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BC Bear Facts
![BC Bear Facts JANUARY NEWSLETTER: 1-9-25](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/cde9/thumb-8a22ac1c784bfe6e73ed9b6827fb838e.jpeg)
Principal's Message
Dear Boulder Creek Families,
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2025!
At the end of any calendar year, we tend to conduct "A Year in Review" to remind us of the many important events that have happened. School year calendars are a bit different, so we thought it would be great to review for our parents what we have accomplished thus far in the 2024-2025 school year as well as share where we are headed for the remainder of the school year.
Besides Language Arts, Math, History, Science, and Physical Education (PE), we have engaged students in the following areas thus far in 2024:
- Digital Citizenship - Appropriate positive internet use and cyberbullying are a few of the topics students engage in during these lessons throughout the year. Digital Citizenship Week took place in October.
- Music - We have been able to bring our music teacher all the way down to the 3rd grade, so 3rd-8th grade students receive music instruction outside of what they receive from their homeroom teachers. In addition, we have added Honors Choir!
- 6-8 Electives - There are many new electives in middle school this year. Check them out in our Student/Parent Handbook.
In 2024, our teachers and support staff are engaging students where they are and moving them forward. Some additional supports include:
- BEAR (Be Excellent At Reading)Time which is focused reading time by grade level. All 1st-5th graders receive reading instruction at their level. This includes reading intervention for those who need extra support.
- Extended Day Tutoring opportunities
- 6-8 ELL, Study Skills, and Learning Labs
In 2024, we have many ongoing as well as new social, emotional, and behavioral supports available to our students:
- We continue to have adults on campus available for students to speak with should they need it.
- Bear Buddies - an elective where our older student leaders spend time modeling positive social skills for our younger students.
- Alternative Recess - a new opportunity for students struggling with social skills during unstructured time
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula (Second Step, My Best Me, Leader in Me) lessons take place in BC classrooms.
- 4-6 Peer Mediators
- The Boulder Creek Way - Continued teaching and reinforcement of school expectations that lead to positive school culture
- Monthly Positive Character Focus
- The Leader in Me - The process we use to empower students with leadership and life skills. We start with 7 Habits for Highly Effective People.
- Caught Being a Leader Luncheons
In 2024, we continued our vast sports and clubs, as well as adding some new ones!
- TK-5 Cross Country
- 6-8 Volleyball
- 6-8 Co-Ed Soccer
- 6-8 Cross Country
- 6-8 Flag Football
- 6-8 Girls' Basketball
- Engineering Club
- Game Club
- Garden Club
- Cooking Club
- Flag Club
- Ski and Snowboard Club
- Chess Club
In 2024, our Parent Club has brought back ALL of the traditional Boulder Creek family events that bring us together:
- On-site monthly Parent Club Meetings
- Riffle-Raffle Fundraiser
- Golden Bear Store
- Boulder Bash Fall Festival
- Fall Book Fair
- Holiday Boutique (students Christmas shop and wrap)
- Middle School Snowball Dance
In 2024, we have engaged in a multitude of school events already:
- Family/Parent Events - Back-to-School Night, Trimester Awards, Parent/Teacher Conferences. Game Night and Literacy Events are on the way!
- Assemblies/Rallies - Middle School Rallies, , Trimester Awards Assemblies, Veteran's Day Assembly, Middle School Spelling Bee, Annual Whole-School Christmas Sing-a-Long
- Classroom and Grade Level Events - There has been a multitude of events across the grade levels thus far, including the Middle School Career Day
- Performances: Music Department - Veteran's Day, Garden of Lights Caroling, Breakfast with Santa, Annual Christmas Sing-a-Long. Dance Crew - Rallies, Basketball Halftimes, Redding Lighted Parade. Class/Grade Level - There have been multiple class/grade level performances in 2024.
- Dances - Back-to-School Dance, Snowball Dance
- Annual Jog-a-thon-Turkey Trot
- Spirit Weeks - Back-to-School Spirit Week, Red Ribbon/Spirit Week
- Field Trips - Classroom/Grade-Level Field Trips are back on track!
- Attendance Incentive - 12 Days of Presence
Wow, what a list of accomplishments, and we are only halfway through the school year! All of us are happy to be able to bring back annual events as well as introduce new ways to engage and support our students. Throughout the remainder of 2024-2025, we will be working toward accomplishing our schoolwide goals of every student meeting their individual reading goals, increasing our positive attendance rates, and increasing positive behaviors. Check with your teacher about how you can help your child reach his/her individual goals.
