Middle North Weekly News
November 15, 2024
Dear Middle North Families,
On Wednesday, MSN celebrated "World Kindness Day" with a spirit day and finding ways to appreciate those whom we come into contact with every day. Many of our students recognized our teachers by sending out over 200 staff shout outs! Yesterday began the first day of Trimester 2. It's hard to believe we are one-third through the school year already, but we continue to feel grateful and invigorated by the support, creativity, and hard-work shown by our teachers, students, families, and community. As we look forward to the next busy 13 weeks of the school year, we want to encourage our students to participate in all of the amazing opportunities our school has to offer. Continue to check the school website for clubs, athletic teams, and leadership groups that are starting up in the next few months. Additionally, Safety, staying On-Task, Acting Responsibly, and treating themselves and others with Respect are the core tenets of how we conduct learning and fun at school. Abiding by the SOAR expectations is the best way to ensure that MSN continues to be the school we are proud to attend every day. We can't wait to continue celebrating the success of our students in the weeks to come.
Enjoy this wonderful weekend ahead!
Ms. Waggoner & Ms. Porzel
Important Dates
November 21st- Picture Retake Day 📸
November 22nd- Report Cards Posted 📊
November 25th and 26th- Parent/Teacher Conferences 👪
November 26th-November 29th- Non-Attendance Days 🚫🏫
December 2nd-3rd- AAPPL testing for 8th grade Dual Language Students 🍎
December 10th- MAP Testing Week 💻
December 23-January 3rd- Winter break ⛄
A Look Around Middle North This Week
Say Cheese!
6th grade students are enjoying their pizza dinner during the Snowflake event.
Connect 4
VR into the Past
Middle North Weekly Reminders and Updates
Athletic Spectators and After-School Events
We love welcoming our students and families into the school to support our athletics and events! If you are attending a game or concert in the "old" gym, please use the athletic door on the west side of the school which will be unlocked 30 minutes before the beginning of the event. If a student is planning on staying for the event, they must be supervised in the library until the gym doors open or they must leave the building at dismissal and come back through the athletic doors 30 minutes before the game. We look forward to packing the stands with our MSN fans!
Dr. Doug Bolton is coming to Hawthorn!
Parents and guardians, you will not want to miss this special, in-person, Educate and Empower event! On Tuesday, November 19th, author, psychologist, and educational leader Dr. Doug Bolton will be at Townline Elementary School to present to all D73 parents and guardians at 7 PM. This event will be recorded and live-streamed. Click here for the virtual link and more information.
Erin’s Law - Student Program and Parent/Guardian Information Night
In response to Erin’s Law (House Bill 6193), which requires all public schools to implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program, Hawthorn District 73 is hosting the Be Seen and Heard© assembly program for all preschool and elementary students during the week of December 2, 2024. This program is designed to create an age-appropriate, safe, and engaging environment in which students learn the difference between safe and unsafe touch, and the importance of having trusted heroes.
Vernon Hills Youth Tackle Football
Vernon Hills started a new tackle football program this year, after not having tackle football in our community for around 10 years. Currently, the program has only 1 team, with the hope to build momentum in the years to come so that kids are safer and more prepared when playing high school football. It has been an amazing first season, and the boys have made it all the way to the Super Bowl in their division. It is a TCYFL Middleweight team, comprised of 17 boys in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade, many of which are MSN and MSS students. The Super Bowl game is this Sunday at Libertyville High School at 2pm. The team would love to spread the word in the community to fill the stands with MSN families and friends! Good luck, Cougars!
Previous Communication
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 25th beginning after school and continue the morning of November 26th. We look forward to seeing you all at MSN in two weeks!
Summer Programs 🌻
Please mark your calendar for next summer’s program dates!
Hawthorn Summer Program offerings include Hawthorn Enrichment Institute (HEI), Hawthorn Music Camp, Extended School Year (ESY), Summer Scholars, and Early Start Kindergarten. More information about program offerings and registration will be shared after winter break.
Summer Program Dates: Monday, June 9 - Tuesday, July 2.
Session 1: June 9 - June 18 (HEI, ESY, Summer Scholars, and Early Start Kindergarten)
Session 2: June 23-July 2 (HEI, Music Camp, ESY, Summer Scholars, and Early Start Kindergarten)
No School: Thursday 6/19, Thursday 7/3, all Fridays
Lincoln Early Learning Center ESY Dates: Wed, June 4th - Tues, July 1st
No School: Thursday, June 19, all Fridays
*If all of Hawthorn’s Emergency Days are used dates will shift to June 5th - July 2nd*
Making Up Missed Assignments & Assessments
Students who miss school due to a valid absence, such as a religious observance, have the opportunity to make up any assessments, homework, or classwork. If your child needs time to complete assignments due to a religious holiday, please connect with their teacher to develop a plan. For any questions, please contact your school principal.
Pickup and Dropoff Procedures
In an effort to keep our students safe at arrival and dismissal, please make sure you are dropping your students off and picking them up in the car line rather than dropping off or picking up your student from the parking lot. In addition, students may not be dropped off along Hawthorn Parkway, as busses and other vehicles are continuously in motion. Finally, our crosswalks are begin monitored by staff members to ensure students can cross streets safely. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students enter and leave our building safely each day.
Change of Transportation
If your student needs a change of transportation at dismissal (such as car rider, bus rider, or walker), please notify the office no later than 1:30pm on M/T/TH/F or 1:00pm on Wednesdays to ensure your student can be notified before the final bell.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found closet is growing by the day with sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, and other personal belongings. If your student has misplaced an item, they need to check the lost and found area in the cafeteria. Any items still left after conferences on November 26th will be donated to a local shelter. Please look through this folder of pictures to check if any of these items belong to your student.
Healthy Hawthorn
Cold and Flu season is upon us. If you are reporting an absence for your student, please indicate the reason why. If your student begins to feel unwell during the school day, they must visit the nurse to be checked out. It is important that we track symptoms to ensure that our students and staff are healthy and available to do their best. Finally, if there are any updates to your students' health or medications, please make sure you indicate that to our nursing staff. Let's work together for a healthier Hawthorn!
No Phones
Please remind your child, no phones at school. According to our Student Handbook, phones must be powered off and out of sight throughout the entire school day. They can be turned back on once school is over.
If students need to contact parents, office phones are available. Phones seen during the school day may be confiscated by a staff member and kept in the office until the end of the day. These expectations also apply to smartwatches.
Office Hours and Reporting Absences
School office hours are from 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If your child will be absent from school, please let us know by using the Report An Absence form on the website, calling the office at 847-990-4400 or by sending an email to msn-attend@hawthorn73.org. Please include any symptoms your child may be experiencing if they are absent because of an illness.