GWS Weekly Newsletter
January 24, 2025
Governor Winslow Elementary School
Email: cmullen@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org
Location: 60 Regis Road, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5060
From Mrs. Hubbard, Principal
Even though it was a short week at Governor Winslow School, it certainly was a busy one! All students have successfully completed their midyear iReady diagnostic assessments in both math and reading. Following the assessments, our teachers collaborated to analyze the data and plan targeted instruction to support student growth for the remainder of the year.
On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of conducting a math learning walk with Bridges consultants, administration, district math coaches, and two classroom teachers. As we walked throughout the building, we observed teaching and learning in action. The team was able to celebrate the many elements of high quality instruction in math and make valuable suggestions for our plans moving forward.
We are excited to share that our fifth-grade PeaceLeaders have taken on a new leadership role by delivering the morning announcements each day. This is a great opportunity to build more student voice into the day and for them to build confidence and communication skills. Our fifth-grade PeaceLeaders also had a wonderful idea to wrap up our week. We all enjoyed a "Comfy Cozy Spirit Day" on Friday, with students and staff embracing the chance to stay warm and comfortable during this recent streak of cold weather.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. I am so proud of our students and teachers at GWS.
Have a wonderful weekend!
This week at GWS...
Important Dates
Monday 1/27: Sing, Play, Create Enrichment (Gr K & 1)
Thursday 2/13: Pizza Bingo Night (5:30 & 7:00PM)
Monday 2/17-Friday 2/21: February Vacation
Thursday 2/27: First Day of After School Enrichment Program
After School Enrichment Program for grades 3, 4, & 5
Applications are being accepted for the 2025 GWS After School Enrichment Program. Please click here to apply online. Applications, along with a $60 fee, are due back no later than Friday, January 31.
Click here to view this year's brochure.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open!
Children entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years old by August 31, 2025.
Click HERE to visit the Kindergarten Registration webpage.
Parents are encouraged to register in-person at Governor Winslow School.
Please be sure to complete your child’s registration no later than Friday, February 28, 2025.
Band/Strings Before School Schedule
No before school band or strings until Thursday February 6th.
On Thursday Feb. 6th, it will be 5th graders ONLY for before school for both band and strings.
4th grade band will join before school in March (first Thursday: 3/6).
4th grade strings will join before school in April (first Thursday: 4/3).
GWS Kids Fit Program
Starts January 6th! Sign up for one day or all of them!
WHO: Governor Winslow Students 2nd-5th Grade
WHEN: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays.
Week Starting Monday, January 6th – Week Ending Friday, February 14th
-No School Monday, January 20th MLK Day
-Program runs Mondays, Wednesday, & Fridays 8:00-8:45AM
-Sign up options for individual days or all 3 days
WHERE: Governor Winslow School (Drop off in front no earlier than 7:55AM)
FEE: 1 Day $45.00 / 3 Days $110.00
ADDITIONAL INFO: Join us for fun sports and gym activities before school! This program will be run by Governor Winslow Teacher- Ms. Calianne Krupski. Students should bring a water bottle, wear appropriate clothes to run around, and sneakers!
Please register HERE
Aspen Parent Portal
**Extremely Important: Please complete the Student Workflow and Parent Workflow as soon as possible as this is how we reach you in an emergency.**
Click here for instructions on our Aspen portal
New families should have received their login information via email from our Aspen team. Please check your email for your credentials. All families can contact aspen@mpsd.org if you have any questions accessing the parent portal.
School Lunch
Click here to view the January/February menu.
Click here to view important information from the school nutrition department.
PTO News
Pizza Bingo is just around the corner and is scheduled for Thursday, February 13th, there will be a 5:30pm session and a 7:00pm session. We can't wait for another fun filled evening with pizza, bingo and prizes in the GWS cafeteria. There will even be guest appearances by a few wonderful teachers! Reserve your spot and purchase pizza, bingo sheets and raffle tickets on PTBoard by 2/6!
Volunteers are needed to make this special community event possible - even 15 or 30 minutes makes a big difference! Please sign up to volunteer on PTBoard.
Click below to access all Pizza Bingo info or email gwspto@gmail.com with any questions!
Around the District
Registration is OPEN! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are VERY excited for this new community event!
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event!
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior