Otsego Junior High Newsletter
January 31, 2025
Hello Otsego Families!
Pre-sale tickets for the HS Boys Basketball games vs. Eastwood on Friday, February 7 will be on sale in the Central Office next week. Sale times are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Adult Tickets - $8
Student/62+ Tickets - $6
Checks can be made payable to Otsego BOE.
Good Luck to our Boys and Girls Basketball teams competing in the NBC Tournaments beginning Saturday February 1st! ****See brackets below for times and locations****
******Current 7th grade parents********
Please register for the Washington DC trip if you interested and haven't registered yet your student. The deadline has been extended through next week.
If you need to reach the counselor please do so through, jhcounselor@otsegoknights.org, or call the office.
Check out our new "Weekly Athletic Schedule" button below.
Please familiarize yourself with the Homework Calendar located on our website. I have enclosed a link below for quick reference. This is the location where homework/classwork will be posted for you to view.
Here is the link to our Homework Calendar:
Non-emergency/crisis Referral Form
If you have an emergency/crisis school situation and need to speak to someone at the school please call the office at 419-823-4381 ext. 3100
January Students of the Month
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Incoming 9th Grade Meeting
NBC Boys and Girls Basketball Tournament Brackets
2025 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
Parents of Current 7th Grade Students
It is that time already.....time to plan for the Gettysburg/Washington DC field trip for the 8th graders. I briefly spoke to all of the current 7th grade students about the possibility of attending the Washington DC trip next school year. Each of the students received a packet describing the entire trip, how to register, and general information related to the trip.
Registration is done completely online through Student Adventures. This tour company has provided us an amazing trip year after year, and continue to provide a fun safe atmosphere allowing us to visit so many amazing monuments and landmarks. Please see the attached forms for more details. Please to not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
When you register for the trip please DO NOT pay in full. I will be adding funds to each student's account to offset some of the cost of the trip. I can not apply fundraising money towards student accounts until students are registered, usually around August.
2024 Quality Profile
Please take a look at our district's Quality Profile that highlights many of the great things that happened over the past year! We are proud to showcase all of the wonderful things our district has to offer!
Updated attendance rules
Otsego Food Pantry Volunteer Opportunity
Counselor Corner
For the foreseeable future if you have any questions or concerns for our counselor, please do so through this email, jhcounselor@otsegoknights.org,
or call the office.
Supporting your Child at Home
Helpful Links
Parent/Guardian Needs Assessment
Student-Self ReferralNational Girls and Women in Sports Day at BGSU
National Girls and Women in Sports Day: Join the BGSU women’s sports team for fun activities and try different sport activities
Who is this for: Any 1st-8th grade girls interested in the event
When is the event: Saturday, February 15th, 2025
What time: 12:30pm -1:30pm
Where: Stroh Center, practice court (enter through the Schmidthorst Pavillion)
The entire event is free for the child!
Each participant will also receive a free ticket to the BGSU Women’s Basketball game vs. CMU starting at 2:00pm in the Stroh Center.
Participants may register using this link:
Questions or would you like to register a group?
Kerrie Turner, BGSU Assistant Athletics Director for Student-Athlete Services
Otsego Athletic Boosters Reverse Raffle
2024-25 Home Quiz Bowl Matches
6th grade:
January 13 @ 4 against Gibsonburg
January 27 @ 4:30 against Fostoria
February 11 @ 4 against Eastwood
7th and 8th grade:
January 9 @ 3:30 against BG Christian and Woodmore
March 5 @ 4 Final Tournament
Music Boosters Ice Cream Social
2024-25 SNAPSHOT
You can use Payschools to pay for fees and lunches online.
Quick Setup Guide:
Manage your account:
Payschools Signup Information:
Toledo Zoo Offerings
Jon Rife, Principal
Jamie Szychowski, School Counselor
419-823-4381 ext. 3006