Trailblazer Family Newsletter
September 27, 2024
Principal's Message
BA Families,
Our diversity at Broken Arrow is one of our greatest strengths!
We are seeking your input as we are working on creating flag displays in our cafeteria that appropriately represent our school community.
If you would please complete this Google Form to help us represent all in our learning community it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Mr. Horne
BA Event Calendar
September 20-October 4 Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Friday, September 27- PTA Family Picnic at Swarner Park, 5:30-7:30 pm
Friday, October 4- Walk to School Day (more info below)
Thursday, October 10- End of 1st Quarter
Friday, October 11- No School, Teacher Workday
Monday, October 14- No School, Professional Learning
October 15-18- Book Fair, BA Library
Thursday, October 17- Report Cards posted to Skyward
Tuesday, October 29- 3rd Gr Music Program, 5:30pm, Cafeteria
Thursday, October 31- Halloween Parade, 2:30 pm
Wednesday, November 6- Picture Retakes
BA Club Calendar
Running Club, 7:50-8:05 am in the Gym
- Mon/Wed- Grades K-3
- Thurs/Fri- Grades 4-6
- No Club on Tuesdays
- Tuesdays, 7:00-7:50 am in Room 227
Grades 4-6
- Parent Permission Slip Required
Good News Club
- Mondays, 3:10-4:00 pm in Rm 219
- Grades K-6
- Pre-Registration Required
- Meets every Monday that school is in session
Math Club
- Wednesdays, 3:10-4:00 pm in Rm 224
- Grades 4-6
- Parent Permission Slip Required
- Meets twice a month
Student Council
- Some Thursdays, 7:30-8:10 am
- Grades 4-6
Attendance Line 913-993-2388
Per district policy, parents are required to notify the school to report a student's absence in a timely manner. Please report your student's absence or late arrival to the school office in one of these ways:
- 24-hour attendance line - 913-993-2388
- Online via Skyward (new this year!)
- click here for directions on how to submit an absence online from a desktop
- click here for directions on how to submit an absence from the Skyward app
Please do not call the office main line to report an absence.
Cookie Dough Orders due next Friday
Our Cookie Dough Fundraiser is off to a great start! One week down and one to go! Money and Order Forms are due to the office on Friday, October 4. As students sell items, they can bring sale coupons to the office to redeem for a prize after for every 3 items sold. (Coupons are included in your student's order packet).
Make sure you set up your “online store” to sell to out of town family and friends! All cookie dough or freezer items will be shipped to the school but there are lots of items that can get shipped anywhere in the US. Cookie dough will arrive in time for Thanksgiving!
Sluggerrr iXL Summer Challenge
Anti-Bullying Awareness Week, Oct 7-11
Broken Arrow’s theme for this school year is Here We Grow, focusing on having a growth mindset that encourages students to do their best and keep trying so that they can grow to their fullest potential. As we approach Anti-Bullying Awareness Week October 7th-11th, we want our Trailblazer students to Grow Together Against Bullying and support each other in being upstanders, someone who takes action against bullying or injustice. Student will have morning meeting time Character Strong lessons focused on bullying, have an opportunity to practice being an upstander and show their commitment through spirit days! If you’d like more information on anti-bullying resources and how you can support your child in what they’re learning, please check out this Family Connect Letter from Purposeful People, the makers of our Character Strong curriculum.
Monday 10/7
Growing Strong Against Bullying
Wear green, floral, or an outfit that shows how things grow in nature
Tuesday 10/8
Wear Blue for Anti-Bullying Awareness
Blue is the awareness ribbon color for anti-bullying week, so break out your blue
Wednesday 10/9
Say BOO! to Bullying
Wear a spooky or Halloween-themed shirt
Thursday 10/10
We’re All on the Same Team
Represent our local teams like the Royals, Chiefs, and Current
Friday 10/11
Trailblazers are Upstanders
Wear your BA spirit ware or some blue or silver
Parents are welcome to join us for our Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31 at 2:30 pm.
