Madison Place Message.....
Parent Newsletter for Madison Place Elementary - November 3
Message from Dr. Stevenson
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your incredible support during our recent parent-teacher conferences. We were thrilled to see nearly every child represented, highlighting the strong partnership between parents and teachers in fostering our students' success. I believe these conferences are among the most important events in our school year, providing a valuable opportunity for collaboration.
I hope each of you left with something to celebrate—whether it was your child's efforts during the first quarter, their behavior, attendance, or academic achievements. Remember to take a moment to celebrate these successes with your child!
As we move into the next grading period, I encourage you to discuss goals with your child. What do they want to achieve, and what steps will they take to get there? Don’t forget to plan how you will celebrate their accomplishments once those goals are met.
I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the dads who have participated in our Watch D.O.G.S. program. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find more information at Watch D.O.G.S. Info. It’s been wonderful to see such a positive response, and I look forward to the impact this program will have on our school community.
Thank you once again for your commitment to your child’s education and your involvement in our school. Together, we can achieve our goal of providing a quality education for all our students.
Dr. Stevenson
November 4 - Spirit Day - Chiefs RED Monday
November 7 - 2nd Grade Musical Performance 6:30 PM
November 11-15 - Anti-Bullying Week
November 11- Veterans Day Observed - Wear red, white, or blue
November 12- Spirit Day - Throw Kindness Like Confetti Spirit Day (Dress in Many Colors)
November 13- Spirit Day - Put Bullying To Bed Spirit Day (Wear PJs)
- PTO Meeting 5:15pm
November 14- Spirit Day - Take a Stand Spirit Day (Wear Your Favorite Shoes-no cleats)
November 15- Spirit Day - Wear Pink for Anti-bullying awareness (Wear Pink)
November 15 - Family Dodgeball Night!!!
November 18 - Spirit Day - Maverick Monday! Wear your school spirit wear or school colors
November 25-29 - Fall Break - No School
December 10- 4th & 5th Grade Choir Performance 7 PM
Veterans Day Care Packages - Help Needed!
To honor our community veterans this year, our students will be creating care packages to send to a squadron of soldiers currently deployed overseas. We are asking for your help in creating the care packages that will be sent. Details about how you can contribute to this cause can be accessed by clicking on the image above or the document attached to this e-mail.
To help us in this effort, please do the following:
- Follow this link to our sign-up genius: Veterans Day Care Packages Sign Up Genius Link
- Choose your grade-level tab and sign-up for an item or two.
- Purchase and send the item to school on or before Friday November 8th .
We will put the Veterans Day care packages Together on Monday, November 11th . Thank you for helping make this a meaningful project.
Crossing Guards Needed
Substitute Teachers Needed
Halloween at Madison Place
The costumes did not disappoint!!
Notes from the Library
Hello Maverick Readers!
The Scholastic Book Fair was a success! We were able to put over 50 books into classrooms and purchased over $200 worth of books for kids who would normally not have been able to come to the fair. Additionally, we have money which I am putting away for an author visit. I am working to secure an in person author visit for the 25-26 school year.
Mavericks have been doing a wonderful job of READING AT HOME! Although our 15 & the Mahomies Challenge is nearing an end, it is our hope that you and your children will continue to read each day for at least 15 minutes. Be on the lookout for a BINGO Challenge over winter break and let me know if you need any tips or tricks to keep things moving along with reading at home. I am happy to help!
FAMILY READING NIGHT Mark this date on your calendar and look for more information in the coming weeks.
Pre-K -5th Grade - - Thursday, February 27 - 6:30-7:45pm
It is never too late to participate in Birthday Book Club. With a donation of $12 towards the purchase of a book, your child will be able to choose a new book to help donate to the library during their birthday month. (Summer birthdays will be included in other months.) A book plate with their name will be placed in the front of the book and they will be the first person to check it out. To join: Access the Madison Place PTO website. Update your information and then you will receive several options. One of those is Birthday Book Club.
Please let me know if there are any questions that I can answer for you or any way that I can help.
Janelle Stigall - Email: jstigallmd@olatheschools.org - Library Website
Notes from the Music Staff
Congratulations 2nd Grade:
Our 2nd graders presented “How Does Your Garden Grow”. I am so proud of their efforts. It’s great to see students’ confidence grow as we rehearse and become performers.
Madison Place Special Chorus Performances:
Special Chorus has been rehearsing songs to share with the community. Our Choir Tour is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9th. I have a need for a few parent chaperones to assist with this all-day tour. If you have the time and are willing to chaperone, please send me an e-mail.
MD Special Chorus will be performing at Olathe South’s Winter Concert on December 10th @ 7:00 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students at Madison Place. This will be an event you won’t want to miss.
If for any reason your student will not be able to attend either one of these events, please let me know ASAP. We truly are a team and it makes a big difference in part-singing if students are absent.
Please note: If you have not secured your student’s choir attire, please start looking now. Here is a quick reminder of what we will be wearing.
· White button-up shirt with a collar (long-sleeves are preferred)
· Black on bottom (slacks or skirts)
· Black shoes are preferred but know that there might need to be exceptions.
Maurica Bruning
Madison Place Elementary
General Music/Choral Director
Twitter: @MauricaBruning
Notes from Nurse Michelle
Olathe families,
The transition to chillier weather often comes hand-in-hand with cold and flu season, but healthy habits can help protect everyone from getting or spreading germs. As we enter cold and flu season, we appreciate you encouraging these healthy habits with your children.
- If you have a child who is sick, we ask for your support by keeping them at home. Students and staff must be fever-free (oral temp under 100 degrees Fahrenheit) for 24 hours without the use of medication, and free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. If you have questions about your student’s health, please contact your school nurse. Additional information regarding health and wellness is available on the district website.
- Remind your child of important preventative measures for any illness, such as coughing into the sleeve, frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and getting plenty of rest and fluids.
- Through a grant written and received by our Director of Health Services, Sarah Gilliland, please contact the school nurse if you are in need of an oral thermometer or COVID-19 test kits.
As you know, the health and safety of our students and staff is a top priority. Our school staff will continue to stress preventative measures, and our custodial staff will continue to follow appropriate cleaning procedures to ensure common areas shared by students and points of high contact are disinfected. Thank you for your support of Olathe Public Schools.
Michelle Tajchman, MSEd, BSN, RN
October was a big month at Madison Place! As our staff worked hard throughout conferences, we provided three nights of dinner! A special thank you to Sara Sinani for coordinating and all families that contributed food!
Once conferences were finished, we jumped right into our fundraiser! As we reached our first goal of $5,000, our wonderful morning drop off staff members helped us celebrate with a costume surprise!
As a result of meeting our $10,000 goal our students will get to enjoy a "Bubble Gum" day on Tuesday, November 5th. Great job everyone!
Important PTO Dates:
November 4th - 8th: School wide fun run to celebrate the end of our fundraiser
November 13: PTO Meeting (5:15 pm in the Library)
Your PTO Board Members:
President: Mary Verett
Vice President: OPEN (email us if you want to join!)
Treasurer: Jeri Harris
Secretary: Kelly Vickery
Parent Teacher Conference Meals
Thank you to our Parent Teacher Organization and Parent Volunteers for the food items and incredible support provided during our most recent Parent Teacher Conferences
Dr. Gary Stevenson, Principal
Email: gstevensonmd@olatheschools.org
Website: https://www.olatheschools.org/madisonplace
Location: 16651 Warwick Street, Olathe, KS, USA
Phone: 913-780-7520
Twitter: @Madisonplacek5