HDMS Newsletter
January 2025
Greetings From HDMS!!!
The end of the first semester is quickly approaching. The last day of the second quarter and first semester is Wednesday, January 22. Students will start a new rotation for both their UA-1 and WIN (UA-2) classes beginning on Thursday, January 23. 2nd quarter grades will be posted in PowerSchool on Feb. 3.
Students will take their second iReady diagnostic reading and math assessments during the week of Feb. 3. Testing will take place during the PREP period. The second set of tests will provide information on the progress that students are making towards their iReady growth goals based on the September assessments.
All HDMS students will take the SAS Interim math and reading assessments on Jan. 23 and 24. Testing will take place in the morning. The SAS Interim assessments are a shorter version of the SAS Summative assessments that students will take in April and May. The SAS Interim will provide students and staff the opportunity to see how students are progressing on the state standards in math and reading at the halfway point of the school year. This will also provide students and staff the experience of taking a SAS test in a practice setting.
The focus of the student work during WIN class is to provide students the opportunity to work on those standards in math and/or reading that have been identified as areas for improvement based on last year’s SAS. The end of the first semester provides an opportunity to assess and reflect on the work accomplished at the halfway point of the school year.
The HDMS Winter concert was held on Wednesday, January 15. 72 students are enrolled in band and chorus. These students along with Mrs. Metric put in a great deal of time and work preparing for their first concert of the school year! Congratulations on a great concert!
Go Hillcats!
HDMS Administration
8th Grade
ELA - This month in 8th grade ELA, students are diving into the art of persuasive writing! They are honing their skills by analyzing claims, evidence, and reasoning to craft compelling arguments. Students are learning how to identify strong evidence, evaluate reasoning, and construct logical arguments to support their viewpoints. In addition, they are expanding their academic vocabulary to enhance the clarity and impact of their writing. By practicing these techniques, students are developing essential skills that will help them confidently express their ideas and persuade their audiences.
Science - Students have been learning about the Law of Conservation of Energy and calculating potential and kinetic energy in various systems. We will be conducting labs on the three methods of thermal energy transfer and finish the month learning about wave properties and calculations.
Kindness Project
Project Kindness is hosting a FREE movie night with a showing of Inside Out 2, with FREE popcorn provided by Hillcat Government on January 31st at 6:00PM in the Middle School in the cafetorium.
7th Grade
Math - The seventh grade just finished their percent unit and created a restaurant menu for other students to calculate tax and time to demonstrate their knowledge. They are now shifting gears and learning about solving problems involving integers. Learning about integers is important because it allows students to represent real-world situations involving positive and negative values, such as temperature, elevation, or financial transactions, which are crucial for everyday life and various fields like science, engineering, and computer programming.
Social Studies - In 7th Grade Social Studies we are on the road to The Civil War, and will be examining America as it expands into new states and the ensuing issues that will eventually bring us to War. On another note, we are welcoming back into our classroom Mr. Lambert, who is completing his student teaching at NEC. He will be with us until May 1st and will be teaching everyday. The students, as well as the teachers are excited to have him back with us!
Science - We will be finishing up the 2nd quarter, looking into atomic structures and the subatomic particles that make them. Students will become familiar with Bohr Models which help map out charges of atoms. This will lead us into our astronomy unit which connects the death of stars to our elements on earth.
ELA - In 7th Grade ELA, our current unit of study has been focused around reading and comprehending informational texts; as well as practicing written expression to demonstrate understanding and growth. Students have been learning how to identify credible sources, analyze various pieces of non-fiction text, organize their thoughts into CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) paragraphs, and write in a professional style and manner. They've just finished writing an informational essay on the various holidays and they are currently in the process of learning multiple ways to paraphrase for their next writing summative. Students also have the option to do extra credit work by completing a monthly reading log outside of school and returning it once it's been filled out!
6th Grade
Math - Students are starting a unit on algebraic expressions in which they identify the parts of an expression, including terms, variables, coefficients, and constants. We are also going to work on combining like terms.
