CMIT South Elementary School

Sunday, January 19, 2025
Themes of the Month
CMIT South Elementary January Themes
Character Theme: Confidence
STEM Theme: Engineering Design Process
"Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude"
-Michelle Obama, former first lady
Principal's Desk
Dear CMIT South Elementary Families,
Welcome to 2025! As we embrace this new year together, I am filled with optimism about the incredible opportunities that lie ahead for our school community. Your continued partnership and dedication to our students' success make our school community truly special.
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th. We encourage our CMIT South ES families to use this day not simply as time off, but as Dr. King intended - a day of service to our community. Consider discussing Dr. King's message of equality and justice with your children and finding ways to give back to others. There are many local service opportunities available, from food banks to community clean-up events. By participating in acts of service, we help keep Dr. King's dream alive for future generations.
As we settle into the new year, I want to share some important updates and upcoming events:
Schedule Information:
This is an A-Week/Week 1, so please ensure your child follows their schedule for Creative Arts (CARTS) classes.
Staffing Updates: We're delighted to announce several changes to our outstanding team:
Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Mitchell, our new 5th-grade RELA/Social Studies teacher
Mrs. Gilbert has graciously stepped in as our interim Technology teacher while our newly selected candidate completes the final stages of the hiring process. We appreciate her flexibility in ensuring our students' technology education continues without interruption during this transition period.
A dedicated support team made of available staff to assist with the shortage in our special education department
Important Events and Initiatives:
Student Code of Conduct: We will be holding our 2nd semester Student Rights and Responsibilities Assemblies from January 21-24, 2025, to reinforce our community expectations.
Digital Citizenship: Recently, we've observed some concerning online behavior among students in group chats outside of school hours. While we're implementing additional digital citizenship lessons in all classrooms, we need your partnership in this effort. Please actively monitor your children's online activities and have ongoing conversations about responsible digital behavior.
Winter Coat Drive: Please spread the word
Collection Period: now- January -31
Distribution Event: Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
We welcome donations of new and gently used coats
All community members in need are welcome to receive a coat
Assessment Schedule: We're entering an important assessment period to measure student growth:
DIBELS Winter Assessment:
K-1st grade: January 21-24
2nd-3rd grade: January 27-30
NWEA MAP Growth Assessment:
2nd-5th grade: January 22-24
K-1st grade: January 28-29
Additionally, our students have completed their iReady Diagnostics last week.
Safety Update: We will conduct a Shelter in Place drill on January 23, 2025, as part of our ongoing commitment to school safety.
As always, remember that the STEM Journey Begins Here at CMIT South Elementary! Let's continue to fill this school year with exciting learning opportunities, personal growth, and impressive achievements for all our scholars. Your partnership in education makes a profound difference in our students' success and we thank you for making CMIT South Elementary a vibrant and supportive learning community. Together, we're creating meaningful experiences for our scholars! Remember, we can't continue this STEM journey without you! Let's make this year a roaring success! 🦁📚
Wishing you all a 🐾 PawwRific 🐾 day and see you all Tuesday, January 21, 2025!
With Tiger Pride,
Ms. Tauheedah N. Simmons-Lewis
Acting Principal
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy Elementary South (CMIT)
Dates to Remember
Please take a look at these January 2025 calendar reminders:
January 15 - iReady Diagnostic begins
January 18 - No Saturday Academy
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Schools and Offices Closed
January 21 - Tuesday Power Hour
January 21- 31 - Coat Drive
January 21 - 24 - K-1st grade DiBels
January 22 - PTO meeting 6 p.m.
January 22- 24 - 2nd - 5th grade MAP Growth Assessments
January 23 - Shelter in Place
January 24 - End of Second Quarter (46 days)
January 25 - Saturday Academy
January 27 - Grading & Reporting Day for Teachers – 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students( 11:25 a.m - Enrichment dismissal: STARS 1:00 p.m. and SCHOLARS 3:00 p.m.)
January 27 -30 - 2nd- 3rd DIBELS
January 28 -Tuesday Power Hour
January 28-29 - K-1st grade MAP Growth Assessments
February 1- Coat Drive Distribution 10am - 2pm.
