What's Up Westside
January 17, 2025
Month At A Glance
- January 18: Black College Expo (Rainier Beach HS, 10am–3pm, Register Now)
- January 20: MLK Jr. Day—NO SCHOOL
- January 22: 2025–2026 Course Registration Due (via The Source)
- January 23: Understanding Our School Funding Crisis and Doing Something About It (WSHS Theater, 6–8pm)
- January 24: Deadline to Request Semester 2 Schedule Changes
- January 24: Deadline to Request AP Exam Accommodations
- January 25: Saturday Study Hall (WSHS Library, 9am–12pm)
- January 27–28: Semester 1 Finals
- January 30: Incoming Student Open House (WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm)
- January 31: Senior Shout-Out Due
PTSA Presents
Understanding Our School Funding Crisis and Doing Something About It
Thursday, January 23, WSHS Theater, 6–8pm
The WSHS PTSA is hosting an teach-in for families that will include an overview of how Seattle Public Schools are funded, where that funding fails to meet Washington State’s constitutional obligations, and what our community can do to help create sufficient and consistent sources of public school funding.
Childcare is available! Please register for childcare by emailing legislative@wshsptsa.org.
For WSHS Families
Incoming Student Open House
Thursday, January 30, WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm
Incoming students and their families are invited to meet our staff, visit with each of our academic departments, learn about clubs and sports, and tour the school.
"Year of the Snake" 2025 Lunar New Year Celebration
Friday, February 7, WSHS Theater and Commons, 7–8:30pm
All are invited to our 2nd Annual Lunar New Year Celebration! Join the AAPI Club & Chinese Program for an all-ages community celebration to welcome the Year of the Snake. Experience Lunar New Year traditions, enjoy delicious Asian food, and try your luck at fun challenges and trivia to win prizes. This year’s program will feature student performances of traditional music, bamboo and lion dancing, as well as a student panel sharing how this global holiday is celebrated in our WSHS school community. We’ve got big plans for this year’s event with games, activities, and a photo booth to capture memories, so be sure not to miss out!
Admission is free and open to all WSHS families thanks to a generous grant from the WSHS PTSA. We are in need of adult volunteers to support the student-led organizing committee, so please reach out via the AAPI Club Instagram @wshs.aapi if you want to help!
Screenagers: Under the Influence
Wednesday February 26, WSHS Theater, 6pm
Westside HEY invites you to join our community in watching this film that examines the impact of our digital age on teens' decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol. Stay afterward to meet Seattle Public Schools prevention and intervention professionals. Popcorn and light refreshments provided. Please fill out this form if you intend on using the free childcare provided. Questions? Contact Amie DeWolf.
Save the Date for the West Seattle 5K
Sunday, May 18
The West Seattle 5K Run/Walk is an annual fundraiser benefiting educational programming at West Seattle High School. Visit the West Seattle 5K website to learn about the event.
We are currently forming a committee to help plan this year’s event with co-chairs Kelley O’Connor and Athena Frederick. Interested? Please email westseattle5k@westseattle5k.com.
Want to sponsor the event? Contact the event co-chairs at westseattle5k@westseattle5k.com.
Volunteer Opportunity
Chaperone the Winter Formal Dance
Saturday, February 1, Seattle Design Center, 8–11pm, Sign Up
ASB is asking for parent volunteers to chaperone the Winter Formal dance. Choose from two short shifts.
Student Life
2025–2026 Course Registration
Due Wednesday, January 22, via The Source
Course registration for the 2025–2026 school year is underway! Last week, students received their academic history and graduation checklist, which help determine which credits they still need to fulfill graduation requirements. This week, students received their grade-level Option Sheets during advisory and began considering courses. Online Registration is now open via The Source. Students access the “Class Registration” tab on the left side of the screen and select their courses for the next school year. Students must complete online registration AND submit completed Option Sheets to their advisory teacher by Wednesday, January 22. Visit the school website for complete details and additional resources.
