Grade 5 Graduation Week
June 14th, 2024
The Day is Finally Here!
Schedule For The Week
- Tuesday, June 18th: 8:00am Grade 5 Breakfast and Yearbook Distribution/ 9:00am Graduates Final Walk Through of PS 88Q (all classes line the hallways and cheer them on as they proceed to their classrooms)
- Thursday, June 20th: Graduation at 9:00am. All students must be present by 8:30am for line up.
- Friday, June 21st: 11:45am-2:00pm Grade 5 Dance
Graduation Protocol
Thank you to all the families who completed the Google Form for tickets. All tickets have been issued and numbered. Your tickets have your child's name on each ticket as well as a number. Upon entering, staff will be checking each guest in, and recording each ticket. Please remember to bring your tickets the day of graduation, as those without tickets will have to wait until all are seated.
Guests: Each graduate may have two guests for the ceremony. Graduates will sit together, and their guests will be seated in a designated area. Each graduate is limited to two tickets each for the ceremony. An additional 1 or 2 tickets could be requested, and those who completed the google form will receive the amount of tickets requested. Tickets are not required for siblings. If you did not complete the form, please do so. Tickets will be distributed Tuesday, June 18th at the breakfast.
Graduation Day Procedure:
Parents will begin to line up along 68th Road (outside the small school yard) Families will enter through the auditorium entrances through the small school yard.
Guests will present their tickets and check in at the table at the entrance to the small schoolyard. Staff will have the spreadsheet with the graduate’s name and guests. All guests must check in and present a ticket.
Student volunteers will escort families to their seats. Upon reaching their seats, they will receive a program for the commencement.
Students may attend school that day, or will choose to come with their families. All graduates must be present at 8:30am for line up.
Students will be called, row by row, in order by school staff to walk across the stage. and have their name called as they walk. A staff member will take the graduates picture as they cross the stage and all pictures will be shared on an this site: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jfHq6DdZExlKjWCowjdWxWTkesOffMdz?usp=drive_link
When the ceremony is over, families may take pictures with each other in our small schoolyard. Photo props and decorations will be set up.
Time Flew By So Quickly
We can't begin to tell you
Just how loved you are
We can't believe how time has flown
And how you've come so far
Forgive us when we stop and stare
And tears fall from our eyes
Time flew by so quickly
Sure took us by surprise
We flip though all your notes and cards
And pictures that you drew
Recall your quips and humor
'Unique', that's you!
There are no doubts within our minds
That you'll indeed succeed
Your future holds so much in store
But 'that smile' is all you need
You've always been so gentle,
So loving, kind and giving
Having you as our student
Is another term for 'living'
No matter where life leads you
No matter what you do
We'll always be your biggest fans
And we'll be here for you.