CHS Weekly Newsletter
August 17
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the time has come!
Sign in steps:
1. Log in to Google Classroom
2. Click on 1st period class
3. Find the Zoom or Google Meet link posted by the teacher
4. Join!!
Distance Learning Expectations
This year is NOT the same as last year’s distance learning. The expectations for student participation are the same as if we were in regular school.
- Attendance will be taken every day for every period scheduled. If a student misses a class session, they MUST get in touch with their teacher(s) in order to communicate their absence. First and last names should be displayed in Zoom or Google Meet
- Regular A-F letter grades will be assigned. Students are expected to participate and complete work as usual. If you are experiencing technological difficulties or need school supplies, please contact your child’s counselor or an administrator and we will assist you.
- School rules regarding conduct and dress are still in effect. Please be sure to have students wear appropriate attire for a school setting and follow the rules of conduct as laid out in our student handbook found on our website.
- Please make sure that any virtual or in-home Zoom backgrounds are also school appropriate. Students who display inappropriate backgrounds or images during a class may be subject to school discipline. Remember, we are creating a positive professional environment for all to learn and engage with their teachers and peers.
- Use appropriate language when writing and speaking. You are still in a classroom and we strive for academic language and respectful speech.
Additional Tools for Success
- Be prepared and on time for class
- Test audio and visual before class
- Follow class “norms”
- Use a designated work space
- Avoid multitasking
- Minimize noise and distractions
- Keep a planner to log homework and assignments
- Check your email several times a day
Distance Learning Google Site
Students will receive information through Google Classroom about
Zoom and/or Google Meet classroom links.
Important Dates and End of Grading Periods
August 17 - First Day of School
October 16 - End of 1st Quarter
December 16 - 18 - 1st Semester Final Exams
December 18 - End of 1st Semester
January 5 - First Day of 2nd Semester
March 19 - End of 3rd Quarter
May 28, June 1-2 - 2nd Semester Final Exams
June 2 - Last day of school/End of 2nd Semester
Non School Days
September 7 - No School - Labor Day
November 11 - No School - Veteran's Day
November 23 - 27 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 21 - January 4 - No School - Winter Break
January 18 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
February 12 - No School - School Recess
February 15 - No School - Presidents' Day
April 2 - No School - Cesar Chavez Day
April 5 - 9 - No School - Spring Break
May 31 - No School - Memorial Day
New text option!
Stay informed about district events, reopening updates, safety alerts, and more by signing up for MDUSD text communications today—simply send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to 67587. You can also opt out of these messages at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
MDUSD’s platform for text communications is SchoolMessenger, a company compliant with the Student Privacy PledgeTM, so you can rest assured that your information is safe and will never be given or sold to anyone.
Visit our school website for more information!
Website: chs.mdusd.org
Location: 4200 Concord Boulevard, Concord, CA, USA
Phone: 925-687-2030
Twitter: @concord_high