Hopkins Principal Newsletters
December 2022
As the semester comes to a close, we would like to thank you for your continued partnership with us to support all of our students together. Wishing all who celebrate a merry Christmas and a joyous Kwanzaa.
Below are some photos from "The Martian" - last Friday's drama student production, as well as today's performance by the Dream Achievers, Hopkins alumni band that has been returning to spread their love of music and holiday cheers for more than 10 years.
Minimum Day on 12/21 and 12/22: School ends at 12:23 pm on Wednesday and Thursday. AC Transit buses are on their regular schedule. Please make alternate transportation arrangements if needed.
No School on Friday, 12/23: Winter break starts on Friday, 12/23 and ends on Sunday, 1/8.
COVID test kits: Each student received 2 kits last week. Please help your child complete a COVID test on Sunday, 1/8, and Monday (1/9) morning before they return to school. Please follow the flowchart here. If your student has a COVID positive result or need to be absent from school for different reasons, please contact our attendance clerk Ms. Yung: syung@fusdk12.net or call our Attendance Line 510-656-3500, press 7 and then press 1.
Fumigation: Our old, existing buildings have been battling termite issues that will be addressed by tenting and fumigation over winter break. We ask students to clear out their lockers before they leave for the holidays. Please see additional details here.
Facility Survey for the Community: Please take a moment to respond to this survey before the end of Wednesday, 12/21. One survey per family. We recommend that you complete this with your child -- it's a wonderful opportunity for family conversations. Results of this survey will help the district determine priorities for upgrades/repairs across all FUSD schools.
Looking forward to 2023! Spring semester starts on Monday, 1/9.
In community,
It was another full week at our Hawk Nation. Our student leaders organized a Mental Health day on 12/15 where teachers had the option of leading activities from a menu created by students. Leadership and ASB students led today's holiday cheers, including karaoke, photo booth, snowflake making, and earlier in the week we had the first round of Spelling Bee where 129 students participated. We are so proud of our students for taking leadership and learning opportunities in and out of class.
Drama Production - Martians: Come enjoy our first drama production of the year! Our student production is today (Friday, 12/16). The show starts at 7 pm. Tickets will be sold at the door starting at 6:30 pm, at $5 per person.
Fumigation: Our old, existing buildings have been battling termite issues that will be addressed by tenting and fumigation over winter break. We ask students to clear out their lockers before they leave for the holidays. Please see additional details here.
COVID Test Kits for Winter Break: Students each received 2 test kits on Thursday, 12/15, during 5th period. Students who were absent can pick up their test kits from the Main Office next week Monday-Thursday, 8-4 pm. We strongly encourage students to test on Sunday, 1/8, before returning to school. Please follow the flowchart here. If your student has a COVID positive result or need to be absent from school for different reasons, please contact our attendance clerk Ms. Yung: syung@fusdk12.net or call our Attendance Line 510-656-3500, press 7 and then press 1.
Facility Survey for the Community: This survey was done last year when our school was relocated to Bringhurst. Now that we are back home, the district's contracted architect firm is giving us another opportunity to provide feedback on the Hopkins facilities. Please take a moment to respond to this survey before the end of Wednesday, 12/21. One survey per family. We recommend that you complete this with your child -- it's a wonderful opportunity for family conversations. Results of this survey will help the district determine priorities for upgrades/repairs across all FUSD schools.
Canned Food and Toy Drive for Tri-Cities: We are still collecting wipes, new socks, small new toys, and canned foods. Families can drop off donations in the bins placed in front of our Main Office. Students can also turn in donations on the table in room B105 for a chance to win prizes. Donations are accepted through Thursday, 12/22.
End of Fall Semester: We will be on End-of-Semester bell schedule on the last 2 days of the semester (12/21 and 12/22) when school ends at 12:23 pm. Students will have periods 1-3 on 12/21, and periods 4-6 on 12/22. Zero period is on both days. The complete Bell Schedules throughout the year can be found on our website.
Winter Break: Our school will be closed for Winter Break starting Friday, 12/23. School reopens on Monday, 1/9, for the spring semester.
Career Speakers: Our leadership program is looking for parents/guardians who would like to speak with students about their careers and career paths in the spring. If you are interested, please contact Madame Chabot: kchabot@fusdk12.net
Happy Hanukkah to our families who celebrate!
In community,
Nancy Kuei
Prior to 7 am today, our construction project's management team saw signs of attempted entry through one of our gates. They alerted Fremont Police, who responded immediately by walking through campus to ensure security and safety. FPD confirmed campus security before the start of Zero period, and the day went on smoothly. We deeply appreciate our continued partnership with Fremont Police as well as the vigilance of our construction team. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly (nkuei@fusdk12.net).
Spring Schedule Change Requests: Schedule change requests for 2nd Semester are being accepted. Students/Parents may find the Schedule Change Request form on our website. Assistant Principal Mrs. Moore will contact you if she is able to accommodate your request.
Girls Basketball Tryouts: They are just around the corner (8th grade on 12/13; 7th grade on 12/20). Students interested must 1) turn in a SIGNED Tryout Permission Slip to our Main Office (the form is available on our website and in our office), and 2) fill out a questionnaire here. If you have additional questions, please contact Coach Julia (juliashih@msn.com). Coach Julia is also looking for student volunteers for the team; see more information and the link to sign up in her tryout notice.
