RES Newsletter #21
A Note From Ms. C
Dear RES Community,
It has been a full few weeks here at RES and the calendar is just as packed with exciting events during this final stretch before year's end! Our classrooms were visited by a wonderful group of environmental studies students from Middlebury College who introduced us to wildlife tracking! They also installed game cameras so we can see what creatures call our RES woods home! RES also welcomed Stuart Paton from Burlington Taiko who led our classes in a weeklong introduction to Japanese culture, dance, and Taiko drumming! It was such a joy to watch our students perform with such excitement and enthusiasm! Fourth and fifth-graders were gifted their own tree thanks to the Lions Club, this past Friday as well!
Nuts n’Bolts
5/9: (5:30 - 7:30) Wall-E Movie Night!
5/13 - 17: 5th graders at KEEC
5/10: Band/Chorus rehearsal at Salisbury 12:30 - 2:30
ACSD Equity Update & Listening Circles
This fall, ACSD worked with Dr. Rebecca Eunmi Haslam to address issues of racial equity at MUMS and MUHS through a confidential study called The Listening Circles Project. Now we are extending her work to our elementary school students and staff.
The goal of the Listening Circles Project is to hear directly from students and staff about what we can do to eliminate racial harm and ensure everyone feels safe and valued at school. All students and staff at our elementary schools are invited to participate. To participate you must read and fill out this consent form (parents/guardians fill it out on behalf of their child.) Listening circles will begin at elementary schools as early as May 6, so please fill out the form as soon as possible if you want your child to participate. Parents of elementary students who participate will also have an opportunity to meet with Dr. Haslam.
As part of her work with secondary students and staff, Dr. Haslam is finalizing a report and recommendations for the ACSD administration. The elementary portion of this work will also result in a report and recommendations. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as ACSD works to make all students and staff feel safe and valued.
Movie Night and 5th Grade KEEC Fundraiser
When: Thursday, May 9th (5:30 - 7:30)
Where: RES Gym
What: Come watch WALL - E and support the 5th grade's trip to KEEC by purchasing a baked good or a bracelet!
Thank you, Maryann - our School Lunch Hero!
Garden Club
Here are the details:
Who: anyone, especially YOU! Led by Joanna Doria
What: work in our Community Garden including building raised beds, prepping soil, planting, watering, harvesting!
Where: RES Community Garden
When: Starting Monday, May 20 and ending June 14 Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 3-3:40/4pm (No meeting on Monday, May 27)
Why: endless reasons but generally, digging in the dirt is fun!
Signups will go out after break - we hope you'll join us!
Teacher appreciation week is May 6th - 10!
We extend Teacher Appreciation Week to all staff and celebrate all month long! Our teachers and staff do so much to support our students and community. You can help us recognize them! Click here to share your appreciation.
Your appreciations also help to inform our nominations for our fall Teacher & Staff of the Year awards! We share as many of these appreciations as possible (last year we received over 220!)