Pioneer Press
September 27th, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Pioneer Families,
Now that it is officially fall and we’re well into the school year, please make note of the upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on October 22, 23 and 24, 2024.
The conferences on October 22 and 23 will be scheduled as individual meetings. If you would like to have a private discussion with a teacher, this is an excellent opportunity. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you’d like an individual conference. Teachers may also contact you to arrange meetings during these days.
On October 24, we will hold arena-style conferences. All teachers will be available in the gym on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that these meetings are brief and not fully private. If you prefer a more private conversation, you are encouraged to contact your student's teacher directly to schedule an individual conference.
Arena-style conferences will be held on October 24 from 12:30-3:00 pm and 4:00-7:00 pm, with a one hour break between 3:00 and 4:00 pm. Conferences will end promptly at 7:00 pm
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. Fernandes
Math this week
Our math classes are off to a strong star this year! All students have now worked on their iXL diagnostic and have access to an action plan that they can work on to sharpen skills. We would also like to remind everyone that we offer a Math Club from 2:45-3:45 each Tuesday and Thursday. Math Club is a chance for students to get extra support, retake assessments and continue to practice math skills. Here is a look at what each of our math classes are currently working on.
6th Grade - working through the second half of their numerical expressions and factors unit. This includes prime factorization, finding the greatest common factor and least common multiple and adding/subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.
7th Grade - finishing up operations with integers. This includes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing positive and negative whole numbers.
8th Grade - working through the expressions and equations unit. These students have worked on solving simple equations and multi-step equations and are now onto solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign.
Algebra - this week students were assessed on their ability to solve algebraic equations. They will now be moving onto reading, writing, graphing and solving equations.
Geometry - our Geometry students are working thru their unit on lines, measurements and planes.
Sports Schedule
Girls' Fastpitch:
10/01 Away at Thomas MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/03 Away at Hudtloff MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/01 Home vs. Thomas MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/03 Away at Ridgeline MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
Boys' Soccer:
10/01 Home vs. Thomas MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/03 Home vs. Hudtloff MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/01 Away vs. Thomas MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
10/03 Home vs. Hudtloff MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
Boys' and Girls' Cross Country:
10/03 - At Ft. Steilacoom Park
Start time - 3:30 pm
School Clubs
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
JS2S (Junior Student 2 Student)
Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
GSA Room
B105 with Mrs. Iglesias
Art Club - starts Tuesday, Oct. 8th
Homework Help Club
Library with Mrs. Hilton
Math Club
Room B101with Mr. Martin
Builder's Club (community service based)
Cafeteria/A115 with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go! (permission slip required) - starts Thursday, Oct. 3rd
Game Club
Room C202 with Ms. Nixon
Homework Help Club
Library with Mrs. Hilton
Math Club
Room B102 with Mr. Martin
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information:
Upcoming Community Events
Main Office Reminders
Transportation Changes:
Please call the office by 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Thurs, Fri) and 1:00 p.m. on ACE days (Wed) to request transportation changes for your student(s) to ensure that we can get them the information before the end of the school day.
Late to School:
Students start class at 8:10 a.m
If your student(s) arrive at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our Attendance Kiosk for a pass to class.
All students must know their student ID# or have their student ID with them to check-in.
Information you can find in Skyward Family Access:
Bus Route
Lunch account number
Lunch account balance
Locker combination
Student ID# (need this to check out books, tardy check-in, request appt. with a counselor, etc.)
To access Skyward use this link:
Student IDs:
Students need to bring their student ID to school every day. Their student ID number is required for checking in at the attendance kiosk when arriving late, requesting an appointment with their counselor, and checking out a book from the library.
Yearbook class needs your help!
Hey families!
If you have photos from any Pioneer sporting event, Yearbook would love to include them in the yearbook. They can be from a phone or camera.
Simply follow this link to upload them.
For yearbook purchase, use the link below: