Fungus on target!
These Oils Fight Fungus And Support Healthy Nails And Skin
A military paramedic revealed a recipe that saved the feet of thousands of soldiers
A retired paramedic has turned an ancient drug into a powerful weapon against foot fungus and sweat odor. Probably the most powerful ever!
Every third soldier experiences foot fungus
A forgotten leaflet with a rustic recipe shocked world science. Former military paramedic Evan Durham was sorting through his archives, and suddenly found an old notebook sheet - from the time of the peacekeeping mission to the Asian jungle. Then the soldiers in his company almost returned home disabled due to an epidemic foot fungus. But a local healer gave him a recipe for a drug that put the fighters on their feet in a couple of weeks. Years later, Mr. Durham created an express antifungal agent based on it, the power of which is already legendary, and pharmaceutical companies are almost fighting for the right to sell it under their own brand.
Is it true that this medication helps to get rid of long-standing fungus in almost 1-2 weeks and eliminates an unpleasant smell for a long time? Let's find out!
Hyperhidrosis and mycosis are the scourge of soldiers and officers. Army shoes are not breathable. And daily exercises and forced marches make soldiers' feet sweat a lot. Over time, a difficult-to-remove fungus develops, the feet are rubbed to bloody calluses, they swell, itch and smell unpleasant. Especially in hot and humid climates. So, in one of the peacekeeping missions to Asia, fungus almost mowed down an entire company of soldiers. Doctors could not cope with weeping ulcers and bloody calluses on the feet of the fighters.
A folk recipe from the wild jungle quickly put the soldiers on their feet
Fortunately, the locals suggested a recipe for feet diseases. Soldiers lubricated their feet, and soon the fungus epidemic disappeared.
In his private lab, Evan Durham decided to enhance this remedy by combining an ancient recipe with modern technology. He supplemented the recipe with a native plant, Larrea tridentis, a powerful antifungal component. That's how Kerassentials - Oil appeared - an express remedy against foot sweating and fungus.
Official comment from the developer of
Kerassentials, Evan Durham
In the army, I personally saw what the fungus does to the feet of soldiers: they rotted, covered with ulcers, bled. This recipe saved our fighters. Now I have improved its composition. The effectiveness of the oil exceeded all expectations. Kerassentials not just dries the skin and heals cracks and calluses. It breaks down the protein structure of the fungus , and also DISINFECTS THE SKIN AND NAILS FROM ITS SPORES. I am proud that Kerassentials has become the first natural remedy that will help you forget about fungal infection and hyperhidrosis in 1-2 weeks.
Before and after using antifungal oil
Before and after using antifungal Oil
Why is Kerassentials that effective?
The active components of the Oil create a protective layer on the skin in which the fungus simply cannot live and multiply - even in the tightest and most uncomfortable shoes.
Kerassentials disinfects and destroys the structure of a fungal infection, eliminates itching, discomfort, accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks. Due to its high penetrating ability, it reduces the amount of sweat produced. Also, this Oil strengthens the nail plate, moisturizes and pleasantly refreshes the skin due to natural antiseptics and a powerful vitamin base.
Inside every drop of Kerassentials you’ll find: A bespoke proprietary formula of 4 special high-quality oils, along with a powerful mix of 9 oils and minerals.
Lavender Oil
- Protects nail keratin
- Supports the nails and skin
- Fights against strong fungus
Organic Flaxseed Oil
- Boosts skin’s natural immunity
- Helps with inflammation
- Superfood for your skin
Almond Oil
- Helps prevent fungus
- Protects against infections
- Supports healthy nails
Tea Tree Oil
- Strong antifungal properties
- Helps curb fungus growth
- Safe and effective
Lemongrass Oil
- Efficient antifungal
- Prevents future infection
- Helps with inflammation
Aloe Vera
- Soothes the skin
- Strong antifungal
- Moisturizes the skin
- Stable form of Vit. E
- Protects the skin
- Prevents skin aging
Isopropyl Palmitate
- Targets fungus’ root
- Helps clear the skin
- Supports healthy nails
Undecylenic Acid
- Beneficial fatty acid
- Helps prevent fungus
- Helps protect the nails