Bobcat Bulletin
August 26, 2024
Weekly Announcements & Reminders
We are officially in full swing of our school year! We've enjoyed our first two chapels and introduced our theme song and text for the year! Our them is "Praise Him!" with the text "Let them praise the name of the Lord , for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens." Psalms 148:13.
- Don't forget hot lunch will not begin until September 3rd. Please pack lunches for your students. (This assumes we have enough volunteers to run the program)
- No School Sept 2nd - Labor Day
- Dropoff/Pickup - please respect our line up procedures and pull your car into the pickup line. I promise it looks longer than it will actually take. Only under emergency exceptions should you park and walk up to the gym to pickup your student out of order.
- Health Screenings are scheduled for September 10. If you had your regular annual checkup with your child's doctor, they can send in the documentation for vision/hearing testing and you can save the $15.00 fee that it costs for the health screening. We must have the documentation before September 9 to be exempt from our on campus screening. More info to come.
- School Spirit and Theme Shirt Order forms will be going home asap. Don't forget to order!
Student Handbook Reminders
Please make sure you have read our student handbook for our policies.
- Please remember parents must bring your student to the office if you arrive late to sign in.
- Email your student's teacher if your student will be out for any reason. You can cc the office. Dr notes can be turned into the teacher for an excused absence.
- Missing Work due to absences - If a student takes work ahead of days missed, it must be returned the day they are back in class. If a student receives work after, they have the number of days missed to make up the missing work in addition to keeping up with current assignments.
- Every Friday the theme shirt or a school spirit shirt may be worn. On Fridays jeans/jean shorts will be allowed with the theme shirt/Spirit shirt. Pathfinder/Adventurer shirts are also allowed.
- All clothes must be the appropriate size. Length of jumpers, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be modest, close to knee length and in keeping with Christian principles of dress.
- The students should not wear rings, chains, earrings or studs, necklaces, bracelets, or similar jewelry. Medical IDs may be worn.
- BAS allows one religious themed silicone bracelet.
Important Events
Athletics - Parent/Coach Meeting
Parents are invited to attend our Athletics information meeting. This is for all club sports at BAS - JH Soccer, Elem Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Elem Boys Basketball, JH Girls and Boys Basketball.
Discussion: Rules & Expectations
Location: BAS Gym
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 05:30 PM
1635 Fox Lane, Burleson, TX, USA
Hot Lunch Program Needs Your Help!!
BAS Needs Volunteers!
Our hot lunch program is in need of volunteers to come in and prep, cook, serve and clean. Typically the day begins around 10:15 am and is completely cleaned about 1:00 pm. If we have two volunteers the time is able to be cut shorter. BAS is not able to continue to serve lunches unless we have the volunteers to do so. This could impact how many days we are able to offer hot lunches this school year. We will do our best to fill in the days but cannot guarantee it.
If you are able, interested, and willing to help either bi-weekly or even monthly with any of our lunches please contact Kimber at office@bas4u.org or your student's teacher. Once we have a list of volunteers and schedules, we will put out a calendar of exactly which dates of each month we will offer hot lunch. Fridays will continue to be pizza & snack Fridays. We post online, in JupiterEd and here in the newsletter which days will be hot lunch days.
Thank you for understanding and for volunteering if/when you are able!
MAP Testing
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 08:45 AM
1635 Fox Lane, Burleson, TX, USA
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