CCSD Staff News & Notes
Staff briefs

January 31, 2025 - Volume 4
This edition of CCSD Staff News & Notes includes highlights of the latest girl's wrestling state champions, winners of the District Spelling Bee, the Partner of the Year Award winner, and a recap of district events that are preparing students for a successful CCSD high school experience. Don't miss this month's staff recognitions section along with new staff positions, and so much more!
District Highlights
Greenbrier High Girl's Wrestling Team Takes Home State Title!
Student Spellers Headed to Region Competition
Blue Ridge Elementary School 4th grader Raghav (right), won first place at the District Spelling Bee. After 14 rounds, he won by properly spelling the word "saeta." In second place was Sara, a 7th grader from Greenbrier Middle School. For more about the competition, including runners-up, and find photos of all school-level winners and alternates, click here.
Preparing Rising Freshman for the CCSD High School Experience
Eighth graders from across the district participated in the inaugural Pathway Fair, January 14-15, 2025. The event was designed to help rising freshmen make an informed decision about CTAE and/or Fine Arts pathways they may be interested in upon the start of their CCSD High School Experience. High school students currently enrolled in each pathway, along with other representatives in the field, were present to engage with students. See more about the event, click here.
Grovetown High Drama Team Named State Runner-Up
The Drama Team from Grovetown High School won the regional title in the GHSA One Act Drama Competition and advanced to win State Runner-Up against other 6A schools, which are considered the toughest of the competition, comprised of the largest high schools throughout Georgia. Congratulations, to this outstanding cast and crew, under the direction of Mr. Dan McGill. Find the team's recognition at the December 17, 2024, Board of Education meeting here: https://www.ccboe.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3538279&type=d&pREC_ID=2594993
Harlem Middle Student named Jr. Beta Statewide Secretary
Harlem Middle School student Lorelai Patrick was elected Statewide Secretary during the State Junior Beta Convention. Lorelai delivered a prepared speech in front of thousands of students and adults and was elected the winner. To read more about the award and other special recognitions, Click Here!
Fine Arts Q2 Newsletter Now Available
The next edition of the Fine Arts Newsletter is available now. Check out highlights of Fine Arts at the elementary, middle and high school levels across the district. To view the newsletter, click here.
Staff Recognitions
New Board Members Take Oaths of Office
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, the Honorable Alice Padgett swears in newly elected members of the Columbia County Board of Education: From left: Philip Kent, District 1 Representative; Katie Allen, District 4 Representative; and Chairman David Dekle.
Mr. Blake Stitcher named Principal at Grovetown Middle School
Congratulations, to Mr. Blake Stitcher for being named Principal at Grovetown Middle School. Mr. Stitcher has served as an assistant principal at both Harlem Middle School and Grovetown Middle School. He began in his new role as principal on January 7, 2025.
Ms. Stephanie Gamlin named Coordinator of Student Learning
Ms. Gamlin formerly served as assistant principal at River Ridge Elementary School.
Ms. Kaylyn Thurman – Fourth grade teacher at Cedar Ridge Elementary School, recently earned a Specialist Degree in Advanced Educational Studies from Augusta University. In addition, she also completed her Gifted Endorsement through the program.
Ms. Erin Manning-Copeland – Third grade teacher from Westmont Elementary School, recently earned a Master of Science in Educational Psychology from the University of North Texas.
Dr. Mary Angel Cleary – Columbia Virtual Academy Fine Arts Music teacher, recently earned a Doctor of Education in Educational Practice and Innovation from the University of South Carolina.
Ms. Katherine Lopez – Kindergarten teacher at Grovetown Elementary School, recently earned a Master of Education in Instruction from Augusta University.
Ms. Amber Saxon – Fourth grade teacher from Grovetown Elementary School, recently earned a Specialist Degree in Advanced Education from Augusta University.
Ms. Taylor Mathewson – First grade teacher from Grovetown Elementary School, recently earned a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction - Accomplished Teaching from Georgia Southern University. Additionally, she also earned a PBIS Endorsement.
Ms. Barbara Yancey – Chorus teacher from Harlem Middle School, recently earned an Education Specialist degree in Advanced Educational Studies from Augusta University. In addition, she was chosen to perform the National Anthem and Augusta University’s Alma Mater at the Ceremony and Commencement.
Ms. Caitlin Elkins – Sixth grade ELA teacher from Columbia Middle School, recently earned a Master of Education in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University.
Mr. Timothy Hunter – Social Studies teacher at Lakeside Middle School, recently earned a Master of Education in Secondary Education, from Grand Canyon University.
Staff Recognitions
Have you completed an advanced degree or professional milestone? We want to hear about it! Click the icon and fill out the form to tell us more about your accomplishment. All submissions will be considered for recognition in future editions of Staff News & Notes.
Employee W-2 Information Now Available in Etrieve
All CCSD employees can now view, download and print W-2 documents for 2024 via Etrieve, in the My Documents area. For those in need of assistance accessing these documents, please utilize the TSS or other knowledgeable staff at your school or department. To log in to Etrieve, Click Here!
Columbia County School District Foundation News
SRP Federal Credit Union Top Partner For 2023-2024
Congratulations, to SRP Federal Credit Union for being named this year's winner of the Preston Blanchard Outstanding Partner in Education Award. To read more about the Foundation, Click here!
Foundation Top Golf Fundraiser
The second annual Tee Up Fore Education, Columbia County School District Foundation Top Golf Tournament, is currently looking for sponsors. If you know of a business interested in supporting the work of students and staff via the Foundation, Click here!
Board Meeting Presentations
All board meeting presentations are now available on our website for public viewing immediately following each meeting.
Noteworthy Dates
Find a complete list of our noteworthy dates recognized each month in the Columbia County School District online at www.ccboe.net, or click here.
Share your good news
Share your school or department success story to possibly be added in the CCSD Staff News & Notes.
Is your school doing something we should all know about? Do you want to recognize a teacher, student, or staff member for an engaging, enriching or inspiring experience? Tell us about it! Send your good news to news@ccboe.net.