All About ACE
News from the Spring ISD Advisory Committee on Education
2024-2025 Issue 2
Advisory Committee on Education Convened to Discuss Critical Topics
The district's Advisory Committee on Education (ACE) met on Wednesday, October 30th to discuss important agenda items, including the Spring ISD Vision, Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Proposal, School of Choice portfolio of schools, and the 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar. Dr. Lupita Hinojosa, Superintendent of Schools, opened the meeting by reaffirming Spring ISD’s vision. She invited each member to stand, recite the vision, and take a moment to truly reflect on its meaning. She went on to discuss the district’s core values, emphasizing the commitment to making student-centered decisions, striving for excellence, building trust, communicating openly, valuing diversity, and winning as a team. She continued the meeting by explaining to the committee that Spring ISD has about 1300 employees who live within the Spring boundaries and that all committee members should get out and vote. Dr. Hinojosa proceeded to explain the potential impact of the VATRE on Spring ISD’s finances. If the VATRE passes, the proposed tax rate would provide the critical funding needed to eliminate the district's $12 million budget deficit. This funding would also support a 2% raise for all staff, with starting teacher pay increasing from $60,500 to $61,500 annually. Teachers with 5-15 years of experience would receive targeted adjustments to bring their pay in line with other local districts. If the VATRE does not pass, the district will face significant budget cuts, affecting programs and services for students.
School Choice Portfolio of Schools
Dr. Eric Tingle, Director of Strategic Innovation, addressed the committee on the diverse choices available within Spring ISD. He shared that the district currently offers eight schools of choice and 32 Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways. Dr. Tingle provided a brief overview of each of the eight schools of choice, highlighting the unique opportunities they offer students.
- Carl Wunsche High School
- Dekaney High School
- Roberson Middle School
- Spring Leadership Academy
- Spring Early College Academy
- Springwoods Village Middle School
- Momentum High School
- Spring High School
More information regarding the Spring ISD schools of choice can be found HERE. When clicking on the campus websites, visitors will find detailed information regarding each school of choice, information related to applications dates, student interviews, and application assistance for parents. The school of choice applications opened on October 30, 2024 and are scheduled to close on January 10, 2025.
Reminder: School of Choice Tours (Middle Schools) -Nov. 16, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2025 - 2026 Instructional Calendar
Dr. Eric Tingle, Director of Strategic Innovation, began this segment by acknowledging the instructional calendar subcommittee, who has spent countless hours developing the 2 calendar options that were prepared for discussion and review. He went on to explain to the committee that there were key considerations to keep in mind as the committee reviewed the 2025 - 2026 calendar options. A few of those considerations mentioned included, students continuing to be out of school on the voting day, teachers needing more time at the start of the school year for professional development prior to students arriving, the consideration of keeping the fall break, and an additional early release day in the fall and the spring for high school students to support exams/finals.
The committee received a folder with 2 calendar options, a document that explained the difference between both calendar options, and 2025 - 2026 calendar options from surrounding districts to support their review. Calendar subcommittee members supported the review by either sitting at one of the group tables to answer questions or moving from table to table. Committee members provided written feedback through menti.com and was also able to provide verbal feedback following the review. Lastly, committee members were able to vote on the calendar that they favored and was reminded that their recommendations would be sent out to the Spring ISD community for a final vote prior to presented the options to the Board of Trustees.
Make Your Voice Heard! Talk to Your ACE Representative
Every campus in the district has at least one ACE representative elected by the staff to serve in an advisory role to the Superintendent. Central office representatives are also elected to serve, as well as community members who are appointed by the Superintendent to serve on the ACE as another integral voice.
Over the next month, your ACE representatives will share meeting highlights such as those found in this newsletter. Be on the lookout for updates to be shared at your next faculty meeting (campuses) and or staff special call-meeting (district office). If you want to ensure your views are heard, reach out to your ACE representative. Click HERE to learn who represents you.
2024-2025 ACE Meeting Dates
Contact your representative and look for updates on key district decisions over the coming months.
The next ACE meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20th @ 5:00 p.m.