March 15th, 2024
March 15th, 2024
Ms. Riddle
Mrs. Gile
Message From the Principals
Greetings TLA Family!
TLA had another busy week this week! Elementary School scholars started the week with a surprise visitor, Poopsie, the Sky Carps mascot, stopped by during morning assembly!!! The TLA Lottery for 2024-2025 admission spots occurred as well and it was wonderful to see the number of families that want to continue their enrollment at TLA but also the number of possible future scholars interested in attending! Scholars and families helping to support all the hard work going on in the classrooms is just one way we have to promote TLA and it is paying off!
Upcoming Events:
3/19 - PLC Meeting (8:00 - 9:15 am)
3/22 - Q3 Incentive Activity
3/27 - 3/28 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
3/29 - 4/5 - Spring Break
We are ready to start 4th Quarter on Monday, March 18th and can't wait to see the continued academic growth as we move closer to state assessments... GO Lions!!
Tavi Riddle, Principal K4-5th (
Janae Gile, Principal 6th-12th (
General Information
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
Parent Leadership Council (PLC)
A general reminder that PLC offers an opportunity to all families where they can engage with TLA's leadership team beyond classroom level involvement. These meetings are always scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month from 8:00-9:15 in the Library.
The next meeting will be held on March 19th. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Additional Fundraising Opportunity
If your family is interested, you can purchase a box of chocolate bars to sell on your own!! If interested, reach out to Mrs. Gile to schedule a time to bring $60 to the office and you'll receive a box of 60 candy bars.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, March 27th 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Thursday, March 28thth 8:00am – 12:00pm
Sign up information will be shared this week. Conferences are required for scholars that meet the following criteria:
All Developing in Character Ed grades
D or F in a class for MS or HS – Must meet with the teacher of the course
1 or 2 in ELA or Math in ES
3 or more infractions for the quarter
In reading corps
Below 90% attendance
Pi Day Assembly
We had a wonderful Pi Day Assembly on Thursday, 3/14! We started by recognized our Reading Corps workers and gave them a pie to thank them for all their work with scholars and reading skills.
Scholars learned a bit about what Pi is and competed in Math related competitions during the week. Elementary School scholars competed in specific skill related Math Sprints and Middle & High School Scholars memorized digits of Pi! Winners won a pie of their choice!!
A bigger highlight was our scholars (and their families) demonstrating kindness by donating almost 550 boxes of cereal for local families in need!! Scholar Council set up an intricate domino sequence and Mrs. Johnson's classroom (K4) donated 76 boxes so she got to start the cereal box domino fall AND they have a breakfast treat coming up next week!
We finished the assembly by recognizing our scholars who have demonstrated Math growth as measured by their MAP test scores (5K-8) and course progress (HS). Scholars names were entered into a Wheel of Names drawing and they won some TLA Spirit Wear. Scholars were amazed to see the number of them that have met or exceeded their growth goals so far. This was a great way to recognize all the hard work scholars have put in and set the stage for upcoming state assessments!
ACT 11th Grade, March 26th
- Wisconsin high school scholars in grade 11 will take the ACT with writing® which includes Reading, Math, English, Science, Writing. The ACT is an in-person assessment that TLA will administer online. Scores from the administration of the ACT with writing can be used by scholars for a variety of purposes including college admission, scholarships, course placement, and NCAA eligibility.
- If scholars are present on test day, they will be dismissed from school at the conclusion of the exam, which should be around 1:00.
- PreACT Secure is a summative assessment given to 9th and 10th grade students, that is aligned to the ACT and the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards. PreACT Secure measures what scholars have learned in the areas of English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science. The assessment is given online. Scholars remain at school for the rest of the day to engage in breakout fun classroom activities.
- Testing will begin promptly at 8:30 am. Scholars are not allowed to enter a test room once it has begun. Scholars that are tardy will test on a make-up day.
- Scholar Chromebooks will remain at school the night before the exams, so that TLA can fully charge the batteries.
- There will be no homework the night before or on exam day.
- Let's aim for 100% attendance on test days. Please contact Mrs. Gile to share any potential attendance issues for exam days @
- April 15-19
- Grades 3rd-8th will take ELA and Math
- Grades 4th and 8th will also take Science and Social Studies
- Testing begins each day at 8:30
- Attendance is crucial, so please contact your teacher for any planned absence. Please contact Ms. Riddle to share any potential attendance issues for exam days
Attendance Corner
1 Quarter and 1.13% to Go!!
You may be wondering about the significance of the number above... Our school-wide attendance goal is 95% attendance for the year, and we are currently at 93.87%. We are SO close… by 1.13%, to be exact. We have just one quarter left in the school year. The goal is within reach, but we have to put in the work. Keep encouraging your scholar(s). Let’s show up together and finish strong!
Also, just a quick reminder about attendance communication. If you happen to notify your child’s teacher about their absence, please also be sure to notify the main office to ensure that your child’s absence is excused in Skyward. This helps keep our attendance records accurate and reduces any unnecessary calls/letters. To report an absence, please call or email: (608) 690-5165 or
Thank you for your continued support!
Summer will be here before we know it. Sports camps are excellent opportunities for scholars to learn and develop new skills, socialize, and have fun. Follow the below link for a complete list of local sports camps as of 3/15: Spring and Summer Sports Camps.
This is a friendly reminder that all scholars must meet specific requirements to be eligible to participate in athletics. These requirements include a current sports physical, completed athletic forms in Skyward, and payment of all scholar fees. Those with two or more failing grades or a GPA below 2.0 cannot compete for the first fifteen days of the term.
Attendance is essential for success in both academics and athletics. Scholars must attend all of their classes on that day to participate in practice or a competition. A doctor's note must be provided if a scholar has an appointment.
Please take a moment to review the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct for more information on academic and attendance policies.
Monday, March 18th - High School Baseball Practice begins @ 4:00 pm
Monday, April 15th - Middle School Baseball practice begins @ 4:00pm
Monday, April 15th - Middle School Track and Field practice begins @ 4:00
Wednesday, April 17th - 6-11th grade Intramural Soccer practice begins @ 4:00
Friday, April 19th - 1st - 4th grade Intramural Soccer practice begins @ 4:00
Scholars already in Book Quest and Girl Scouts will continue in Quarter 4. We are not accepting new enrollees at this time.
Scholars are ineligible to participate in clubs if they fall into any of the categories below for quarter three.
- Two or more F's or a GPA less than 2.0
- Two or more Unexcused absences
- Two or more school suspensions
Please reach out to Mr. Shane Davie with questions -
Girls on the Run
Girl Scout Cookie Time!
The TLA Daisy troop will be selling Girl Scout cookies during Q3 Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, March 27th from 4-7pm and Thursday, March 28th from 8am to noon. Please stop by the cookie booth to stock up on your favorites and support our young entrepreneurs in one of their first business experiences! Cookies are $5 per box and cash, or check payment will be accepted.
Career Exploration
Healthcare Career Focus
Community Connection
Community Health Survey
The Health Department and HEAR committee are in the process of administering a Community Health Survey and they would like to get community input. Please fill out the survey and share this with all of your contacts. This is where voices matter!
Beloit Public Library's Spring Guide 2024 is here!
Click the link to view the guide. Many wonderful opportunities to participate in.
The Lincoln Academy
Location: 608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: 608 690 5100
Twitter: @tlabeloit