Kirk Fenton News
5th July 2024
Please look on our website for up-to-date information.
Dear parents and carers.
There have certainly been some tired children today following a very busy week! On Tuesday, we had a fantastic whole school STEM day. Every class spent the day designing and building a ramp, to see how far they could get a vehicle to travel. It was great to see so much creative thinking and problem solving, as children adapted their ramps to make them effective. The day ended with a whole school assembly where each class tested their best ramp to find the winning design. Seacole class were crowned the winners, although the competition was fierce. It is always lovely to do events like this, as it really brings the school together.
It was so lovely to see so many of you for our Open Classrooms today. Feedback from our parent/carer questionnaire was that it can be a challenge to attend events during the day, especially if they are always at the end of the school day. Next year we will ensure we have events including parents at different times of the day, on different days of the week, with an open classroom style event later on in the day one term, to enable as many as possible of you to attend. A big thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire back in May. As so many of you managed to do this, we have a lot of really valuable feedback to ensure we can make sure we can work together to give you and your children the best experience we can at our school.
We are about to head into the final two weeks of the year, and that sadly means it will soon be time to wave off our oldest children as they head off to new adventures. Next week marks the beginning of various rites of passage, including the year 5 and 6 production, which they have been working very hard on. The school has been filled for weeks with enthusiastic singing, and all of our staff and children are looking forward to seeing the dress rehearsal on Monday.
I know lots of children have a busy weekend with cub camps, performances and lots of other exciting things. Hopefully there will be some time for a rest and recharge, ready for our final two weeks.
Have a lovely weekend.
Becca Cameron
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Attenborough - Alfie W and Tilly
Rashford - Alba and Darcie
Thunberg - Harry and Freddie S
Seacole - Charlotte and Theo H
Luther King - Evelyn and Willow
Jean King - Charlotte and Josh
Pankhurst - Kieran and Lyla
Barnardo - Eloise and Ru
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Attenborough - Toby
Rashford - Benjamin
Thunberg - Clara
Seacole - Bertie
Luther King - Tayvie
Jean King - George
Pankhurst - Milo P-J
Barnardo - Alexa
Cloakroom Award
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Harvey (Y4), Jack (Y1), Scarlett (Y2) and Oliver (Y1) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
Message from Head Pupils
This week, we had a DT day called and we were challenged to build a ramp. We then tested the ramps in our classrooms using a toy car and the winning ramp went through to the final in the school hall. Overall seacole won, and we all really enjoyed it. Year 6 all went to their new high schools this week and all the other year groups had their transition days on Wednesday and Thursday. We all really enjoyed meeting our new teachers and getting a feel for the different classrooms.
Freddie & Ella
Well done to everyone who has worked hard on their maths practise during this very busy week! Our Rockstars this week are Will G, Cody T, Tilly B, Bea O, Mila L, Tom O, Willow H, Effie-Mae J, Finnbar C and Seb E. This week's Numbots Superstars are Hugo O, Jack S, Elin C, Betsy D, Benjamin G, Holly S-W, Maisie A, Grayson S, Jack B and Sienna H.
This week's winners of our raffle were Harry S, Effie-Mae J, Elin C and Sienna H. Remember, 10 minutes work will get your name put into the draw. The more times your name is in, the more likely you are to win!
Y5/6 Production to Parents
Tuesday 9th July, 2pm
Wednesday 10th July, 6pm
Y5/6 Music Performance to Parents
Tuesday 16th July, 2.40pm
Y3/4 Music Performance to Parents
Wednesday 17th July, 2.40pm
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Thursday 18th July
End of Term Discos
Thursday 18th July: EYFS/KS1 3.15pm-4.30pm; KS2 4.45pm-6pm
Y6 Leavers' Service, St Mary's Church
Friday 19th July
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fair last week, it was a fantastic afternoon and we raised over £1,300! A huge thank you to all who helped set up, run and clean up - we really appreciate your help!
Our final event for the year is the school discos at the end of term.
This will also be the final event from the current committee. For Friends to continue it will need new volunteers to form the committee. We really hope that some of you would like to continue to help with this. The current committee will help with a full handover. A new committee can decide how much or little time you have to devote to this but anything however small will make a big difference to school life. Please can anyone interested in joining the committee please email us or contact via Facebook
We have raised over £15,000 in the last three years to improve the children's experience at school and enhance school facilities. We have funded Christmas trip transport annually, provided treats for the children and 30 new Chromebooks as well as new playground supplies which are currently underway, so Friends really does form an integral part of the school community. We really hope that some of you would like to continue to help with this.
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free, way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: