Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
Weekly Wrap-up (January 4-8)
Welcome back students!
Science in action
Creative Arts
What's Coming
Tuesday, January 12
- SHES PTO meeting 6:30 p.m. via Zoom
Thursday January 14
- End of the 2nd quarter
Friday, January 15
- Teacher End of 2nd quarter Work Day (No school for students)
Monday, January 18
- MLK Jr. Day (No school for students or staff)
Welcome 2021!
Happy 2021! I hope all Thunderbolt families had a safe and relaxing winter break. We're excited to see students back on our SHES campus. It's hard to believe that we are almost to the end of our 2nd quarter!
Campus Reminders:
- Doors open to students @ 8:45
- School starts @ 9:10
- The dismissal bell rings @ 4:05
- Parent pick-up name signs must be hung on car visor or placed on the car dash to pick up car riders. Please contact our school office 357-5400 if you are in need of a name sign.
- Send a note with your student if changing transportation home
- Students receive a free breakfast and lunch every day
COVID Mitigation Reminders
Temperature checks and sanitizing will continue as each student and staff member enters the building each day. Student water bottles will continue to be used for bottle filling stations rather than drinking fountains. Hand washing/sanitizing will continue each hour.
We are a closed campus at this time. If you need to drop off something for your Thunderbolt or pick your student up for an appointment, please call the mainline, 357-5400, and someone will assist you.
Our teachers and custodial staff are doing everything possible to keep our Thunderbolts safe each day.
Remote Learning Reminders
- Designating a home workspace that is free from distractions;
- Participating in daily online check-ins/class meetings;
- Dressing appropriately when participating in online check-ins/class meetings;
- Cameras on for faces to be on screen when engaging in online check-ins/class meetings;
- Showing proof of participation in daily online instruction by satisfactorily completing assignments to demonstrate evidence of student learning ie. video, picture, or activities submitted as lessons and/or completing assignments; and
- Communicating with the teacher when there is a need for additional assistance, questions, etc.
- Communicating with the school office 357-5400 if your child is unable to attend online check-ins/class meetings each day.
Tell Us Something Good
At-risk learning criteria (Hybrid Learning Scenario)
- attending less than 50% of live Zoom sessions
- completing less than 50% of assigned work
- not meeting standards in core content areas of reading and/or math
- high social-emotional needs as measured on social-emotional learning surveys, socioeconomic status, homelessness and more
At-risk learners with the highest needs were asked to attend in-person four days per week when social distancing was able to be maintained. If you have questions or need further information about our at-risk learning criteria, please contact Principal Hummer at 730-5345 or hummerr@usd450.net.
Who do I contact?
About Me
When I am not at school, I can usually be found with family at sporting events, bargain shopping, enjoying time outside, crafting, watching a movie or reality TV series at home, or cheering on the KU Jayhawks.
Email: hummerr@usd450.net
Website: https://shes.usd450.net/
Location: 2410 Southeast Burton Street, Topeka, KS, USA
Phone: 785-730-5345