Maple Grove Grizzly Gazette
January 20, 2025
Reminder: No School Monday, January 20th (tomorrow!)
Monday, January 20: No School!
Don't forget that we don't have school due to a staff learning day on Monday, January 20.
PTA Volunteers Needed:
In order to continue offering fun, family friendly events at Maple Grove, we need your help in staffing these events! Please consider volunteering some of your time for the upcoming Glow Dance so we can have the event run without a hitch! Sign up link is listed below (as is a sign up for an upcoming hearing Van visit). We appreciate any help and time you can provide to keep these events going!
District Leadership Visit was a SUCCESS:
Our district leadership walk went incredibly well and I was so impressed with our students and teachers for not only showing the amazing work we do, but for talking with our guests (including our superintendent!) and explaining their work and thinking. I am so proud of the positive feedback we received! Great job Grizzlies!
Be Sure to Check Out Mr. Tyler's Interview on Facebook:
If you haven't had the chance to check out the spotlight piece done on Mr. Tyler (our music teacher) yet, be sure to head over to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD) to read about his journey through the Cedar Rapids Schools as a student and now as a proud teacher in our district. Also be sure to check out the video! Make sure to hit the like button while you're there so you'll get updates on all this Maple Grove.
Morning & Afternoon Supervision:
I want to remind families as we are heading into our 2nd semester (and much colder weather) that we do not begin supervision of students until 8:25. If you drop your child off prior to that time, they will wait outside, unattended in the cold. In addition, we begin dismissal at 3:45 to ensure all students are picked up and safely on their way before our teachers leave at 4:10. If your children are not picked up by 4:00, we will begin calling families and emergency contacts to ensure someone is able to be at the school by 4:10. We do not have the capacity to watch your children off contract time, so please be sure you are dropping off and picking up appropriately. If you need more information about Champions before/after school care, please feel free to reach out to our main office for contact information for the Champions program.
First Semester Report Cards:
Our first semester report cards will be live to families on Friday, January 31st on our parent platform Infinite Campus. If you need help signing into Infinite Campus (maybe you forgot your username or password), please reach out to Gale in the office to get your information. We will NOT be sending hard copies home, so please be sure you know how to log into the parent portal. Here is the link to Infinite Campus for your convenience:
It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Maple Grove Elementary
Weather Girl Extraordinaire!
This past weekend, we had one of our very own Maple Grove Grizzlies on TV! Leah Soppe (1st grade) had the amazing opportunity to meet Joe Winters and be a KCRG Weather Kid.
You may have seen her segment air this past Saturday, and maybe even heard the shout-out to Maple Grove! Congrats to Leah for this amazing opportunity and accomplishment.
Winter Weather Reminders!!!
Since we have already seen the first snowfall of the season, we wanted to remind our CRCSD families about how to stay informed about winter weather closures and delays:
1: Check that your contact info is up-to-date in Infinite Campus. This is the email and phone number weather notices are sent to.
2: Get your weather-related delays or closures through multiple district communication platforms - District website, district messaging system (email, phone calls, and texts), and our district Facebook and Instagram pages. Information will also be shared with local media outlets.
3: Have a plan in place for transportation and child care for unexpected late starts or early dismissals.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Monday (1/20): No School: Staff Learning Day
- Friday (1/31): Report Cards go Live on Infinite Campus
- Tuesday (2/4): Maple Grove PTA Meeting
- Friday (2/6): PTA Sponsored Glow Dance (Maple Grove Gym)
- February 25 & 27: Winter Conferences
Check your email for information about ordering Square 1 Art!
Temperature Guidelines to Help You Plan for Your Child's Day
Maple Grove Contact Info
Principal: Jeni Goebel
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://maplegrove.crschools.us/
Location: 1300 38th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Phone: (319) 558-2471
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD