Cougar Connection
From the Principal...
Dear Colbert Families,
We are excited to share that the school year is off to a fantastic start! Our students are settling into their routines, and it’s been wonderful to see so many smiling faces around campus.
We also want to make sure you see the information below about our Colbert Fun Run, the main PTO fundraiser of the year. Mark your calendars—the Fun Run will take place on Thursday, September 26!
We’re looking forward to an incredible year ahead and appreciate your continued support.
Warm regards,
Cari Trowbridge
Register Now!
Colbert Elementary School Families!
We’re only ONE week away from kicking off our Colbert Fun Run fundraiser! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals.
Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE!
Here is the Key Information to help you during the fundraiser:
💵Fundraising Goal: $30,000
🎁Fundraising Item: field trips and school events
🎉Kickoff Date (in school): 09/13/2024
👟Event Date: 09/26/2024
All donations will be collected through our fundraising platform: MyBooster.com
Virtual Open Houses
Each year our wonderful teachers create a virtual open house video for families so that parents can have a sneak peek into their child(ren)s class! Our wonderful special education teachers, specialists and LAP teacher created videos as well!
Free Meals at Colbert!
We are excited to announce that Colbert Elementary qualifies for free breakfast and free lunch for ALL students! This is part of the federal Provision 2 program. For Colbert to continue to qualify for free
meals through the 2027-2028 school year we must meet a free and reduced meal benefit status of 30%
by October 31, 2024. That means we need your help!
Some things to know:
Have your kids start their day off with breakfast at school! Check out our menus for all the
choices. https://myschoolmenus.com/organizations/407
If your child(ren) would like to purchase milk without a meal, they must have money on their
meal account.
Free meals are limited to 1 breakfast and 1 lunch each day.
You must still fill out an application to check if you qualify for benefits. If approved, it qualifies
your child(ren) for Summer EBT meal benefits, reduced or waived fees, and helps secure funding
for your school district. Click here https://mead.familyportal.cloud/ and then click on Apply for
Benefits. If you have already received a letter from us saying your child has meal benefits then
skip the application! If you don’t qualify, it does not impact your child’s ability to receive free
breakfast and lunch this school year.
Vitalant Blood Drive
Hello all you wonderful life-saving blood donors!
We will be hosting our 2nd half of the blood drive at Colbert here shortly on Oct 4th, 9:30 to 2:30 at Colbert Elementary. Blood donation has a multi-faceted benefit- not only are you helping to save local lives (all blood products collected stay in our local area) as a reminder, the STEAM grant monies from this event will directly benefit our Colbert cougars.
Here is the link to sign up!
Our first drive was such a success (again THANK YOU) Vitalant has allowed us to up our STEAM grant. Similar to our May drive, for our site event on October 4th, we need folks to commit 30 blood products. REMEMBER, THOSE POWER RED DONATIONS ARE WORTH 2! Collecting this amount will not only better and save local lives, it will ensure we exceed our goal , consequently enriching our Colbert Elementary community school year.
You all are just the best and I'm again so thankful for you and your hearts.
Please feel free to ask any questions you have at this time.
You are appreciated!
Jana Troyer
509 995 3219
Helpful Reminders for Pick Up and Drop Off
- All students line up on the back blacktop, parents can drop them off in the drop off line in front of the school, or walk them to the gate on the east side of the school. Parents will not be allowed to go through the gate to the blacktop. We will have plenty of staff available to walk students to their line, especially with our kindergarteners on their first day.
- If you are using the drop off/pick up line in front of the school please pull all the way forward before you stop your car.
- Please do not park and get out of your car in this line.
- For the safety of our students and families, dogs are not allowed on school property during drop off and pick up.
- If you are walking to and from the front of the building to the parking lot we ask that you use the sidewalk in the bus loop, or along the street. Do not cut across the middle of the bus loop.
A Note From the Counselor...
September is one of my favorite months as I get to see the smiling faces of our students walk the halls here at Colbert. To introduce myself, my name is Jenn Hoglund and I am the school counselor. I have a few resources that can be helpful to parents and these are linked here: my Google Office provides activities and resources for both students and parents. Our District website also offers many great resources and information about our Bullying curriculum and Second Step (Social Emotional Learning Curriculum). Please explore these sites as you wish!
Colbert also has a Bite2Go program, which provides a food bag to students each week and is sent home on Fridays. If your family needs extra food/snacks, please fill out the letter and deliver it to the main office.
If you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me. My email is jennifer.hoglund@mead354.org, and my phone number is 509-465-6367.
It’s going to be a fantastic, FUN year together!
Jenn Hoglund
Colbert Elementary
School Counselor
Technology Use at Colbert
Please read the information below as it pertains to technology use at Colbert.
- Cell phones must be turned off and in a backpack during school hours. If a cell phone is out during the school day, it will be taken for the remainder of the day and parents will be informed.
Gizmos and iwatches are considered phones as well, and are expected to be turned off and in a backpack during school hours.
Ipads, Kindles and tablets of any kind should not be brought to school.
If a student needs to contact a parent they can do so from the school office or classroom.
If there is an emergency at the school, parents will be contacted by our front office.
Dates to Remember...
September 26 - Fun Run!
September 27 - Popcorn Friday
October 3 - Picture Day
October 4 - Blood Drive
October 16 - 18 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 16 - Grandparents Day