Tustumena Elementary Newsletter
August 19, 2020- Update on opening
Adapt and overcome
I know that is a moto of the U.S. Marines, but it feels appropriate here. If there was anyone looking forward to the kids coming to school next week more than you do, it was the Tustumena Staff. Now, it looks like we will have to be like the lower 48 and open after Labor Day. However, in the meantime, we will have school. Remote school, but still school. Our teachers are preparing packets right now for parents to pick up this Friday, August 21, for remote school to start on August 24. We will have a pick up schedule similar to last spring's pick up schedule. I will paste it below.
We knew this could happen, we were just hoping it would not. No doubt that 2020 will be a year to remember. We plan to turn it to a positive thing.
More details will be coming from your teacher.
Doug Hayman
Packet pick up schedule for Friday, August 21, 2020
Pick-Up Schedule by student LAST NAME:
10:00-10:30 Last name ending in A-D
10:30-11:00 Last name ending in E-I
11:00-11:30 Last name ending in J-M
11:30-12:00 Last name ending in N-Z
Email: dhayman@kpbsd.k12.ak.us
Website: kpbsd.k12.ak.us/tustumena
Location: 58231 Sterling Highway, Kasilof, AK, USA
Phone: 907-260-1345