Huntley Happenings January 23rd
Family Newsletter

Hello Huntley families,
It's been a short week after having Monday and Tuesday off. The weather is still colder than we would like, but thankfully students were able to get outside today and enjoy that little bit of fresh snow. As a reminder, please make sure your child has appropriate winter gear for recess: hat, gloves, coat, and boots. If you are in need of any of those items, please let your child's teacher or the main office know and we will work to provide some for you.
Tomorrow (Friday) night is our school dance, Night of the Stars from 6:00-7:30. Please make sure there is an adult chaperone with any children attending. We hope to see you there!
Finally, we are gearing up for spring conferences which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6th and Tuesday, Feb. 11th. Here is the PTCFast sign up link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Huntley_Elementary_School
Have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Strohfeldt and Mrs. Kimball
Huntley Roadrunners exemplify strength, courage, stamina and PRIDE in every STRIDE.
Dates at a Glance
January 24th- PTO sponsored all school dance 6-7:30 (see flyer below for details)
January 27th- Play Practice from 3:30-5:00pm
January 28th- Play Practice from 3:30-5:00pm
January 30th- Play Practice from 3:30-5:00pm
February 3rd- Play Practice from 3:30-5:00pm
February 4th- Play Practice from 3:30-5:00pm
February 4th- PTO Sponsored Dinner at Chipotle (on KK) 4:00-8:00pm
February 6th- Conferences 3:45-7:15pm
February 10th- Play Practice 3:30-5:00pm
February 11th- Conferences 3:45-7:00pm
February 13th- Play Practice 3:30-5:00pm
February 13th- PTO Sponsored Huntley Ice Skating Night at the Plaza in Neenah 5-8:00pm
February 17th- No School
February 18th- Play Practice 3:30-5:00pm
February 20th- Play Practice 3:30-5:00pm
Newsletter from our District Nurses
PTO Event Dates
Huntley School Dance
Huntley PTO is looking for donations and volunteers for our dance in January. If you are able to help, please sign up here!
Huntley Elementary Night with the Wisconsin Herd!
Family Culture Night
Hello Huntley Families! We would like to come together as a community to celebrate our diverse cultures. If you or your family are interested in sharing your family's culture and traditions with us, please fill out the form and return it us by Friday, January 31st.
A copy of this form will also be in your child's Friday blue mailgram folder.
Physical Education Newsletter
Spirit Days
Lunchroom Supervisors Needed
We are looking for parents and community members to help staff our lunchroom! If you know anyone who is interested in working at Huntley during the lunch hours (11:00-12:45), please encourage them to fill out the application below and turn into the Huntley School office.
Looking for more information about events and volunteer opportunities? Check it out by clicking here.
Follow us on Facebook or send us an email at: huntleypto@gmail.com
Huntley Elementary School
Jamie Kimball- Ọmọladé Principal & Associate Principal of Huntley
Joe Bernhardt-Sandy Slope Principal
Email: huntley-elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://huntley.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 2224 North Ullman Street, Appleton, WI, USA
Phone: 920-852-5495
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuntleyElementaryAppleton/