Power Notes
Back to School Logistics
At CRMS we create a supportive environment where students achieve academic success, develop life skills, and build confidence for the future!
Keeping you Updated
Only a few more days left until students are back in the building and the 2023-2024 school year is off and running.
Who to call or email?
1. If you have questions about Power School or attendance matters--Mrs. Jane Towers
2. If you have immunization paperwork--Mrs. Jane Towers or Nurse Lauren Brittingham
3. If you have questions about student schedules or courses--Mrs. Tricia Bolduc or Mr. Michael Tyndall
4. If you need bus information--Mrs. Jane Towers or Mrs. Kiesha Hynson
6. If you have questions about your child's IEP--Dr. Yolanda Holloway
7. If you have questions about your child's 504 plan--Mr. Neil Lambert
Transportation/bus information will arrive before the 1st day of school!
Important Dates:
Aug 26th Back to School Night
*6th grade 5:30pm-6:15pm; 7th & 8th grades 6:30pm-7pm
August 28th--First Day of School
Take Care. Be Well.
Upcoming Dates
August 26th--Back to School Night
6th Grade--5:30pm-6:15pm; 7th & 8th Grades--6:30pm-7:00pm
August 28th--First Day of School. School starts at 7:30am
September 2nd-- No School. Labor Day
September 3rd-- School Reopens
Back to School Family Incentive
Families who complete the Back to School checklist at Monday's event will be eligible for a dinner certificate at the Red Shef food truck, courtesy of CRMS Community Schools.
YONDR pouches and Middle School
Have quick access to all of the school system's important information.
La aplicación CCPS
Tenga acceso rápido a toda la información importante del sistema escolar.
Gen aksè rapid ak tout enfòmasyon enpòtan sistèm lekòl la.
Morning Entry
Any student being dropped off in the morning should be dropped at the first parking lot (staff parking lot). There will be a staff member assigned to the area.The student will then walk to the building using the designated walkway. Cars should NOT drive up to the front of the school building during the morning entry. We have a bus that may need that space.
Due to the high volume of traffic, please limit the time between pulling up and letting your student out of the car.Make sure the student has their belongings on them and is ready to exit the car upon stopping at the designated area.
Students will not be let into the building before 7:15am, so please be mindful of that drop off time, especially during cases of inclement weather. Staff is not scheduled to be on duty prior to that time.
Dismissal Time
All students exit the building at the same time! School dismisses at 2:34pm. If you are here earlier than that, please DO NOT pull up to the front of the building. We have 2 buses that have to pick up students directly in the front of the school. Blocking these buses' entry can negatively impact the schedule for our students.
Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff.
CCPS is committed to providing a safe, respectful, nurturing educational environment where the worth and dignity of individuals are valued and their safety and rights are protected. Behaviors that compromise this environment, interfere with school operations or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of our public schools will not be tolerated. Bullying, hazing, harassment or other discrimination affecting a student or a staff member should be reported by a victim, parent/guardian, witness, staff member or other person having knowledge.
Staff members with knowledge of such conduct are required to promptly report it to the building principal.
CRMS Contact Information
Mr. Eric (Neil) Lambert, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Tricia Bolduc 8th grade and A-L 7th Grade Counselor
Mr. Michael Tyndall 6th grade and M-Z 7th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Jane Towers, Enrollment & Attendance Secretary
Ms. Kiesha Hynson, Administrative SecretaryEmail: holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.colonelrichardsonms.org/
Phone: 410-479-1462
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Colonel-Richardson-Middle-School-329879580517088