MLK Day of Service
Winter Coat Drive
Your generosity will directly support local families in need this winter. Imagine the joy on a parent’s face when they know their child is safe and warm, thanks to your kindness. Your support can make a lasting impact by providing warmth and comfort to these little ones during the chilly months ahead. Every donation, whether it’s a coat or a financial gift, means warmth and hope for a family in need.
Here’s how you can help by January 31st:
Donate new or gently used coats (sizes for infants and 9 years old). You can have your student bring them to school with you.
Make a monetary donation to help us purchase coats and other essentials. Donations can be made on our website at https://beesbabiesessentials.org/donate
Coat distribution will be on February 1st, from 10am- 2pm. See the attached flyer for details.
Happy New Year Tiger Community!
The PTO is raising funds for audio /visual equipment for the school, Teacher Appreciation Week, Field Day, and other PTO events! Join us in this initiative by participating in our Double Good Fundraiser January 21, 5PM - January 25PM.
Double Good is a virtual fundraiser! It’s 100% contactless, we keep 50% of all sales, and the product ships directly to your supporters.
Prices for Signature Bags (5 cups each) start at $11, and Curated Collections at $31. The popcorn is delicious and award-winning!
Get ready today by setting up your Pop-Up store in 3 easy steps 🍿:
1. Download the Double Good app
2. Enter our Event Code NBAZRL in the app
3. Create your Pop-Up Store
Incredible prizes are offered to the top 3 sellers!
Let’s get it poppin’ and raise funds for the awesome CMIT South Elementary School!
Tutoring: Instructional Support Opportunities
PGCPS offers various support from tutoring to homework support. Please check out opportunities for help here!
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are so much fun to celebrate with classmates. However, during the school day, the health and safety of each student are important, especially students with food allergies. Students are ONLY permitted to bring in NON-FOOD items to distribute to classmates at the end of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe at CMIT South ES.
Additionally, please note that teachers and staff are unable to participate in distributing communications/invitations or email addresses related to birthday celebrations. All planning for birthdays needs to happen outside of school so that it does not take away from the purpose of instruction.
CMIT South ES Uniform
KVS is our school's dismissal tool for car riders. All parents MUST fill out their KVS number when picking up their scholar. It is imperative that numbers are entered once you reach the car line. If your scholar is a car rider, please take time to help him or her practice memorizing his or her number as this will make the dismissal process much quicker!
Morning Arrival and Dismissal Instructions
Sign Up to Volunteer
In November 2020, PGCPS launched an online volunteer application and approval process. Click here for more information on becoming a volunteer and to access the application.
Important Forms to Complete
We are going digital!!! Don't forget to complete your Emergency Contact and Pick List, Student Publicity Release Form, and Parent Compact form for each of your scholars.
Attendance in school each day is important. Let’s stay in school.
In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student no later than three (3) days after return to school. The note should include:
- date(s) of absence
- scholar’s name
- Reason for absence
Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an excused absence. Please review Administrative Procedure 5113 AP 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy for further information.
Students who are absent for ten consecutive days will be withdrawn on the 11th day and will need to re-enroll.
Lawful Absences
Students enrolled in public schools are considered lawfully absent from school for any portion of the day, only under the following conditions:
- Death of a family member
- Illness of the student
- Court appearance
- Work approved or sponsored by a school
- Observance of a religious holiday
- State of emergency
- Suspension from school
- Mental Health (Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence
- in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs.
- Other emergencies
- Deployment-related absences
Unlawful Absences
Unlawful absence – any time a student does not attend school that does not qualify as the above-listed reasons for a lawful absence.
Scholars will be officially tardy if they are not in the building at 8:05 a.m.
If your scholar enters the building after the 8:05 a.m. bell, a parent must escort them into the building and electronically sign them in the late arrival portal. Scholars will be given an orange tardy slip to be permitted to class.
Parents of students who have 10 or more tardies in a semester will be required to meet with the principal/designee to discuss the reasons for the tardies and to develop a plan for improvement.
