Thornhill Elementary PFC Newsletter
Volume 31, Issue 36, May 14, 2024
In This Issue (bolded items are new for this week)
- Final PFC Meeting Tonight via Zoom
- Construction Update - New Bridge and Parking Lot at St. John's
- 2024-25 PFC Board Slate
- Sing Karaoke in the Studio Where Thriller Was Recorded!
- Get your Thunderbird Swag this Friday!
- Thornhill Inclusion Book Club
- Clean Grounds after Spring Clean!
- Tomorrow, Wednesday May 15: Extending the Benefit of Walking to School to the Farthest Families!
- Two Weeks Left Before all Lost and Found is Donated
- End of Year Party at Taps and Takeout - May 22
- Community Information
- OUSD Announcement
- Calendar of Important Dates
Final PFC Meeting Tonight via Zoom
Originally, we planned to meet in person for our final PFC meeting tonight in the Library. However, with several individuals and kiddos getting sick to the end-of-year bugs making their rounds, we've opted for a Zoom meeting instead. This ensures everyone can still participate without risking the spread of those silly germs.
The meeting will start this evening at 6:00pm via Zoom and everyone is welcome to attend.
Meeting ID: 832 3060 6543 Passcode: Thornhill
The agenda includes three significant votes. Plus, we're thrilled to welcome two speakers from our neighbor, St. John's Church, who will present information on the MAJOR parking lot and bridge construction plans.
Next week marks the final stretch of the school year, with each day being a minimum day! Since we aren’t meeting in person tonight, the PFC is eager to connect with everyone face-to-face. We invite you to join us at Taps and Takeout next Wednesday, May 22nd! Joe is graciously opening early to commemorate the 5th grade promotion attendees, so let's come together on the eve of the last day of school for a fun gathering!
Catrina Vrankovich & Evie Nagy
PFC co-Presidents
Construction on a new bridge and parking lot from Thornhill Drive to St. John’s Church begins this Thursday, May 16.
Much of the existing parking lot will be taken up with machines, equipment, & materials. During the 18 month construction project, there will be no parking for Thornhill parents and all space will be reserved for the church and its tenants. Limited space will be allocated to Thornhill staff.
The PFC, school administration, and church are in regular contact. We are developing a full plan for the 2024/25 school year. For the last week of this school year, please walk/bike if possible and park safely on side streets as Thornhill Drive will be even busier than usual. Please contact quickdrop@thornhillschool.org with questions.
An update will be shared at the PFC meeting tonight.
Ian Storrar
PFC Traffic Safety Chair
2024-25 PFC Board Slate
Per our bylaws, we are publishing the PFC (Parent Faculty Club) Board Slate for the 2024-25 school year below. Roles and responsibilities for each role are summarized under the PFC menu on our website here.
Not involved yet? Check out the vacancies below and consider taking a role within the PFC; you can even partner up with a friend! Reach out to president@thornhillschool.org, we're eager to connect with you and fill some key positions.
PFC Board Slate 2024-2025 *Executive Board
*Co-Presidents: Catrina Vrankovich + Becky Gonzales
*Secretary: VACANT
*Co-Treasurers: Madeleine Buck, +VACANT
*VP Communications: Jill Evans
*VP Fundraising: VACANT
*VP Personnel: Evie Nagy
*Member-at-Large (TK-2): Selam Brown
*Member-at-Large (3-5): Chelsea Boniak
5th Grade Liaison: VACANT
Auction Chair: Bart Lounsbury
Annual Fund co-Chairs: Stefani Miller, Selam Brown, +VACANT
Fall Festival Chair co-Chairs (PFC + BAC): VACANT x2
Merchant Partnerships: VACANT
Hospitality co-Chairs: VACANT x2
Grants & Solicitations: VACANT
Inclusion & Belonging co-Chairs: Sophie Astier, +VACANT
Newsletter: Annie Sartor
Parliamentarian: VACANT
Site Safety Chair: Bruce Cowles
Sustainability: Deepa Lounsbury
Room Parents Chair: VACANT
Traffic Safety Chair: Ian Storrar
Spirit Wear: Nisan Perera
Webmaster: Sylvia Sudat
Walk-a-thon co-Chairs: Alison Bunker, Brenna Gustafson
TK/K co-Chairs: VACANT x3
Thank you to all those who have volunteered!
