Medical Lake School District News
~ Every Student, Every Day ~
Happy New Year from Medical Lake School District!
As we bid farewell to 2024 and welcome the exciting possibilities of 2025, we extend our sincerest gratitude for your continued support and partnership in fulfilling the Medical Lake Promise for all our students.
We are incredibly grateful for the trust you place in us to educate and nurture your children. Your active engagement in our schools makes a profound difference in the lives of our students.
We are eager to embark on an exciting new year filled with opportunities for growth and success:
- New High School Principal: We are actively searching for a dynamic and inspiring leader to guide our high school. We appreciate those who provided feedback through our Leadership Profile and have included the results below.
- Expanding Early Learning: We are exploring opportunities to expand our early learning programs, recognizing the critical importance of high-quality early childhood education for our students' future success.
- Connect + Parent Partnership Program: We are excited to develop a new Parent Partnership Program and provide additional learning options for MLSD families. We are dedicated to fostering strong relationships with all families in our community, and this program will provide valuable resources and support for homeschooling families.
We look forward to working closely with you in the year ahead to ensure that every student in the Medical Lake School District receives the high-quality education they deserve, every day.
Wishing you and your families a joyous and prosperous New Year!
Highly Capable Plan Referrals is Open Jan 13 - Jan 24
Each year, school districts across Washington implement procedures for screening, referring, elevating, and identifying students for highly capable (hi-cap) designation. Hi-Cap designation gives families and schools additional information about a student's learning needs. MLSD's assessment program ensure students with qualifying screening scores are considered. We use multiple assessments and data points to help with this process. In addition, students may be referred by family members, teachers, support staff, community members, or themselves through our online referral form.
The "Open Window" for hi-cap referrals is Monday, January 13 - Friday, January 24, 2025. Should you desire to refer a student for consideration, please complete and submit an online referral by Friday, January 24, 2025. Hard copies are also available at each school's main office.
To access our online referral form, scan the QR code or visit the news page at www.mlsd.org for the link.
Meet & Greet the Superintendents
Come sip some coffee or tea, ask some questions, or just say Hi. We'd love to see you there!
Roam in Medical Lake ~ 8:45 - 9:45 am- Tuesdays ~ Jan 21; Feb 18; Mar 18; Apr 15; May 20; June 17
- Tuesdays ~ Jan 14; Feb 11; Mar 11; Apr 22; May 13; June 10
Early Learning Needs Assessment
The Medical Lake School District is conducting an early learning needs assessment to determine the need for more early learning opportunities to better serve the birth to 5 year old children of our Medical Lake School District communities. We need your help. Please scan the QR code to complete a short survey.
January is School Board Appreciation Month
Thank you to our Medical Lake School District Board of Directors for all you do for "Every Student. Every Day"
Governor's Proclamation States:
WHEREAS, the mission of Washington's public school system is to ensure that all students achieve at high levels and possess the knowledge and skills to be responsible members of a democratic society and enjoy productive and satisfying lives; and
WHEREAS, Washington's 295 locally-elected school boards of directors and nine elected educational service district (ESD) boards are the core of the public education governance system in our state, serve more than 1.1 million students, have a combined annual budget of over $15 billion, and employ approximately 120,000 people; and
WHEREAS, school boards play a crucial role in promoting student learning and achievement by creating a vision, establishing policies and budgets, and setting clear standards of accountability for all involved; and
WHEREAS, school board directors are directly accountable to residents in their districts
and regions, serving as a vital link between members of the community and their schools; and
WHEREAS, school boards and ESDs provide a passionate voice of advocacy for public schools and the welfare of school children; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize school board directors as outstanding public servants and champions for public education;
Medical Lake School District Board of Directors
- Dr. Wendy Williams-Gilbert ~ School Board President and Legislative Representative
- Laura Parsons ~ School Board Vice President and District 10 Representative
- Ron Cooper ~ School Board Director and WIAA Representative
- Alexis Alexander ~ School Board Director
- Gerri Johnson ~ School Board Director