Request Semester 2 Schedule Changes
Deadline is Friday, January 24
Students needing to make corrections to their Semester 2 schedule, please complete this request form. Requests are not guaranteed. Schedules will only be changed for the following reasons:
- Course is at the wrong level (ex: student needs Algebra 1 instead of Geometry)
- Duplicate courses (ex: ceramics scheduled twice)
- Course already taken (in previous years or in summer school)
- Student is missing a course
Request Accommodations for AP Exams
Deadline is Friday, January 24
Students wanting to take an AP Exam with accommodations must work with our AP Coordinator, Amy Doll, to seek approval by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Please visit the College Board website to learn more about accommodations for students with existing 504 or IEP plans. For questions, please email Amy Doll.
Saturday Study Hall
Saturday, January 25, WSHS Library, 9am–12pm
Students, get ready for semester finals! Contact your teachers and get missing or late assignments, test corrections, and study guides then come to Saturday Study Hall. Tutors will be available for students who are currently facing academic challenges in core classes. Bring your laptop, missing work, and a desire to learn. Breakfast is provided! Questions? Email Amy Doll.
Semester Finals Schedule
Monday and Tuesday, January 27–28
Please note that we will have a special schedule for semester finals:
Class of 2025 Yearbook Deadlines
Seniors, be a part of the Kimtah Yearbook (Details and Links):
- January 23: Senior Portraits Due
- January 31: Senior Shoutout Due
Winter Formal: City Never Sleeps
Saturday, February 1, Seattle Design Center, 8–11pm, Tickets
Tickets are now on sale via SchoolPay: $30 per person; $25 with activity sticker. In person sales will begin January 21. Limit one guest per student; Guest forms are due January 29. Full details on school website.
PTSA Presents
Save Our School Libraries
As you may know, the SPS School Board is considering reducing middle- and high school librarians to half time to help close the budget gap. The WSHS PTSA believes our students deserve access to a full-time librarian. Our WSHS Library is more than just a place; it's a whole program! We encourage students and families to make your voices heard! Email Superintendent Jones (bjones@seattleschools.org) and School Board President Gina Topp (Gina.Topp@seattleschools.org) today. Tell them why the library and its programming are important to you.
WSPTA Focus on Advocacy Week
February 10–14, Subscribe to WSPTA action alerts
During this week, WSPTA will send out action alerts, focused on Top 5 issues, to members who have signed up to help by sending emails to legislators. Your voice matters!
WSPTA Student Scholarship
Application Due Thursday, February 13, Apply Now
Washington State PTA offers four $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from Washington state public high schools with an active PTA, who will be starting college (either two-year or four-year) in the fall. More information here.
WSPTA Focus On Advocacy Day 2025
Monday, February 17, Register Now
Join us for Focus Day at the State Capitol in Olympia. Come advocate to close the funding gaps and ensure financial stability for schools and other vital issues that impact students around the state! All WSPTA members are welcome. Bring your children to join in the fun! We need your stories, we need your voice, we need you!
Counseling Corner
Seniors: Scholarship Opportunities Begin Here
Thousands of scholarships are available to seniors and go unclaimed every year! Here are a few available opportunities for Seattle Public Schools students.
Black College Expo
Saturday, January 18, Rainier Beach HS, 10am–3pm, Register Now
The FREE expo is open to students of all ages. Everyone is welcome! Meet with representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), other colleges, universities and educational programs. More than 50 colleges will be there, ready to waive application fees, accept students on the spot, and award scholarships. High school juniors and seniors should bring their transcripts and ACT or SAT scores.
Seattle Gap year Fair
Tuesday, February 11, Roosevelt HS, 6–8:30pm, Register Now
Connect with gap year program providers, counselors, alumni, and college admissions representatives to learn about taking a gap year, including applying for gap year scholarships.
Seattle Promise Scholarship
Applications Due Friday, February 14, Apply Now
The Seattle Promise scholarship provides up to two years or 90 credits of tuition at one of the three Seattle Colleges. All SPS graduates from the Class of 2025 are eligible for Seattle Promise, regardless of GPA, income, or country of birth.
