East Weekly
December 13, 2024
Notes from the Principal
Good Afternoon,
Winter is here, and it’s getting cold! Please remind your students to wear their coats to school so they can stay warm if we have outdoor recess or while waiting for buses! We will have our December fire drill next week.
We’re also gearing up for our House Olympics on Friday, December 20, and we need your help to make this event a success! If you’re able to volunteer, please sign up using the link below. It’s a great way to be part of the fun and excitement as we wrap up the semester together.
A quick reminder: next week is our last week before winter break! Students will have a well-deserved break starting December 21 and will return for Quarter 3 on Monday, January 6. Let’s finish the semester strong!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Stay warm, and we hope to see many of you at the House Olympics!
Take care,
Megan Kirsten
Upcoming Dates
December 16-20: SPIRIT WEEK!
December 17: 6th Grade Band/Choir Concert and Performance Choir at MSE 7:30 p.m (8th Performance Choir call time at 6:30 p.m. & 6th Band/Choir call time 7:10 p.m.)
December 20: End of Quarter 2 / House Olympics-- volunteers needed, see below!
December 23 - January 3 : Holiday Break - No School
*Students return January 6
January 8: High school scheduling meeting for students (during school)-- 8th grade only
January 9: 8th Grade Parent Night-- in the GLHS auditorium at 6:30 PM.
January 23: High school scheduling meeting for students (during school)-- 8th grade only
House Olympics-- December 20
East House Olympics are a time for fun team building before winter break. In order for all students and staff to participate, we are asking for parent volunteers to help with activities in classrooms and/or to cover lunch duties so teachers and staff can direct olympic events.
Please find a time slot you can assist with. We ask that you also complete the GJPS volunteer application if you have not done so already.
Thank you!
Athletics/Spirit Wear
20% OFF Grand Opening Sale
Your Gahanna Middle School East Sideline Store is LIVE. Save on all your favorite fan and spirit wear now with code SPIRIT20. Exclusions apply.
Welcome to Sideline Store, THE place to score personalized spirit wear and accessories from all your favorite brands. For a limited time, enjoy 20% OFF during your Gahanna Middle School East store’s Grand Opening Sale with code SPIRIT20.
Happy shopping, Gahanna Middle School East fan!
Updates from staff
6th Grade
Please check in with your student on their current supply of pencils and pens. Many students are completely out and would benefit from a restock as we move from 3rd to 4th quarter. Many students are also in need of headphones. Thank you for your help!
7th Grade
There will be NO Power of the Pen next week for 7th grade! We are also looking for one more member to participate in Power of the Pen! If your child is interested, please have them email Mrs. Maynard at maynarda@gjps.org, or let me know in person at school!
ELA 7: Students are wrapping up and submitting their argument essays early next week!
Math 7: We have started Chapter 5 this week. Students will be continuing their exploration of probabilities of multiple events.
We look forward to a day of fun with the Protos Olympics on Friday, December 20! Wear your house shirts/colors on this day!
Science: Merrick’s classes will have an assessment over Compounds & Mixtures on Thursday 12/19. Study guide was added to Google Classroom on Tuesday.
Need a copy of one of the 7th grade science book we use? Click here for the Everything You Need To Ace Science In One Big Fat Notebook
Social Studies students are finishing up their unit on Ancient Rome with their infrastructure projects. Next week they will cover the fall of Rome and then move on to Feudalism after break.
Math 7 students will take their final assessment of the quarter on Thursday 12/19! The quiz will cover Chapter 5.
8th Grade
8th Grade General Announcement: With it being cold/flu season, we have drained our supply of Kleenexes. We are in desperate need of tissues! Please consider donating a few boxes and send some in with your student next week. (Clorox and hand sanitizer are also appreciated!)
Science: 8th grade Science classes are looking for paper towel donations! Please consider donating so that they can be restocked.
American History: We The People presentations will be next week, December 16-19! Parents are welcome to join as audience members to watch the presentations! Students should know by today which day they are presenting.
High School Scheduling Support for 8th Graders
- January 8th: Counselors will visit each middle school to present important scheduling information (two counselors per location).
- January 9th: Chelsey Stalnaker will host the 8th Grade Parent Night in the GLHS auditorium at 6:30 PM.
- January 23rd: Counselors will return to the middle schools to meet with students who have not submitted course requests or have additional questions.
8th Grade Parent Night Information
The GLHS school counselors are excited to invite you to our 8th Grade Parent Night on January 9th, at 6:30 PM in the GLHS Auditorium! Join us to learn all about high school scheduling and what to expect as your student transitions to 9th grade.
Following the presentation, join us for a Curriculum Fair in the cafeteria, where you can engage with teachers from various departments and ask any questions you may have. Our school counselors will also be available to support you with any inquiries.
They can’t wait to see you there and help you and your student get ready for high school!
All Grades
ST Math Announcement
Our students have been working incredibly hard this year on their ST Math goals. Math teachers have been showing their appreciation with a special school “Thankful Tree” to celebrate their efforts in the math classroom and with ST Math.
We’re excited to announce that our next ST Math reward is coming up next week! Students who complete 50% of their puzzle progress by the end of the day Wednesday, December 18 will be eligible for this reward, which will be given on Thursday, December 19. Additionally, students who reach this ST Math milestone by the date above will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win various prizes!
If you have a child in Math 6, Math 7, Math 8, ACE 6/7 Math, or ACE 7/8 Math, be sure to ask your child about their ST Math progress. Rewards and prizes are generously funded by the GMSE PTA, and we thank them for their ongoing support in recognizing our students’ hard work and achievements.
We appreciate your continued encouragement as our students strive to meet their goals!
PTA Updates/Opportunities
Looking to recognize/thank a teacher?
We’ve put together a list of the East staff's favorite things to assist families who may wish to give a gift to their child’s teacher. Please note that teachers are not requesting gifts, and there is absolutely no obligation to purchase anything. A heartfelt note from you or your child at any time of the year is equally, if not more, meaningful than any gift.
Next Meeting January 13, 2024
Always here!
Attendance and Planned Absences
To report an absence, please call the front office at (614)478-5550 or email fischerj@gjps.org by 9:10am if possible.You also have the ability to login into Infinite Campus and mark your child's absence there. Please ONLY do this if your child will be absent for the entire day.
The GJPS Heart & Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
PTA meetings take place on the 2nd Monday of each month in the GMSE library at 7:00pm. All are welcome!
Meeting dates:
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Help support and fund numerous initiatives for students and staff throughout the year. Stay tuned to our Facebook page, “GMSE Parents” (new members be sure to answer the questions to be admitted), and upcoming newsletters for more information about what we do and how you can help.
Please consider joining the Middle School East PTA.
Important Dates:
Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 2, 2025: Winter Break - No School
Jan. 3, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Jan. 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 14, 2025: PD Day - No School
Feb. 17, 2025: Presidents Day - No School
Mar. 10, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Mar. 31-April 4, 2025: Spring Break- No School
April 18, 2025: Comp Day - No School
May 2, 2025: PD Day - No School
May 23, 2025: Last Day of School for Students
May 24, 2025: Class of 2025 Commencement