Stowe Newsletter 4/7/24
Spring Break - April 15-19
We have a full week of school left before district spring break, April 15-19! Students return to school on Monday, April 22nd.
Through using ID Code 15000024.
YBPay takes card. Online ordering is open until 11:59PM tomorrow.
Cash or check (made out to Stowe Elementary) must be brought in TOMORROW.
Physical orders will be accepted at school until 3PM tomorrow.
Family Climate Survey
We are asking all parents/guardians to fill out our school climate survey. Your input is extremely valuable to us and provides schools with a comprehensive understanding of how families perceive school climate. Visit to fill out the survey.
This information will be used to inform school and district plans to make improvements. The survey is anonymous and voluntary and you do not have to provide your name and have the option to select “Prefer not to answer” on all items including demographic information.
Our school district is also asking students in grades 3-12 to participate in a similar survey called the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) School Climate Survey. The elementary version consists of 11 items and the secondary version consists of 36 items.
Schools will be administering the survey beginning the week of April 1.
If you do NOT want your student to take the survey please fill out the opt-out form, once for each student: OPT OUT QR CODE:
If you would like to review the survey in advance please contact:
Michaela Sperl, SEB MTSS Coordinator
218-336-8965 ext. 3174
Johnson Family Benefit Dinner - April 21st
There will be a fundraiser benefiting one of our beloved Stowe families/students on April 21st at Buffalo House.
From event organizer Mike Letica:
We will be having a fundraiser for the Johnson family, who lost everything in a house fire. The prognosis for their health is looking good, but they have to start their lives from scratch! Wendy Eckenberg Brennan will be hosting the event at the Buffalo House event center. It will be from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday, April 21st. Brittny Whiffen, Brittany Nicole Lesner with my help are organizing the event. Darin Schuman & Patti Schuman will be providing the entertainment with their band "AfterShock". The Duluth Police Chief and Fire Chief have offered very cool items for the silent auction plus so many local businesses will be supplying items to bid on as well. We will update everyone on the new items as they come in for the auction as well. There will be a spaghetti dinner for $10/ticket. We will have face painting and other family type things. There will be games to win prizes, etc.. We are in the process of finalizing a flyer for the event and will post that very soon. If you would like to donate any items for the silent auction, we would greatly appreciate it. This will be a great community event!!!
Tickets can be bought at the door or purchased online at:
Stowe Booster Fundraiser - THANK YOU!
Stowe Families, thank you so much for all that you did to support our fundraising efforts over the last two week. Even with all the snow day interruptions we were able to raise over $6,400 for our school!
Throughout the fundraiser we enjoyed cupcakes, donuts, prizes and getting to pie the administration in the face! We truly appreciate all the effort our families put into making this a success!
Our Glow Dance Party to celebrate the fundraiser will be on Monday!
ECFE Registration - Begins April 1
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) recognizes that parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. ECFE offers parents hands-on learning experiences and parenting discussions that will nourish a lifetime of teachable moments. ALL families are welcome.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes meet once a week. We offer classes at various times and at 4 different locations across Duluth. Together, parents and children, participate in activities and experiences that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and language skills. All ECFE classes are taught by licensed early childhood teachers and parent educators to provide the quality education parents are looking for. ECFE teachers use the Parent Education Core Curriculum Framework and Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards provided through the Minnesota Department of Education.
What We've Been Up To...
Kindergarten Peep Houses
Mrs. Eaton's class celebrated spring by creating houses for their peeps!
DPD at KeyZone
Duluth Police Department visited our KeyZone during career week! Thank you for dedicating your time to Stowe and our community!
5th Grade at STARBASE
5th Grade headed to STARBASE every day this week for their annual trip. STARBASE is finding the next generation of leaders in science, technology, engineering and math fields. By providing area youth with innovative, hands-on, free education opportunities in STEM subjects, STARBASE helps students envision a future in STEM!
Community Activities....
April Community Connection Events at the Depot
There’s more info about:
- Upcoming youth and family events like The Depot STEAM Festival and Every Child Ready.
