Goodbye January, Hello February💙
February, 2025

Goodbye January, Hello February🖤
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”—Barack Obama
District Goals
The following District Goals were established in collaboration with the Lawnside Board of Education members at the Board Retreat on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
Goal #1: English Language Arts
By June 2025, 25% of students will show proficiency of grade level standards by achieving a score of "Meets Expectations" as measured by the LinkIt Benchmark assessment.
Goal #2: Social Emotional Learning
90% of the staff will utilize the PBSIS goal of a 3:1 ratio of positive student staff interaction for every one corrective action as documented through Class DoJo and teacher observations/walkthroughs.
Goal #3: Math
By June 2025, 11.4% of students will show proficiency of grade level standards by achieving a score of "Meets Expectations" as measured by the Linkit Benchmark assessment.
Goal #4: Writing
50 % of students will achieve a proficient score, "3" for grades 3-8 and a "2" for grades K-2, as measured by a common rubric by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Lawnside School District is to educate our students, through mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), to become independent thinkers and problem solvers so they will be empowered to meet the challenges of and achieve success in tomorrow’s emerging world community.
The educational community will provide a safe, nurturing environment in which individual and civic responsibility is fostered and diversity is respected.
🖤Upcoming Events🖤
Feb. 11th- Parent/Teacher Conferences 2pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm
Feb. 13th- Board Meeting @ 7pm
Feb.13th- Valentines Day Dance
Feb. 14th- School Closed
Feb. 17th- Presidents Day- SCHOOL CLOSED
Feb. 27th- Black History Month, "Our History: Roots, Achievements, and Horizons," at 6pm
Feb. 28th- Pre-K Presents "Blacks in Wax" Museum
Feburary Calendar
Lawnside Leopard Cheerleaders: Valentines Day Sale!
🖤January's Legendary Leopard🖤
Pre-K-2: Za'liyah Rivera
“Zaliyah is a prime example of what it means to ‘really want it.’ Despite how difficult a task may be she applies herself and takes feedback with a positive attitude which is displayed in the growth she has made.” - Ms. Gibson
3-5: Luis Casada
“Luis is always working his hardest in class. He never gives up even when the work is hard for him. He is always respectful to his classmates and teachers. He is always kind and helpful to everyone around him. He is a great example of ROARS in 5th grade!” - Ms. Hennell
Middle School: Journey Wilson
“In class, Journey is always organized and prepared. Yesterday, when a situation arose in class, she continued doing what was assigned, ignoring what was happening around her.” - Mr. KJ“In class, Journey is always organized and prepared. Yesterday, when a situation arose in class, she continued doing what was assigned, ignoring what was happening around her.” - Mr. KJ
🖤January's Staff Member of the Month🖤
Congratulations! Mrs. Miller
🖤Message From The Superintendent🖤
The celebration of Black history is not merely a month-long observance, but a vital recognition of the sacrifices made throughout this country’s history. It represents an acknowledgment of triumph over adversity, of resilience in the face of systemic oppression, and of contributions that have fundamentally shaped our world's cultural, scientific, and social landscape.
When we celebrate Black history, we celebrate human achievement. From the revolutionary mathematical calculations of Katherine Johnson that helped launch humanity into space, to the literary works of Dr. Maya Angelou that expanded our understanding of identity and belonging, to the groundbreaking medical advances of Dr. Charles Drew that continue to save countless lives through blood banking – these achievements transcend racial boundaries while simultaneously highlighting the unique perspectives and experiences that emerge from the Black experience.
However, celebrating Black history serves an even deeper purpose: it challenges us to confront uncomfortable truths about our past while inspiring hope for our future. It reminds us that progress, though often painful and slow, is possible through collective action and unwavering commitment to justice. The civil rights movement, for instance, demonstrates how determined individuals, working together, can transform systems of inequality.
Moreover, this celebration helps correct historical narratives that have too often minimized or excluded Black voices and experiences. By highlighting Black excellence, innovation, and leadership throughout history, we provide crucial role models for young people of all backgrounds. We demonstrate that greatness knows no color, that contribution comes in all forms, and that diversity strengthens rather than diminishes our collective potential.
The importance of celebrating Black history extends beyond recognition of past achievements – it serves as a catalyst for ongoing dialogue about equity, inclusion, and justice. It reminds us that the struggle for true equality continues, and that we all have a role to play in building a more just and inclusive society. This celebration challenges us to examine our own biases, to actively work against systemic racism, and to ensure that future chapters of history reflect the full measure of human dignity and potential.
As we celebrate Black history, this is our opportunity to acknowledge the contributions, struggles, triumphs, and ongoing journey of Black individuals and communities. By celebrating Black history, we affirm our commitment to truth, justice, and the recognition that our diversity is indeed our strength.
🖤Curriculum Department🖤
Early Childhood Advisory Council Meeting (Preschool)
On February 11, 2025 at 5:00pm there will be an Early Childhood Advisory Council meeting in the Media Center. We need families, community members, and stakeholders to join us in helping a promising future for our youngest students. Please contact Mrs. Miller for additional questions via email or phone.
Email: amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Phone: 856-546-4850 ext: 2247
🖤Department of Special Services🖤
Annual Review Season 24/25
Dear Guardian/Parent,
The Department of Special Services is in the process of preparing for Annual Reviews. An IEP annual review is a mandatory meeting held once a year to evaluate a student's progress on their Individualized Education Program (IEP), review the effectiveness of their current educational plan, and make necessary adjustments based on their current needs, including setting new goals and updating services, with input from parents and the IEP team. Meetings will be scheduled during the months of February, March, and April. If you are unable to keep your scheduled meeting time please communicate with Dr. Henderson, Ms. Harper, or Ms. Harris and we will reschedule for a time that is convenient for you.
Dr. Henderson
Director of Special Services
🖤Contact Us🖤
Ms. Darlene Still, Board President- dstill@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Ronn Johnson, Superintendent- ronnjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Jenifer Johnson, School Business Administrator-jjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mr. Mark Gordon, Assistant School Business Administrator- mgordon@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Alyssa Miller, Director of Curriculum & Instruction- amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Carmen Henderson, Director of Special Services- chenderson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Niphon Kirk, Assistant Principal- nkirk@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. ShaNell Wilson, Technology Coordinator- swilson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” —Malcolm X