Falcon Flyer
Week of 1/20/25-1/24/25
Principal's Messaage
Dear Falcon Families,
It was wonderful to see so many happy smiles on campus last week. Thank you for encouraging your child to join the BINGO Reading Challenge! Participants enjoyed lunch and dessert with me and chose a book to take home.
As we settle into routines, please approach campus with patience and grace to ensure everyone's safety. A few incidents have occurred during arrival and dismissal—let's set a positive example for our students, who are always observing and learning from us.
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders (see map below)
- Stay in your vehicle. Follow the green arrows in the diagram, drive forward, and do not leave your car unattended. To help reduce morning congestion, consider dropping off earlier—7:45 instead of 7:55.
- Use crosswalks (yellow).
- Avoid the staff parking lot (red).
- School Gates will lock at 8:00 a.m. If you're on campus, we kindly ask that you exit through the building as soon as the bell rings.
Your Input Matters
At this Thursday's SSC meeting, we will discuss budget priorities for the next school year. Your feedback is essential to shaping decisions that impact our students. Please complete the survey below as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Together We Soar!
Your partner in education,
25-26 Budget Priority Survey (English)
25-26 Budget Priority Survey (Spanish)
Attendance Matters
Last week's attendance average was 94.20%. Our goal is 97%
Make good school attendance a habit in the new year!
Out with the old absences and tardies and in with the new daily and on-time school attendance habits.
The Learning Pit
Continue to ask your child daily: Did you get into the Learning Pit? At Otay, we encourage students to use a growth mindset to face challenges, have a go at something new, try with a willingness to be confused or make mistakes along the way, and to persist in problem solving.
This Week's Events
Monday, January 20th
Tuesday, January 21st
School resumes today
Regular dismissal
LEAD Clubs start today
Wednesday, January 22nd
Thursday, January 23rd
School Site Council (SSC) Meeting
2:40-3:40 room 501 and on TEAMS
Friday, January 24th
Falcon Store is open during recess
Show school spirit- wear Falcon gear or colors
SOAR Assemblies
1st-6th 8:00-8:30 SOAR Assembly
TK-K 8:30-8:45 SOAR Assembly
Minimum Day Dismissal
TK 1:00 pm
K-6th 1:15 pm
Upcoming Events
1/27/25 Great Kindness Week
1/28/25 100th Day of School
2/6 attenDANCE for all students with Perfect Attendance in January-1. present, 2. on time, and 3. no early dismissals
2/13 Save the Date-PTA Sponsored Friendship Dance-more details coming soon
Important Information & Resources
Sign up here: https://leadotayelementary.jumbula.com/
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lugo via email Yessenia.lugo@cvesd.org or call her (619) 425-4311 ext 300
Counselor's Corner
Friendly Reminders
Together we soar! #Partnership
- For safety reasons, students must wear flat, close-toed shoes
- Every minute of instruction counts. If your child forgets snack, lunch, or water, do not worry. Second Chance and lunch will be provided. They also have access to water fountains. We kindly ask that you refrain from dropping off any items. Let’s work together to help our falcons build responsibility.
- Please note that if your child is not picked up on time at dismissal, you'll need to sign them out from the office.