Please note the following:
Students will NOT wear their costume to school on October 31
Students should bring their costume to school in their backpack on Halloween
All student costumes should be able to be easily put on over the top of the clothes that they wear to school.
No extreme gore will be permitted. No costumes with extra blood, severed body parts, weapons, etc, should be brought to school. If the costume is not appropriate, parts not meeting the guidelines will be removed and can be picked up by the parent after school in the office.
Students should not wear their make-up or dye or spray their hair different colors for this event.
Please do not send class treats as a treat will be provided by PTA. We will hold any treats sent to school in the office until November 1.
Parents can go to our gym to see their children in the parade.
Parking is always a challenge at our school. Please do not park in the circle drive. Parking is available:
Along Alden Street
Along West 60th Terrace
Along Greenwood Street
Please be courteous to not block our local neighbors’ driveways
If your child would happen to see you and step out of the line with the class please encourage them to rejoin the line.
Does your child need to borrow a costume? Please email Ms. Rogers at AlyssaRogers@smsd.org
Walk to School Day, Oct 4
Picture Retakes, November 6
If your student was absent on the first Fall Picture Day or is a new student they will be able to have their picture taken on Wednesday, November 6.
If you were not happy with your student's fall pictures, please send the picture packet you received with all of the picture sheets enclosed with your student to school on retake day, Wednesday, November 6. They will need to give the packet to the photographer. If you originally never ordered and just received the second chance proof it is not necessary to bring that back. Please let your child's teacher know if you would like your student photographed for retakes.
PTA News
Broken Arrow Family Picnic in the Park, Shelter 1
Friday, Sep 27, 2024, 05:30 PM
Swarner Skate Park, Lackman Road, Shawnee, KS, USA
Please join us for a BA family picnic on Friday, September 27th from 5:30 – 7:30 PM at Swarner Park! Let’s gather at the park so the kids have the opportunity to hang out outside of school, and parents/guardians can connect with other parents/guardians!
The BA PTA will provide food to enjoy (sandwiches, chips & water) and we have Shelter #1 reserved (located between the skate park and playground). Kona Ice will be there for purchase as well!
We have the softball field reserved, and plan to organize a kickball game around 6:00 PM. Feel free to bring yard games too, if you'd like!
Hope to see everyone there!!
SMSD Athletic Activities
Title I Information
From Our Social Worker
Resources always available to Families:
- Clothing for SMSD students & families: https://www.smac-pta.org/clothing-exchange
- Homelessness Resources
- Health Partnership Clinic
- Resource Request Form
If you would like to volunteer on a field trip with your child's class you must be MVP trained prior to the Field Trip.
- On-site training will take place at Broken Arrow following the PTA Meeting on Monday, September 16 at 6pm in the Cafeteria.
- Click here for other MVP Training dates/times.
Volunteer Pals are utilized for a variety of in-school activities including:
- Classroom or school volunteering
- Sharing career interests or special talents with students
- Tutoring
- Chaperones for Shawnee Mission School District approved field trips
Please visit this link for more info on how to become a MVP.
From Our Nurse
Click HERE for monthly updates and health information from Nurse Kay.
From Food Service
The school meals menus are on https://www.schoolcafe.com/SHAWNEEMISSION. To log on, select View menus (as a guest). School Café also show allergen and nutritional information.
Did you know filling out the Free or Reduced Lunch Application helps with more than meals? Applying and qualifying can benefit families and students with reduced fees, transportation, broadband, and other discounts.
Families are encouraged to complete an application for meal benefits- free or reduced priced meals as part of the Online Verification. The link to the Child Nutrition Program Meal Benefit Application is available on Skyward or the online application is on School Cafe. Contact the Food Service Office by calling 913-993-9710 for questions on the meal benefit application.
Need to add breakfast or lunch money to your student's account? Bring cash or check to the office - be sure to write your students name & class code on the envelope. Payment by card can be made online or by calling the Food Service Office at 913-993-9710.