Mariner's Message
On course: Destination Excellence
Port Royal Elementary School
Email: vicki.goude@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Website: https://pres.beaufortschools.net/
Location: 1214 Paris Avenue
Phone: 843-322-0820
Facebook: www.facebook.com/portroyalelementary
October 14, 2024
October 14: Last day to vote for SIC representatives
October 14-25: 2nd graders do CogAT & Iowa testing AND Swimming lessons!
October 14-15: 3rd-5th grade- District Benchmark Math Assessments
October 15: Picture Day- Students wear school uniforms- look for flyers
October 16: Unity Day- Students can wear Orange tops with Jeans to show support of doing everything they can to prevent bullying.
October 21-5:30: School Improvement Council Meeting
October 30: STEMath Family Night- 5:30-6:30
Parent Volunteers
Would you like to volunteer in your child's class or at a school event? Would you like to chaperone a field trip? Take a moment to complete the volunteer application.
Last day to Vote for your SIC Parent Representatives
Use the link above to cast your vote for two parents to serve as elected parent representatives on our School Improvement Council. Nominations include: Lindsey Craven, Melissa Clampitt, Kassie Nicknadarvich, Jana Kishishita, and Sydney Keown. Voting will close on October 14 at noon. All parents are invited to attend our School Improvement Council meetings. We will meet again on Monday, October 21, at 5:30 in our library. It is a great way to learn more about our school and help us find ways to improve it! Our school office will be closed at 5:30, so please use the side door by our playground to enter.