acknowledgement of Distribution of the 2024-2025 RYSS/NESTEM Parent-Student Handbook
A link to the RYSS and NESTEM Parent/Student Handbooks are located below for your convenience. If you would like a paper copy, please notify our Main Office.
🙋🏽 Important Reminders
- School starts promptly at 8:00 AM and dismisses at 4:00 PM.
- Lunch deliveries are not allowed to school. Students may bring lunch from home.
- Cell phones are collected at the beginning of each day and returned at the end of the day.
- All students are required to complete 15 hours of volunteer work every year (opportunities will be provided by NESTEM).
😎 Great Moments from the 1st Day of School!
Welcome Back from Superintendent Tamez
Team Building in the STEM Lab
More Teambuilding in the STEM Lab
Presentation on School Culture
Listening Skills Games
Lego Fun
Reading Expectations with Ms. Madrigal
Math Expectations with Mr. Donis
Breakfast Menu for August
Lunch Menu for August
2024-2025 Academic School Calendar
Contact Info
RYSS North East STEM Academy
Principal: Auden SarabiaMain Office: (713) 640-3718
Email: auden.sarabia@tejanocenter.org
Website: https://www.ryss.org/Page/3202
Location: 10918 1/2 Bentley, Houston, TX, 77093
Phone: (713) 640-3718
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RYSSNortheastSTEMAcademy/