Watch the monthly Bear Facts, starting with the January Bear Facts below, for much more news about upcoming events, celebrations, and other news in the second half of 2024-2025.
Best wishes for a healthy and happy new year!
Tina Croes
We had another very successful "12 Days of Presence" attendance incentive in December 2024. We raised our Average Daily Attendance all 12 days over 2023. That is amazing given that we did the same last year. It just goes to show there is always room for growth!
Attendance will continue to be a schoolwide focus for us this year. Student achievement is directly correlated to positive attendance. How can you help?
- Unless your child is truly sick (i.e. fever, vomiting), please ensure they come to school.
- Schedule appointments outside of school hours.
- Schedule vacations/trips during school vacations.
- Did you know there are five weeks of vacation during every school year? This does not even include summer break!
- Always call the school office when your child is absent. *Remember, some reasons for absence will be excused, and some will not. These attendance rules are set by the state.
Thank you for working as a team to ensure your child is learning. Making sure your child has positive attendance is the number one way you can partner with school in helping your child succeed!
Click HERE to register online.
It's already that time of year again - New Student Registration Time!
**REMEMBER** You do not have to re-register your child if he/she is already a Boulder Creek student.
We register students on a priority system with the first priority going to those who reside in the school attendance area and are not currently enrolled in school. Here are the registration dates and corresponding priorities:
Starting January 7, 2025
- Residents of the school attendance area, not currently enrolled in school
Starting January 13, 2025
- Those who moved into the attendance area after the first registration period
- Siblings of students already in the school of choice with an Inter/Intra-District Agreement
- Those who live inside the Enterprise Elementary School District boundaries who would require an Intra-District Agreement.
Starting January 21, 2025
- Open Enrollment, including those who live outside of the Enterprise Elementary School District boundaries who will require an Inter-District Agreement.
If you have specific questions, you may contact our Student Services Clerk, Kensey Jones at kjones@eesd.net or 530-224-4140.
Did you know ...
Boulder Creek teaches our students about bullying behaviors, including cyberbullying. All teachers use social-emotional learning curricula such as Second Step and Leader in Me on a weekly basis. Bullying lessons are embedded in Second Step, and cyberbullying is presented more in-depth each October during Digital Citizenship Week. All of these lessons are reinforced throughout the school year by all staff members.
Did you know ...
Parents who may not be aware, your children have many adults on campus they can seek out should they ever have a need to talk with someone about anything at all. Whether they are worried about academics, peer relationships, or anything else, all of our staff – teaching, administrative, counseling, and all other support staff – are here for your children at all times. Please encourage them to come to us whenever they need.
Did you know ...
Boulder Creek offers a wide variety of clubs for our 3rd – 8th graders throughout each year. For example, this winter our Jr. High students are enjoying Ski and Snowboard Club, Chess Club, Garden Club, and Dance Crew to name a few. Be sure to listen for future club announcements and encourage your child to get involved. And, If any of our parents possess a special skill you would like to share with children, I encourage you to inquire in the office. We are always open to new ideas!
JANUARY FOCUS: Kindness/Fairness
At Boulder Creek, we reinforce all positive character traits. Each month of the year, we shine the spotlight on a specific trait. In January, we will focus on Kindness and Fairness. Join us by reinforcing kindness and fairness at home!
WORK HARD, BE KIND, Discover Your Excellence!
The whole Boulder Creek School Community is starting 2025 off on the right foot! We are having many discussions and focusing on positive behaviors. Join us!
2024-2025 YEARBOOKS!
It’s time to order your 2024/2025 yearbook, as they are on sale NOW! All orders will be placed online at yearbookforever.com.
A Message to 8th-Grade Families:
8th-grade parents: If you would like to put in a personal ad for your 8th grader in the yearbook, the deadline for ads is March 1st. The sale and design of those ads are also available on the yearbookforever.com website. Remember, personal ads are for 8th-grade graduates only.
Any questions? Please feel free to email me at hbrummond@eesd.net.