Cafeteria Updates
School Meals
2024-25 School Year Meal Prices
Elementary (Pre-K through Grade 5)
Breakfast: $1.60/day
Lunch: $2.75/day
How to Pay
MySchoolBucks, owned and operated by Heartland Payment Systems, is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, make tuition payments for Before and After School Extended Learning programs, and receive email notifications for low-account balances. With MySchoolBucks, payments can be made 24/7 using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, credit or debit card, and mobile app.
Principal Lunch Account
ALL breakfast,lunch, and Principal lunch payments should be made via www.myschoolbucks.com.
All money comes/goes to 1 account (child's). All that is needed to set up account (if not done) is
students lunch pin or student id.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
We encourage all families to consider applying for free and reduced-price meals! Visit www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict to apply online today!
To apply, you will need:
- The name, school, and grade of your school-age children
- The name of all adults living in the home
- Income information for all adults living in the home
- Student ID Numbers for your school-age children
Applications will also be sent home with students the first week of school. Applications are available at all PGCPS schools and can be submitted at any time.
Portable Electronic Policy
(Administrative Procedure 5132)
Parent Handbook
As we get ready to embark on the new school year, please take some time to review the parent handbook as a family. Learn more about policies and procedures at CMIT South ES and contribute to, and promote a positive school culture.
Counselor's Corner
Moving forward, I will continue meeting with the Kindergarteners and begin working with other grade levels as well.
Math Department Updates
Grade Level Updates
Grade Level Blurb:
It was great to see and learn about all the different STEM Careers that our scholars researched. Students started testing this week on i-Ready. Testing will continue for the next two weeks. This upcoming week, Dibels testing will take place for our Kindergarten scholars, so please read the schedule to know when your scholar’s class is going to be tested. Our hope is to have your scholar be well rested and have a good breakfast in the morning. Ms. Windsor’s Class will be tested on Tuesday. Dr. Hughes’s Class will be tested on Wednesday. Ms. Herbert’s Class will be tested on Thursday. Ms. Lewis’s Class will be tested on Friday. The week after that will be MAP testing. With three weeks of back to back testing going on homework packets will not be given this upcoming week. Instead, please have your scholar utilize the online resource of Clever. Through Clever you can access other resources such as IXL, Lexia and i-Ready to help your scholar further their understanding of topics taught in class.
Important Dates:
January 20: No School
January 21-24: Dibels Testing
January 24: End of 2nd Quarter & Payment through myschoolbucks for the Field Trip due
January 27: 3hr early Dismissal
January 28-29: MAP Testing
February 7: MD Science Center Field trip
February 14: Make up snow day: School Open
Reading Updates:
UNIT 2- Week 5: Run, Jump and Swim
Essential Question: How do some living things make what they need?
Phonological Awareness: Initial and Final Sounds; Segment and Blend Phonemes
Blend and Segment: Onset and Rime
Phonics: Short /e/ middle sound and Letters W and Y
High-frequency words: go, from, yellow
Spelling words found in weekly readings: swim, push, climb, and carry
Unit Vocabulary: grow, need, share, depend
Learning Goals:
Learn what a persuasive text is
Understand Informational Text Structure
Find details in a text
Capitalization for the beginning of a sentence
Adjectives preposition and Verbs
Rhyming Sort
Math Updates:
Topic 6: Understanding Addition
Essential Understanding: What types of situations involve addition?
Show numbers in many way
Express smaller parts of a bigger number with actions
Represent addition as putting to or more numbers together
Practice using an addition equation
Vocabulary: plus, addition, equal sign, altogether, in all, patterns
Science Updates:
Essential Question: How can I describe the sun?
Learn how the sun moves in the sky
Describe how the sun keeps things/people warm
Designing structure to keep animals cool and protected
Observe the sun
Vocabulary: star
Social Studies Updates:
Chapter 3 lesson 1: Why People Work
Essential Question- How have jobs changed over time?
Understand why people work
Look into the difference between need and want
Analyze cost and benefits
Vocabulary: work, job, need, want, cost, benefit
Health Updates:
January Topic: My Body is Special
Demonstrate respect for different types of bodies
Encourage self confidence by discovering one’s own special qualities and talents.
Describe basic routines necessary to keep one’s “special” body healthy and safe.