Book an Appointment with Your School Counselor
The WSHS Counseling Office prioritizes student meetings. Students can book an appointment with their assigned school counselor through the Counseling Center website. Parents/caregivers who would like to speak with a counselor should please email wshscounseling@seattleschools.org. Counselor assignments are as follows:
- Erica Nguyen: Last Names A–Et
- Kinsey Hedeen: Last Names Ev–Marg
- Mallory Neuman: Last Names Mari–Pig
- Christine Nutters: Last Names Pin–Z
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- January 17: Bowling vs. Ballard (West Seattle Bowl, 3pm)
- January 17: Boys Swim vs. Ballard (Ballard Pool, 4pm)
- January 17: Gymnastics Meet (Nathan Hale HS, 7pm)
- January 18: Boys Swim Invitational (Kelso HS, 9am)
- January 20: Girls Basketball vs Gig Harbor (Univ of Puget Sound, 3pm)
- January 20: Boys Basketball vs. Kentridge (Seattle Pacific Univ, 3pm)
- January 21: Boys Basketball vs. Eastside Catholic (Eastside Catholic HS, 7:30pm)
- January 22: Girls Bowling Metro Roll-Offs (West Seattle Bowl, 3pm)
- January 22: Wrestling vs. Cleveland (WSHS, 6pm)
- January 22: Girls Basketball vs. Eastside Catholic (Eastside Catholic HS, 6:30pm)
- January 22: Wrestling vs. Rainier Beach (WSHS, 7:30pm)
- January 24: Wrestling Tournament (Chief Sealth HS, 3:45pm)
- January 24: Boys Swim vs. Bishop Blanchet (Ballard Pool, 4pm)
- January 24: Gymnastics Meet (WSHS, 7pm)
- January 24: Girls Basketball vs. Holy Names (Holy Names HS, 7:30pm)
- January 24: Boys Basketball vs. O'Dea (O'Dea HS, 7:30pm)
Softball Skills Clinic
Sunday, February 9, SWAC Upper Field, Beginners 8:30–10 am, Advanced 10:15–11:45am
The WSHS Varsity Softball team is hosting a one-day softball skills clinic for girls ages 7–13, for only $25. Each session will cover the skills in the infield, outfield, and hitting. No pitching and catching instruction will be provided. Players, please bring your own softball equipment. Register Now!
Seattle Public Schools News
School Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, JSCEE, 4:15pm
This meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV and broadcast on television on Comcast 26. Once available, agendas and meeting materials for completed meetings will be posted to the School Board meetings archive.
Goals and Guardrails for the 2025–2030 Strategic Plan
The Seattle School Board is seeking feedback from the community on the proposed Goals and Guardrails for the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan. The Board is asking community members to confirm if these drafts reflect their vision for Seattle Public Schools students and their values. Feedback on the draft Goals and Guardrails can be submitted through the online Goal and Guardrail Feedback Form.
Community Connections
UW Youth & Teen Programs
Registration Deadline Thursday, February 20
During the spring quarter, you can enroll in after-school courses, with topics ranging from STEAM and computer-aided design to architecture and writing. Visit the Winter & Spring 2025 Courses page to see the list of programs.
Serve as a Youth Board Member of the West Seattle YMCA
Applications Due Saturday, March 1, Apply Now
High school students can apply for two youth board slots, which begin September 2025. Youth Board Members attend our local YMCA Board Meetings, learn about the Y's programs and bring a youth voice to the work.
Join the West Seattle Community Orchestras
WSCO provides community musicians of all ages and abilities with opportunities for performance and growth. WSCO currently serves about 260 musicians, including approximately 90 students. WSCO's large ensembles include the Symphony Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, Debut Orchestra, and Wind Symphony and small classes include Student Beginning Strings, Adult Beginning Strings, and Adult Beginning Band.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.