Parent Faculty Association (PFA) Zoom meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday, 12/14, 6 PM. The Zoom link and agenda will be sent through email next week.
Boys Basketball Home Game: Our last boys basketball home game is Thursday, 12/15, 3-5 pm, against Horner Middle School. Wear your green or Hopkins clothing and come cheer on our student athletes!
Drama Production - Martians: Come enjoy our first drama production of the year! Our student production is on Friday, 12/16. The show starts at 7 pm. Tickets will be sold at the door starting at 6:30 pm, at $5 per person.
Canned Food and Toy Drive for Tri-Cities: Hopkins Associated Student Body (ASB), our Leadership Elective (Hopkins Spirit Team), and our 8th-grade WEB Leaders are collecting wipes, new socks, small new toys, and canned foods. Families can drop off donations in the bins placed in front of our Main Office. Students can also turn in donations on the table in room B105 for a chance to win prizes. Donations are accepted through the month of December. No contribution is too small as we help members of our community together.
Health and Safety Precautions: When students have COVID symptoms, please follow the flowchart here. If your student has a COVID positive result or need to be absent from school for different reasons, please contact our attendance clerk Ms. Yung: syung@fusdk12.net or call our Attendance Line 510-656-3500, press 7 and then press 1.
End of Fall Semester: The last day of our fall semester is Thursday, 12/22. We will be on End-of-Semester bell schedule on the last 2 days of the semester (12/21 and 12/22) when school ends at 12:23 pm. Students will have periods 1-3 on 12/21, and periods 4-6 on 12/22. Please see below. The complete Bell Schedules throughout the year can be found on our website.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm and well, and take care of one another.
In community,
Nancy Kuei
Today marks the National Special Education Day. It is dedicated to honoring the federal special education law instituted on December 2, 1972, and the students, families, and teams of educators who strive to make special education services possible for students with disabilities. We ask you to join us in learning more about how as a community we can be inclusive with language and actions. This document provides guidelines for our daily interactions. Take a moment this weekend to have a conversation with your child. Ask them how they talk about disabilities, and go over the guidelines together to know the difference between respectful language and outdated, offensive terms.
Hour of Code: Great news for students who want to learn more about coding and computer science -- Next week Alameda County of Education is hosting a series of free virtual sessions each day from 4-6:30 pm where students can connect with other peers of similar interests, interact with a panel of professional coders, and explore coding sites for all ages. Find out more here. To register for sessions, click here.
After-school Art Workshop: We still have some spaces for next Thursday's (12/8) workshop hosted by San Jose Art Museum. To register your interest, complete this survey. Each workshop presents a different project. Students this week got to create a personal zine. See some photos below.
Spelling Bee: Students interested in participating need to speak with their English teachers for details. Sign-up deadline is Friday, 12/9, before 3 PM.
Full-time Librarian: Please join us in welcoming our recently hired librarian Ms. Menaka Aradhya who will be starting on Tuesday, 12/6. She is an experienced educator who also comes with community theater experience, and her oldest child graduated from Hopkins. She feels passionate about matching students with interesting books. We look forward to working with her to add engaging books to our collections and plan activities and decorations to enhance the space. Please encourage your child to stop by to say hi.
Canned Food and Toy Drive for Tri-Cities: Hopkins Associated Student Body (ASB), our Leadership Elective (Hopkins Spirit Team), and our 8th-grade WEB Leaders see a need in our Fremont community and request help from students and families. Fremont’s most significant needs are wipes, new socks, small new toys, and canned foods. Families can drop off donations in the bins placed in front of our Main Office. Students can also turn in donations on the table in room B105 for a chance to win prizes. Donations are accepted through the month of December. No contribution is too small as we help members of our community together.
Girls Basketball Tryouts: They are just around the corner (8th grade on 12/13; 7th grade on 12/20). Coach Julia Shih is looking for students interested in joining the team as players as well as students who are interested in helping out the team as volunteers. Please see more information and the link to sign up in her tryout notice. Remember to fill out the tryout permission form that can be found on our website. Students can also pick up a copy from our Main Office.
Drama Production - Martians: Save the date (Friday, 12/16) to see our first drama production of the year! Show starts at 7 pm. Tickets will be sold at the door starting at 6:30 pm, at $5 per person.
Health and Safety Precautions: Similar to the rest of the country, we are seeing more students with illnesses after the Thanksgiving break. Students who experience COVID symptoms should stay home unless they have tested to be COVID negative and their symptoms have resolved. Please follow the flowchart here. If your student has a COVID positive result, please contact our attendance clerk Ms. Yung: syung@fusdk12.net or call our Attendance Line 510-656-3500, press 7 and then press 1.
We hope you enjoyed a safe and joyous Thanksgiving break. My family took a roadtrip to Utah, marveled at the geologic layers of Zion, Bryce Cayon, and Capitol Reef that span over hundreds of millions of years, and stargazed at the Milky Way. Despite the stress and problems we face, it was healing to be reminded of how we are all connected in this beautiful, expansive universe.
In community,
Nancy Kuei