Explain why it is important to tell a trusted adult about situations involving personal safety.
1st Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable holiday break! We are in the thick of testing season while also wrapping up quarter 2. Please be sure to monitor Synergy for grading updates
Mrs. Brown Taylor's Digital Agenda
1. A new spelling packet will be given on Tuesday, January 21st and will be extended to Friday January 31st due to testing.
2. All first grade students will participate in DIBELS during the week of January 21st-January 24th.
3. MAP testing will begin on Wednesday, January 29th and finish (with the exception of any make-up testing) on Thursday, January 30th.
1. Resources are available on CANVAS! Check for extra practice and review!
2. The weather has changed DRASTICALLY. Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing in order to participate in outdoor recess.
Reading Updates:
This week, in reading, we will be reading dramas. Many were exposed to dramas this last week and really enjoyed practicing reading different parts. They will evaluate the elements of Drama, or plays. Important concepts- setting, characters, plot, dialogue.
Phonics- Our words this week follow the VCe pattern with long /i/.
Math Updates:
Students have begun working through topic 5. In this topic, students are diving deeper into addition and subtraction, problem solving, and critical thinking.
Science Updates:
We are beginning our chapter on the sky and Earth. Students will make observation of the sky, explain patterns, and discuss how the sky changes during certain weathers and seasons.
Social Studies Updates:
We are actively working through our unit on the geography of our community. Some tricky vocabulary to review at home: relative location (gives an approximate location- Our school is near the middle/high school), absolute location (gives and exact location- 9601 Fallard Terrace, Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772). Consider practicing your absolute location by teaching your scholar your home address! In addition, please consider talking about the parts of a map; specifically the key/legend and cardinal directions!
Health Updates:
This month we are learning about medicines and how to be safe with medicines.
2nd Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Testing season is upon us. Scholars will be taking MAP Growth test this week. Please check class dojo to see what day your scholar will be taking their DIBELS Assessment. Thank you for your partnership ensuring that Stem Fair Projects were submitted on time.
Reading Updates:
We are entering week 5 of our second unit this story will be an Informational Text.
Math Updates:
Scholars are finishing up Topic 4 and will be preparing to demonstrate their knowledge on their Topic Assessment.
Social Studies Updates:
Communities and resources will be the next topic covered
Science Updates:
Scholars will be learning about Earth's Surface
Health Updates:
The next unit is health is Growth and Development how the bodies changes.
3rd Grade
Grade Level Updates:
It is getting cooler outside. Please make sure your child has at least one outdoor coat for recess and dismissal. Thank you for your understanding!
Important Assessment Notice: Students will be taking the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment from January 22-24, 2025. The assessment will cover:
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Science
Please ensure your students are well-rested and prepared for these important assessments. If you have any questions about the testing schedule or requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Reading Updates:
We have started Unit 2, Week 1! This unit addresses fiction and nonfiction text that discusses plants and animals, and this week’s lesson focuses on texts addressing patterns in nature. We also worked on V/CV and VC/V words, and we reviewed concepts from the last week of Unit 1!
Math Updates:
Students have been working on problem solving division with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10! Additionally, they have been working on using the properties of multiplication (associative, commutative, and distributive) to problem solve with the numbers 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8!
Science Updates:
Students have been learning about electricity and magnetism! They are learning about how electricity and magnetism are related, as well as the cause and effect relationship between the two!
Social Studies Updates:
Ms. Madison and Mrs. Flores’s classes just finished Chapter 1! Ms. Howard and Ms. Hendy’s classes have started Chapter 2 (economics)!
Health Updates:
Students have been introduced to our unit on the food we eat! Specifically, all classes learned about how food gives us energy, and what counts as healthy eating.
4th Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Happy New Year Tiger Family,
Welcome back Tigers!! I hope that everyone had a joyous and wonderful holiday break. Also we were fortunate to have our first big snow of the year and we are hopeful that your scholar was able to go out and make memories. Although we were closed for snow the second quarter is quickly being brought to a close. We will have midyear diagnostic testing in i-Ready and MAP in the upcoming weeks. After we conclude all diagnostic testing we will send updated data home to families. Please continue to read to get updates and important information from Fourth Grade.