ELA - Students are currently conducting research and writing an informative essay on a famous person they consider to be perseverant. We have all kinds of topics selected, from famous musicians such as Stevie Wonder to historical figures like Amelia Earhart. When their essays are finished, we will celebrate with an Authors'' Tea!
Science - Students will be finishing their unit on photosynthesis and then start exploring the impact humans have on the environment.
Social Studies - Students will be finishing their Mesopotamia unit and then crossing the river into Ancient Egypt.
Chorus and Band
On January 15th, the HDMS Chorus and Band put on an absolutely PHENOMENAL concert. Highlights included "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "Stormchasing." Don't miss our next concert on May 21!
7th Grade General Music has created a music video for the new hit parody song, "Blup," which is sure to have you bubbling with pride!
Reindeer Games
Take a look into this HDMS holiday tradition which inspires student enthusiasm! This holiday season at HDMS, every student was filled with cheer during our Reindeer Games. The Reindeer Games are held the last hour of the day before holiday break; a short series of fun competitions where all advisories get a chance to represent their grade, proving they have the most holiday energy.
This year’s games included: Santa’s Sleigh, Candy Cane Pass, Wrap A Friend and the Hula Hoop Family. Each game gives advisories a chance to work together, be creative and wrap themselves right into the holiday spirit, while maintaining a good presentation topped with a bow.
The big finale of our 2024 Reindeer games wrapped up with our 3v3 Basketball Championship. The Fried Yams took the First Annual Championship Title. Congratulations to Brayden M., Bentley P, Tenley N. & Owen B. You dribbled, shot and swished this tradition right into the hearts of all of HDMS!
The overall Reindeer Games victors were the 7th grade! Winners or not, these games definitely sparked joy and high spirits in both the participants and the spectators!
Written By: Gwendolyn May Caffrey & Student Council
School Counseling
HDMS is seeking volunteers to participate in the upcoming College and Career Fair at our middle school. This event aims to inspire and inform students about future academic and career opportunities, giving them a chance to explore a variety of paths and learn about different professions. This event will take place on April 4th in the morning from 7:00am to 10:00am.
Volunteers are needed to represent various colleges, universities, businesses, and career fields, offering students valuable insights into what each option entails. Whether you're a professional in a specific industry, a college representative, or someone with experience in trade skills, your involvement can make a significant impact on shaping students' aspirations.
This is an excellent opportunity to give back to the community and inspire the next generation. If you're interested in volunteering, please contact Michael Bagtaz at mbagtaz@hdsd.org for more details. Your participation will play a key role in helping students plan for their academic and professional futures.
Bridges Program
The Book Buddies PREP group gifted new books to their friends in Bridges for the holidays.Bridges students enjoyed playing parachute games in Adaptive PE with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Merry.
Library/Media Center
Our students have been hard at work in the Media Lab crafting special gifts for the holidays! They have created beautiful reclaimed wood art and vibrant watercolors to share the joy of the season.
Join the Winter Reading Challenge!
The Library is excited to announce a Winter Reading Challenge! Students can participate by completing a variety of reading challenges on a bingo board before March 20th. Three lucky winners will be selected to receive prizes! For more details, please see Mrs. Petersen.
Find a copy of the challenge HERE.
8th grade - we are in need of baby photos! We have several, but are missing more than half. If you want add-ons, please use the coupon code previously sent before the end of December to get your yearbook for FREE. You will get a FREE yearbook if you do nothing. The 8th grade info sheet will be shared with students this week. Please fill this out ASAP.
6th and 7th graders - order your yearbook today! The basic yearbook is $25. You can order using the paper forms found in the office or Mrs. Drew's room, or order online using this link https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/n3Ns4TRfuW8bqyPq4TuzYt39
The yearbook needs your help with sports photos! Please email Mrs. Drew at jdrew@hdsd.org with any good photos from this year and 2024 baseball and softball.