Friends Don't Let Friends Karaoke Alone….
The last hosted party of the year is turning into a doozy! We’ve moved the venue from Taps and Takeout to owner (and Thornhill dad) Joe Frankel’s house, which was once owned by one of Michael Jackson’s producers! AND PART OF THRILLER WAS RECORDED THERE! It’s basically a musicophile's dream.
There are lots of tickets left and we encourage you to bring your kids and make it a family affair because, after all, friends don’t let friends Karaoke alone.
Here are the details:
When: Saturday May 18, 7-10pm
What: An all-inclusive evening of karaoke, food, drinks (booze and nonalcoholic drinks alike) and a rollicking good time! Gather with other Thornhill folks for a great party the last weekend before the end of the school year!
Cost: $100 per family
Get your tickets here: Karaoke Party at a famous recording studio!
Get your Thunderbird Swag this Friday!
Get your Thornhill t-shirts and hats THIS Friday after school, just in time for Spirit Week, May 20-23! Items will be on sale outside the front gate.
Thornhill Inclusion Book Club
Hello Thunderbirds,
Welcome to May’s Inclusion Book Club! This time, due to popular demand, we are focusing on a wonderful podcast, Seeing White, rather than a book. We hope this will make it easier for everyone to enjoy it on the daily work commute or while cooking dinner, rather than sitting down to read a whole book, which we know can be very time consuming, especially as we approach the busy last weeks of school.
Seeing White is Season 2 of the Scene on Radio series, which is produced by the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. It is a podcast for adults and the series aims to turn the lens on what it means to be White in America today, unpacking much of the history that led to notions of race and to racial inequality. As each episode delves into the history and construction of these ideas, the conversation is always led back to what this means for our choices and actions in the present day and how we can move towards a more equitable and informed approach in the way we attend to ourselves, our communities and how we teach our children.
Each episode focuses on a different theme, including the slave trade of the 17th Century, how the Supreme Court defined ‘whiteness’ and privilege in the 1920s and making sense of affirmative action in the modern day. For example, episode 2 is titled “How Race was Made” and focuses on the statement “Today, science deems race to be biologically meaningless. Who invented race as we know it, and why?”
Episode 4 focuses on “All men are created equal” and how the intention of that phrase when it was written is different to how we understand it today. Episode 6 is titled “That’s not us, we’re so clean” and asks us to consider how the weight of race and racial injustice is shared by all parts of this nation and is not unique to any particular state or political party.
In each episode, John Biewen, an ex-NPR journalist and leader of the podcast, joins a conversation with Chenjerai Kumanyika, a journalist who teaches at Rutgers University. Their conversations give an opportunity to consider in more depth the implications of some of these historical moments in a really approachable, thought-provoking and entertaining way. They challenge each other (and us) to consider questions beyond what they have previously taken for granted, including how attached are you to the idea of being white?, when did you first realize you were someone who was categorized within a race? and how has your sense of your racial privilege (or disadvantage) changed as you have grown older?.
This podcast is a really wonderful introduction to the history and current state of race and in/justice in the US and we hope you will enjoy listening to all the episodes over the long summer ahead! We cannot recommend it highly enough! If you would like to listen along, you can find it wherever you get your podcasts. You can click here to access more information on all the episodes.
Thank you for joining us! We look forward to sharing more books with you when school starts again in August and in the meantime, please keep an eye out for exciting news about some upcoming in-person book club meetings we hope to host over the summer break.
Thornhill Inclusion and Belonging Team
Further recommendations for adults:
Do the Work! by W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz
Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
Guide for Selecting Anti Bias Children’s Books: Link here
Further recommendations for children:
Stamped: For Kids. Racism, Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X Kendi
Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o
The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler
Magnificent Homespun Brown by Samara Cole Doyon
The Antiracist Kid by Tiffany Jewel
Clean Grounds after Spring Clean!
