WES 1st Grade
Ms. Joines & Mrs. Parker's Class | January Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Important Dates for January:
- Friday, January 17th: Birthday Celebrations!
- Monday, January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day- NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, January 21th: NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, January 29th: Report Cards go home
Ice Cream Fund
On Friday's students may bring money to buy ice cream from the cafeteria. Mrs. Parker and I like to ensure that all students get ice cream on Friday's whether they have money or not. We take donations of ice cream or money throughout the year. If you would like to donate to the ice cream fund, send an envelope that says ICE CREAM FUND or send in some ice cream!
Remote Learning Days
1. In the event that we should go to remote learning at home, there will be an expectation of students completing a remote learning Day activity sheet which is attached below. This activity sheet would need to be turned in on the next day we return to the school building.
2. There is also an expectation of taking school attendance on remote days. This would first be a remind message to check in with families. You would simply reply back to the remind message to count for your child's attendance. Second, if I do not here from families using the remind messages, then I will be calling families to check in on remote days.
3. On remote days, my office hours are at 9:00am and 1:00pm via Zoom if needed. Please see the link below for Zoom office hours.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3101 1565
Passcode: BkpQt3
Information for the month of January
Encore Rotation
Day 1: P.E.
Day 2: Art
Day 3: P.E.
Day 4: Music
Day 5: P.E.
Day 6: Media
Learning Targets
I can decode and spell words.
I can print all upper and lower case letters neatly.
Nonfiction Texts:
I can ask questions about a text.
I can answer questions about a text.
I can find the main topic and retell important details of a text.
I can tell the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
I can know and use various text features to find important facts and information in a text.
I can with guidance and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support ideas in a text.
I can write informative texts that includes a topic, facts about the topic, and a conclusion.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, organize information and ideas around a topic to plan and prepare to write.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Integrated Social Studies Inquiry Skills for Reading/Writing:
I can construct responses to compelling questions using information from sources.
I can find problems related to the compelling question that students think are important.
I can find the information surrounding a primary/secondary sources including who created it, when they created it, where they created it, and why they created it.
I can have an understanding of facts, opinions, and details in primary/secondary sources.
Language & Grammar:
I can use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
I can, with guidance and support, show understanding of word meanings.
Review Skills:
I can use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems - Using a Number Line
I can count to 150 by 1s, 5s, and 10s.
I can represent a number from 11 to 19 as a ten and ones with objects and drawings.
I can represent groups of ten from 10 to 19 as tens and ones and show the number with objects and drawings.
New Skills:
I can draw and use objects to show a two digit number as tens and ones.
I can read and write numbers from 100 to 150 and show the numbers with objects and drawings.
I can use tens and ones to compare two digit numbers to find which is greater and which is less.
I can use symbols to compare two-digit numbers and solve problems.
Animals in Different Ecosystems Study
I can obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to summarize the needs of different animals.
I can analyze and interpret data to compare how the needs of animals can be met in different environments.
Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges Study - January and February
I can explain how the experiences and achievements of people throughout history have helped contribute to the changes in various local communities and around the world over time.
I can us primary and secondary sources to compare multiple perspectives of events in history.
Important Reminders
Take Home Folders
Please check the green take home folders nightly. The folder will be a place for important school papers, notes from the teacher, nightly reading books, spelling lists, and spelling homework. Please remember to sign your child's reading log nightly.
Behavior Calendar
Please check your child's behavior calendar in the back of the folder that will stay their at all times. This will be based on class dojo points and daily behavior in the classroom. If students receive 10 or more dojo points, then a sticker will be on that day of the calendar. If there is a number written on the calendar day, then please find the corresponding number at the bottom of the calendar to discuss with your child at home. IF THERE IS A NUMBER WRITTEN ON THE CALENDAR DAY, THEN PLEASE SIGN IN UNDER THE NUMBER TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAVE DISCUSSED IT WITH YOUR CHILD.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
Spelling - Read spelling words to a adult, write down the ones you struggle with.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
Spelling - Write 2 interesting sentences using your list words
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
Spelling - Read spelling words to adult, write down the ones you struggle with.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
Spelling - practice spelling test. Practice misspelled words twice.
Weekly Student Work
Class activities and graded work will come home weekly on Friday afternoons. Please check your child's green folder for those papers. This is a great chance to discuss and look through the weekly papers with your child.
I also would like to explain two things parents might see at the top of the papers coming home.
- Check plus (✓+)- Student did work correctly
- ✓+ 2nd time - Student had to make some corrections but still got the work right!
- Check (✓)- student did not do their best work and did not correct their work, but still got a majority of the work correct.
- Check minus (✓-)- This is very rare. Student did not do their best work, got a majority of the work incorrect and would not fix it when given a second chance.
*** Students are always given a chance to correct their work with guidance from Ms. Joines and Mrs. Parker.***
Please check for any handwritten messages on the top corner of the work. Sometimes myself or Mrs. Parker will add a communication sentence for parents about the work.
If you have any questions or concerns about the work samples that are sent weekly, Please feel free to contact me to discuss the assignments.
Snacks and Water Bottles
- Our class will have daily snack. Please provide a daily snack. We will have extra snacks in the classroom if needed.
- Please send a water bottle with your child daily. Please label the water bottle with your child's name.
Class Dojo for Students
Students are expected to earn at least 10 points per day. Is there a chance students could earn more than 10 points in a day? Yes! If students reach 10 positive points by 12:00, then I encourage students to try to earn 15 and so on. Our class works on positive goals everyday!
Class Dojo for Parents
Please feel free to send messages through class dojo for any questions or concerns you may have. Please note that if my response requires a more detailed conversation, I will send "Thank you for your concerns, I will call you to discuss this" through a class dojo message. I much prefer phone conversations or face to face meetings for more detailed conversations about your child.
Classroom Needs and Wishlist
Thank you for continuing to support our classroom!
Our classroom is in need of:
Contact Ms. Joines
Send me a Dojo anytime!
Email: joinesas@wilkes.k12.nc.us