Heidi Brummond
Yearbook Advisor
Monday, January 6th: Staff Development Day - No School for Students
Tuesday, January 7th: First Day Back from Christmas Break for Students
Wednesday, January 15th, 5:30p.m.: Parent Club Meeting, School Library
Monday, January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observed - No School
January 27th-31st: The Great Kindness Challenge Week
Thursday, January 23rd: Site Council Meeting
Wednesday, February 12th, 5:30p.m.: Parent Club Meeting, School Library
February 17th-21st: President's Week Break - No School
Tuesday, February 25th, 7:00p.m.: Winter Concert, Pathway Church
All parents, including new parents, should have logged into the Parent Portal at some point already. Why do you need to create a parent account? This is a secure platform through which you will view your child's teacher/class, receive your child’s report card, complete enrollment, and complete the necessary beginning-of-the-year school forms like your child's emergency card. In the future, this is also how state testing results will be communicated.
Click HERE for the link to the parent portal. If you cannot log-in successfully, please call our school's office at 224-4140. Be sure to keep your log-in information in a safe but accessible place.
- help@eesd.net: for Chromebook questions (including how to get a device); technology troubleshooting as directed by your child's teacher
- eesd.net: for online resources and other district information
- bouldercreek.eesd.net: for weekly newsletters and other information
Where/when should I drop-off and pick-up?
Grade-Level Start and End Times
We are happy to welcome our students on campus for breakfast as well as on the playground before the start of the school day this year. The earliest drop-off time is 7:30 a.m.
Regular Day - School Start/End Times:
4-8 grades begin at 8:00 a.m. - 2:14 p.m.
K-3 grades begin at 8:15 a.m. - 2:03 p.m.
Minimum Day - School Start Times:
4-8 grades begin at 8:00 a.m. - 1:09 p.m.
K-3 grades begin at 8:10 a.m. - 1:09 p.m.
Students will be released from class based upon the dismissal time. Students will be walked to a designated pick-up area (see below) and remain with their teacher/classmates. If they have a younger sibling(s), they should report to the designated pick-up area of their youngest sibling so parents don't have to visit both pick-up loops. Please coordinate this with your children.
To ensure the safety of all children, students must be picked up at their dismissal times. The school does not provide supervision for students after 2:20 p.m. on regular days and 1:20 p.m. on minimum days. Every Monday is a minimum day. If students are not picked up by the aforementioned times, they will be escorted to the office. Parents will then be required to go to the office to check students out. Remember this is to ensure your child’s safety, so please be prompt when picking up your child.
Assigned Parking Lots for Drop-off and Pick-up
This year, you will be assigned to a specific parking lot for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. It is extremely important that you stick to this because your child/children will be taken to this area after school. If you have multiple BC children, we do not want you to have to go from parking lot to parking lot, so you will be picking all of your children up together in one location.
This location is decided by the youngest child in the family. Older children in the family will need to find their youngest sibling at the pick-up location that is assigned to that sibling's grade level. For example, Kindergarten will be picked up in the front parking lot, so all older siblings of Kindergartners will report to the dismissal location to find their Kindergarten sibling's class at the front of the school and wait for their parents there together. We will be out to help older siblings find their pick-up point. This should only take a day or two to get into the routine of where to go.
Parking Lot Assignments by Grade-Level:
- TK/K (and all older siblings) - Front Lot
1 and 2 (and all older siblings) - Back Lot
3 and 4 (and all older siblings) - Front Lot
5 (and all older siblings) - Back Lot
6-8 (and all older siblings) Front Lot
Please do not arrive earlier than your oldest child's release time (see above), as we want to be able to clear the parking lot quickly for each group. If you have multiple children who are released at both times, please find a parking space rather than waiting in the pick-up lane as this will block the lane from moving as you wait for your older child. Thank you for your cooperation.
Enter/exit the campus from the neighborhood depending on which parking lot you are assigned. Front lot = red arrows. Back lot = green arrows.
Q: Do I have to re-register my child for school each school year?
A: If your child is already a TK-7th grade student, you do NOT have to register each school year. He/she will automatically have a seat the next year. However, if your child is currently not enrolled at Boulder Creek or is a student in the Boulder Creek Preschool, you WILL NEED TO REGISTER.
The Boulder Creek School Office is staffed from 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. each day. All visitors must request access to the campus through the office entrance by using the call button to the right of the door and identifying themselves. Office staff will grant access after verifying identification. Thank you.
Boulder Creek School
Website: https://bouldercreek.eesd.net/
Location: 505 Springer Drive, Redding, CA, USA
Phone: 530-224-4140
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bouldercreekschool/