Hood River Middle School
August 8, 2024
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Welcome Back
With summer rapidly coming to an end, we are preparing for the approaching school year. This edition of our Panther Times contains information to assist you with your student's transition back to school. We are looking forward to the strong partnerships with parents and the community to support the success of all students at HRMS as well as the opportunities and challenges that present themselves in the coming school year.
6th Graders, enclosed you will find information about our W.E.B program. Please read this letter carefully in that it contains information necessary for your first day in middle school.
If you have additional questions, our summer office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am to 3:00pm beginning August, 13th.
First Day of School
August 26th – 6th Grade and New 7th/8th Grade Student Orientation (WEB) Day
August 27th – First Day of School for ALL students
This day (WEB or Where Everybody Belongs) is designed by staff and student leaders to welcome new students and create a smooth transition to middle school. Our 6th grade students will become familiar with their new school, schedules, and the staff. Our new seventh/eighth grade students will be released at 11:30 after welcoming activities and a tour of the school. The 6th grade students will be released at regular time (3:25 PM). All students participating in WEB Day should meet in the HRMS back field between 9:30- 9:45 AM. (Monday's are late start)
The first regular school day for all students will be Tuesday, August 27th. Our school day will start at 8:45 AM and end at 3:25 PM.
School Supplies and Student Organization
Part of being a successful middle school student is learning how to be organized. This will be a focus at HRMS. Each student will be expected to have an organized binder and planner. To kick this off this year, every student will receive a binder with all of their needed school supplies. This includes, binders, pencil pouches, pencils, a planner, etc. There will be no need for families to purchase additional supplies for students. Things you might consider for the school year - a backpack, a lunchbox, and a water bottle. Everything else they need will be provided on the first day of school. If a student needs materials replaced or replenished, it will be the family's responsibility as the year goes on, however, to begin the year the school is making a commitment to supporting student organization.
We will be collecting monetary contributions for school supplies. We will send a message about the contribution amount and payment methods(sometime in the fall) more information to come... We will use the money to cover the cost of supplies needed for this school year. Thanks to those of you who are able to contribute.
We do not have an in-person Registration Day. At this point you should have received a Text or Email asking you to verify your student information. Please complete this ASAP. School Pictures will be during the school day on September 18th.
Bus Route Information
Back to School Night - Aug 21st
With a new school year, we wanted to host our Back to School Night before school starts to allow students to walk the halls with families and meet their teachers. All families are encouraged to attend our back to school night on Wednesday Aug. 21st at 6-7:30pm.
This year HRMS will be issuing lockers to all students through our advisory class. Our goal is to have lockers issued to students by the end of the first week.
Sports and Athletics
School sports start soon. In the Fall we offer:
6th - Cross Country
7th/8th - Cross Country, Football, Girls Volleyball
A sports physical is good for two years. Visit our Athletics Webpage - https://sites.google.com/hoodriver.k12.or.us/panther-athletics/home
School meals offered at no cost
All Hood River County School District students receive school meals through a federal program at no cost. For more information about Nutrition Services, please visit the nutrition services website .
Cell Phones
Phones/smartwatches and earbuds are to remain with the student or in their backpack and will not be visible, used, or turned on during instructional times. Student phones should be turned off as soon as they enter the school buildings beginning at 8:35 and ending at 3:25, students will not use cell phones during passing time or lunch recess. Since most phones have camera capability, they are not allowed outside of a pocket in locker rooms or restrooms. Students needing to use their cell phone should bring it to the office and ask permission to call. Parents are asked not to call or text-message their child during the school day. If you need to reach your child, please call the office and the secretarial staff will arrange a time for you to talk with your child.
1st incident – Electronic device is confiscated. The student can pick it up from the office at the end of the day. This is the student’s opportunity to learn from a mistake without consequence.
2nd incident - Electronic device is confiscated. Parent is contacted and parent pickup.
3rd incident - Student receives detention. Parents are asked to keep the phone at home or, if absolutely necessary, checked-in at the front office each day.
Dress Code
Clothing choices are primarily the decision of the individual student and family. A guiding principle of our dress code is that no student shall be disproportionately affected by the dress code because of size, body type, body maturity, gender, or race. A student’s dress must keep within reasonable health, sanitary and safety standards. Please note that all schools are required to keep an “educational atmosphere that is safe and conducive to learning and student’s dressing should not affect their ability to participate in school classes, programs, or school related activities nor be a distraction to other's learning”. Students will be asked to change the clothing or call home to obtain clothing that adheres to our dress code if a student is in violation of the rules. The school may also provide optional appropriate clean clothing if necessary and available.
All students will be checked out iPads from the school at the beginning of the school year.
All middle school students will keep their iPads at school with their advisory teacher.
Each school day they will pick them up from their advisory teacher to start the day and leave them at the end of the day.
Medication Reminder
School personnel may not give children medication without written permission from the parent/guardian and doctor. Parents must bring the medication to the school office and complete the required district form before the medication can be given. Students may never transport medication.
Prescription medication must be prepared and labeled by a pharmacist at the direction of a physician.
Prescription medication must remain in the original container from the pharmacy or doctor’s office. Nonprescription medication must be brought to school in original container or packaging and must follow recommended guidelines for dosage. Nonprescription medication means only commercially prepared, non-alcohol based medication to be taken during school hours that is necessary for the student to remain in school.
School Parent Communication
The Panther Times is a newsletter that will be sent electronically. The Panther Times highlights events, procedures, and attached are many important items that are to be communicated home.
The HRMS website is an on-line resource that includes information from both of our newsletters, as well as information related to athletics, lunches, buses, student grades/progress, and more. Check it out at www.hoodriver.k12.or.us/hrms
HAC (Home Access Center) is a tool with our student information system that will allow parents to access their student(s) ongoing progress and final grades, and current attendance. Find a useful link here.
8:00 am - 4:00 pm School Days
If your student is in need of bus transportation, you can call transportation at 541-354-1388.
Closing Comments
I am extremely excited for the 2024-25 school year. Last year was very successful and both the staff and I are anticipating another great year of student growth. Hood River Middle School is a quality school with a staff that is committed to providing an outstanding middle school experience. There is an authentic belief that all students will succeed and I am proud to be part of this community. I look forward to partnering with you all for the 2024-25 school year to make it a great experience for all.
"It's a great day to be a Panther!"
Rolland Hayden