Chamisa CLIPS
October 4, 2024
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are being held Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10. Notices were sent home Monday informing families of their conference times. Students do not come to school on these days. Fifth and sixth graders are encouraged to attend their conference with their parents.
Please call your student's teacher or the office if you have any questions.
Fall Break
Los Alamos' districts Fall Break is Friday, October 11 thru Monday, October 14. We will return to school Tuesday, October 15. Have a wonderful long weekend with your families. Enjoy our lovely fall weather!
Pizza Party Winners for PTO Chocolate Fundraiser
PTO treated students who sold 3 or more boxes of chocolate with a pizza party today.
Natalia Trujillo (1st gr) was the top seller at 21 boxes! Hailie Ulibarri (2nd gr) was in second place at 12 boxes, and Evelyn Sena (4th gr) was third with 11 boxes! Thank you all for supporting our school.
September Cheetah CHAMPionS
Level Up Reading Challenge Winners
Kinder Field Trip to PEEC
Middle Team Veterans Day Musical Program
Dear Middle Team Families-
You are invited to join us in the Chamisa Gym at 8:30 am on Friday, November 8, 2024 as your students present a special musical program to honor our community Veterans and their families. This will be held after the PTO Veterans Day Pancake Breakfast.
New this year: As many students have shared that they have service members in their families, I will be creating a slide presentation including photos of Veterans related to our Chamisa Community. If you would like to contribute a photo, please send it to with Veteran Photo in the subject line. Be sure to include your student’s name, Veteran’s name, and how the two are related. (can be family or friend)
Students should dress in Red, White, and Blue on the day of the performance.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Megan Tholen, MM
Chamisa Elementary Music Specialist
Unity Day
We are excited to celebrate Unity Day on October 16th this year, as part of National Bullying Prevention Month. Unity Day, established by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in 2011, is a global event that promotes kindness, inclusion, and the acceptance of differences as we work together to create healthier, more supportive communities.
We invite you to participate by wearing orange and/or organizing a Unity Day activity within our school community. Together, we can show our students that our community cares about their well-being and stands firmly against bullying. Our collective efforts will make a lasting impact on their young lives as we demonstrate the power of unity on this important topic.
You can find more details, including ideas for activities, lesson plans, and other resources to help you celebrate, by visiting the Unity Day guide or
Thank you for joining us in this important movement! Let’s come together and make Unity Day a meaningful experience for all.
Our Halloween Costume Swap boxes are out and available for donations in the front of the school!! Please drop off any old costumes your family is not using anymore. Our Costume Swap and Cake Walk fundraiser is on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6pm.
Mark Your Calendar!
Wed & Thu, Oct 9 & 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School for students
Fri, Oct 11-14, Fall Break, No School
Wed, Oct 16: PTO Meeting/Principal Time, 7:00pm in Library
Fri, Oct 18: Ski Swap, LAMS gym, 6pm
Tues, Oct 22: PTO Halloween Costume Swap, 6:00 pm
Thurs, Oct 24: School Board Meeting at Chamisa, 5:30 pm
Thurs, Oct 31: Chamisa Halloween Parade, 1:30pm
Thurs, Oct 31: Chamisa Glow Tunnel Trick-or-Treat, 5:00-8:00 - All welcome
Mon, Nov 4, Sixth Gr Fundraiser at SALA . Showing of INSIDE OUT at 6 pm
Tues, Nov 5: Election Day, No School
Thurs, Nov 7: Creede Repertory Theater
Fri, Nov 8: PTO Veterans Pancake Breakfast
Fri, Nov 8: MT Veterans Day Musical Program, 8:30
Mon, Nov 11: Veterans Day - No School
Wed, Nov 20: PTO Meeting, Principal Time, 7:00pm in Library
Fri, Nov 22: Chamisa Spelling Bee, time to be determined
Wed, Nov 27- Sun, Dec 1: Thanksgiving Break