Spring Clean finally happened on a warm sunny Sunday, May 5, with a fabulous crew of volunteers. With gloves, rakes, brooms, and trash bags in hand, our volunteers went around the school grounds, weeding, sweeping, and collecting lost clothes, bottles and trash. Most of all, we disassembled and removed the old broken planter boxes that had been at the school for 17 years! It was time! After 3 hours, we left the school looking fabulous! The Green team thanks all of the parents and families who took their Sunday morning to work at Thornhill.
From the Green Team
Tomorrow, Wednesday May 15: Extending the Benefit of Walking to School to the Farthest Families!
Some families step out of their homes onto a short path that leads to school within 20 minutes. Others have no choice but to hop in their car and head right into morning traffic to get their child to school on time, let alone get themselves to work. Enjoying a stroll in the morning feels like a privilege to those who live closer to Thornhill. Not anymore! We've got you, far, far away families, with a hybrid mode of transportation to school: start with a car ride, then park at one of the designated parking areas near the school to finish the journey on foot. You'll avoid the Thornhill traffic to and back from school, and get a stretch while walking with other families!
Tomorrow morning is the last Park & Walk To School Initiative of the school year. We hope to see as many of you close and far arrive at school on foot. This initiative helps to improve our air and traffic on the roads, and is a treat for our health!
Find your parking station here and start walking at 8am to be on time at dropoff. Let's have fun!
- The Thornhill Green Team
End of Year Party at Taps and Takeout - May 22
Details: Wednesday, May 22 starting at 1:25pm at Taps and Takeout. Hope to see you then!
Community Information
Hope you all enjoyed the fabulous music concerts this past week! Continue the fun this summer with Summer Town Strings, sponsored by The Harmony Project.
Register HERE!
Tuesday, May 14: Last PFC Meeting of the School Year via Zoom @ 6:00 PM
Wednesday, May 15: 2nd-5th grade author visit (details in Konstella)
Saturday, May 18:Family Karaoke Party! (buy tickets here)
Monday, May 20 - Thursday, May 23: Minimum Days and Spirit Week
Monday, May 20: BAC Ally Brainstorm and Social @ 6pm (details in Konstella)
Wednesday, May 22: 5th Grade Promotion
Wednesday, May 22: Deadline to claim Lost and Found items!
Wednesday, May 22: Taps and Takeout End of Year Party @ 1:25pm
Thursday, May 23: Last Day of School
Be sure also to subscribe to the Thornhill Google Calendar here, and download the OUSD District calendar here.
About the Thornhill Newsletter
The Thornhill Parent-Faculty Club (PFC) Communications team publishes this weekly newsletter each Tuesday in the school year to communicate school, PFC and OUSD news, events and information. We all have plenty of other things to do, but please try to read it weekly, as it will more than likely answer most questions you have about what’s up at school. Information about how to submit to the newsletter is below, but you can reach out at any time at newsletter@thornhillschool.org.
Email submissions to Annie Sartor, at newsletter@thornhillschool.org by 8 p.m. Thursday for approval—nothing sent after this will be included in the following week’s newsletter unless there are extremely compelling extenuating circumstances. It’s fine to include text in the body of the email with links and no formatting, and attach photos preferably as 150 x 150, 72 dpi JPG or GIFs only (not embedded in email or word file). Submissions may be edited for spelling, grammar, brevity and clarity. Advertising and items not related to Thornhill are not accepted, as we need to keep the newsletter focused on need-to-know info for the community.
THANK YOU to everyone who submits articles and to PFC Board Members, Teachers, VP of Communications Jill Evans, PFC Presidents Evie Nagy and Catrina Vrankovich, and Principal Steve Daubenspeck, member of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD).
Email: webmaster@thornhillschool.org
Website: thornhillschool.org
Location: 5880 Thornhill Drive, Oakland, CA, USA
Phone: 510-339-6800