Thank you for your continuing support and partnership.
Warm regards,
4th Grade Team
i-Ready is a computer based math and reading program that is available for all of our scholars. Scholars have completed their diagnostics and are working on programs based on their areas of need. If scholars have access to a computer at home, we recommend that your scholar is getting at least 45 minutes of practice a week in both reading and math. Please encourage your child to complete lessons and ensure they complete the lessons independently to accurately improve their skills. i-Ready is accessed through clever.pgcps.org, and scholars will use their PGCPS logins to access the program.
Important Upcoming Dates:
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Schools and Offices Closed
January 22 - PTO meeting 6 p.m.
January 24 - End of Second Quarter (46 days)
January 27 - Grading & Reporting Day for Teachers – 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Student
Mid-Year Diagnostics:
Winter MAP Growth Diagnostics January 22- January 24, 2025 (Reading, Math, Science)
We are a uniform school. Students must be in the proper uniform each and every day. Students are expected to have mostly black shoes. They may wear a navy blue or school logo jacket or pullover during class. Students will be asked to remove any jacket or sweater that is not following the uniform policy.
Fourth Grade Reminders:
This is a friendly reminder that late work is only accepted if a student has an excused absence! If a scholar is absent and does not bring a note they will earn a 0 on the assignment that was missed. Please read the reminders to ensure that you are partnering with your scholars to make them successful for school. If a scholar leaves early or arrives late to school and it is not excused they will earn a 0 for all work that is not completed.
If your scholar is absent, please share a note with the homeroom teacher and attendance managers within 3 days of your scholar returning back to school. In order for students to receive make-up work you must provide a note stating; the student’s name, the date of absence, and reason for absence. Work is provided to students upon their return to school with an absence note.
Students must bring their agenda book each day. Teachers will note the agenda book and it should be signed nightly by the adult at home.
Please allow up to 48 business hours for all responses to emails and Classdojo messages. Teachers are not actively monitoring their emails during the day because we are engaged in instruction. Emails are not monitored over the weekend or in the evening hours when teachers have gone home. If the message sent relates to dismissal changes please call the school directly to leave a message with the front office.
Please check Synergy weekly to see scholar’s updated grades. Canvas is a Learning Management System in which scholars utilize to complete assignments and get access to materials.The grades provided in Synergy are those that will be used to calculate progress reports and report cards.
Parent Teacher Conferences:
Conferences with teachers are available with families as needed. Please reach out to the homeroom teacher about scheduling a parent teacher conference.
Scholastic Book Club Ordering:
This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You’ll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child’s reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.
Plus place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).
Family Order Due Date: 01/27/2025
Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/MF27J
Shop Flyers: https://clubs.scholastic.com/all-flyers
Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the joy of reading when you share our class page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping me earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.
Thanks so much for your support!
Reading Updates:
This Week: We are still exploring Unit 2 “Adaptations” by reading a collection of poems and prose called “Butterfly Eyes.” In these collected works students will learn about how different living things depend on one another along a meadow. As students are reading this text they will continue to monitor their inner conversations to gather deeper meaning about the poems that they read. Poetry tends to use a lot of figurative language and sensory details to help the reader create a picture in their minds. Students also created their own free verse poem.
Next Week: We will work on the skill of synthesizing by reading two texts about two different animals that live in Australia. Synthesizing is where we combine information that was learned from two different texts to support one main idea. As students are reading the text we will work on the skill determining the main idea across two different texts. Students will
Math Updates:
This week we will completed the Winter I-Ready diagnostic test. This week we also began exploring Topic 3, Topic 3 will focus on the Use of strategies and properties to multiply by 1-digit numbers. By the end of the Topic students should be able to multiply whole numbers by multiples of 10, 100, 1,000.
Please check Synergy ParentVue and Canvas with your scholar to ensure the completion of assignments.
Science Updates:
This week students submitted their STEM FAIR Projects board and video. Students began presenting their STEM FAIR presentations.