- National Train Day! It’s train fun throughout The Depot.
- The Ballet is keeping busy by offering dance focused and delicious events in Studio 4.
- Plus more for kids and teens, and history buffs, jazz enthusiasts, gardeners, and jigsaw puzzlers!
There’s something for everyone this spring at The Depot!
Summer Programming
GND Rec Boys & Girls Club Programming
Summer KeyZone Programming
Program Date: June 17 – August 16, 2024
No program on June 19, July 4, and July 5
Site Locations: Congdon, Homecroft, and Laura MacArthur Schools
Cost: $35 non-refundable registration fee. $47/day fee
Grades: Youth who have completed kindergarten to completed 5th grade
Program Details: Must register for at least 18 days during the summer. Please be sure to have your child's current medical information and immunization records available when registering. If you do not immunize your child, please contact the program director at for a form that must be filled out and notarized prior to start date. Childcare assistance is accepted at K.E.Y. Zone.
Registration Closes: May 31, 2024
Click HERE to learn how to set up your YMCA account!
Already a member-- log in using your preexisting account, we suggest giving this a try to make sure you know your login before the 22nd!
We are here to help make the registration process as simple as possible.
If you have questions about creating your account or registration contact Kelly Stein, Director of Fiscal Operations at 218-722-4745 x140 or email
If you have questions about the program and financial assistance contact Kate Corbett, Out of School Time Director at 218-722-4745 x124 or email
Looking for care when KEY Zone is not open? Here are a few of your options:
- FUN DAYS at the YMCA at the Essentia Wellness Center from June 10 – 14 and August 26 – 20. Registration opens on March 22.
- STEM Camp at the Community Services Branch located at the Harbor Highland’s Community Center from August 19 – 23. Registration opens on March 22.
- Art Camp at Downtown Duluth YMCA from August 19 – 23. Registration opens on March 22.
- YMCA Day Camp from June 17 – August 23 at 3 different locations. Registration is already open, use the links below to reserve your spots today! Childcare assistance is accepted at the YMCA Day Camp.
Space is limited at all KEY Zone locations and for the camps so please register early to secure your spot.
YMCA Summer Day Camp Programming
4H Arts Camps
Reminders Found in Every Newsletter....
Building Security & School Hours
Parents are required to check in at the main office when arriving at the building. Similar to last year, parents and other visitors will not be allowed inside the building except for special situations or events. In these situations, a sticker visitor badge will be given to you from the office.
We practice a hand-to-hand exchange at the elementary level. If your student is arriving late or is being picked up early, an adult must come into the building with them and sign them out in the office.
School Day Hours
7:30am - Students should not arrive before this time
7:30am - Students are allowed in the building. Parent drop offs head to the main entrance (following Thanksgiving break). Bussed students continue to enter through Door I.
7:45am - Start of the school day.
2:15pm - End of the school day. Students must be on buses or picked up by 2:25.
Information on Tardy and Unexcused:
Students need to be in their classrooms by 7:45.
Students who arrive at their classroom from 7:50 and beyond will be marked tardy.
After so many tardies, unexcused or excessive absences, attendance letters will be mailed out.
A phone call goes to families at 8:45 if attendance has not been reported to the office. Please understand that this is for the safety of your child and for us to know where they are.
April 15-19: NO SCHOOL - Spring Recess
May 3: EE Fair
May 10: Spring Music Concerts (During School Hours)
May 27: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 4: 5th Grade Graduation (During School Hours), End of Year Picnic (After School Hours)
Stowe Apparels
The online apparel store is OPEN! Order your Bulldog gear at the link below. We are partnering with DSP on Demand and gear is shipped directly to your house.
**Please note - orders are placed through DSP on Demand. If you have questions on shipping, sizes, orders, or anything else, please contact them through their website.**
About Us
Nathan Anderson, Principal
Kallie Riker, Administrative Assistant
Location: 715 101st Avenue West, Duluth, MN, USA
Phone: 218.336.8965