Please check Synergy ParentVue and Canvas with your scholar to ensure completion of assignments
Social Studies Updates:
This week: Students analyzed and explained how the United States emerged as one of the world's most powerful nations following the Civil War, focusing on key factors such as economic growth, industrialization, political changes, and the expansion of American influence both domestically and internationally.
Next week: Students will read about the continuity and changes that the United States faces in the 21st century, and be able to explain the key factors contributing to these changes while identifying aspects of continuity that persist in various aspects of American society, politics, and economy.
Health Updates:
In health we are learning about our Mouths and keeping our Teeth Healthy and clean.
5th Grade
Grade Level Blurb
Happy New Year! We are delighted to announce that Mrs. Mitchell is joining our 5th-grade team as the Reading/English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher for Sections 53 and 54. Please join us in giving her a warm welcome!
Second Quarter Final Push: As we enter the final week of the second quarter, we encourage all students to finish strong! To support their success:
- Students had dedicated work time on Friday, January 17th to complete outstanding assignments
- Another completion opportunity will be available on Tuesday, January 21st
- Please review your child's current grades and assignments in the Synergy ParentVue
- Encourage your child to communicate with their teachers if they need additional support
Important Assessment Notice: Students will be taking the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment from January 22-24, 2025. The assessment will cover:
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Science
Please ensure your students are well-rested and prepared for these important assessments. If you have any questions about the testing schedule or requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Reading Updates:
Required materials and resources
Reading book: MyView literacy 5.1 and IXL and I-Ready accessed through Clever.com
Key concepts being covered
Learning more about observations by understanding point of view in realistic fiction.
Spelling words with r-Controlled vowels
Spelling Words
Armada, Conserve, Guitar, Proportion, Internal, Category, Vertical, Partition, Conform, Guardian, External, Cardinal, Excursions, Injury, Majority, Turbulent, Quarter, Harmony, Vertex, Minority
Support materials
IXL and I-Ready accessed through Clever.com
Math Updates:
This month, students are learning and practicing different strategies for division. Please encourage your child to practice these skills at home and to complete assignments independently. These habits help build their confidence and critical thinking.
Science Updates:
In science, we are learning about Earth’s water systems and some fascinating facts. For instance, did you know that 97.5% of Earth’s water is saltwater, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water? Students are exploring the importance of Earth’s water and how it shapes our daily lives.
Social Studies
What I learned this week:
Chapter 3 Lesson reviews: Lessons 1- Lesson 4
Chapter 3 Assessment
Upcoming lessons and assignments
Chapter 4: Life in the colonies
Lesson opener, What role does Geography (location) play in where you choose to live?
Required materials and resources
Social Studies book, IXL through Clever.com
Key concepts being covered
What does it take to build a new society?
Support materials
IXL and I-Ready
Health Updates:
We’re exploring healthy food options, and students had an exciting challenge to create a pizza that uses all the food groups. This fun activity helped them learn about balanced diets and sparked their creativity!
Maker’s Lab
This week in our Makers Lab, students conducted an exciting experiment to explore how Alka-Seltzer affects water. Using a test tube and a mason jar, they observed the reaction of the Alka-Seltzer tablet as it dissolved in water. In the test tube, the reaction occurred quickly, creating bubbles and causing the water to bubble up due to the release of gas. In contrast, when the same reaction was performed in the mason jar, the larger volume of water allowed the gas to disperse more slowly, and the bubbles were more contained, creating a different visual effect. Students compared and contrasted these reactions, noting how the size and shape of the container influenced the speed and intensity of the reaction. It was a fun and informative hands-on experience that encouraged scientific observation and inquiry.
Grade Level Syllabus
This year, we have made it more convenient to see what your scholar will be learning at CMIT South ES. Please choose the appropriate grade level and scan the QR code for each subject to learn more!
• Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 2:25 p.m.
• Grades: K-5
• Uniform: Yes
• Before After School Enrichment: Yes
• School Colors: Hunter Green, Navy Blue
• School Mascot: "Roary" the Tiger
• School Website: http://www.cmitsouthes.org
For more information
Quick Links
🐾January 19, 2025🐾
CMITs offer high tech, STEAM education to all our Prince George’s County students grades K-5!
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.